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Everything posted by Groove

  1. @SeBa said in SeBas reward change: Part II: What I Want to be Removed Already removed due to inactivity Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Select what type of vehicle you'd like to have taking in mind the allowable donation vehicles only to be chosen. First vehicle: Police turismo with wrap seb123_1 at SWAT base Username: Seb123 Second vehicle: Shamal at LVAP Username: Seb123 Sorted
  2. @Axestos said in Axestos' Reward Change: Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Stuntplane Location: Z Base Vehicle 2: Picador Location: Z Base Vehicle 3: Turismo Location: Z Base Vehicle 4: Journey Location: Z Base Vehicle 5: Comet Location: Z Base Vehicle 6: Stretch Location: Z Base Vehicle 7: Caddy Location: Z Base Vehicle 8: Huntley Location: Z Base Vehicle 9: Stratum Location: Z Base ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Stuntplane Location: LS Airport Vehicle 2: Picador Location: LV Trainstation Vehicle 3: Turismo Location: LV Trainstation Vehicle 4: Journey Location: LV Trainstation Vehicle 5: Comet Location: LV Trainstation Vehicle 6: Stretch Location: LV Trainstation Vehicle 7: Caddy Location: LV Trainstation Vehicle 8: Huntley Location: LV Trainstation Vehicle 9: Stratum Location: LV Trainstation Username: lollie519 I would like to have them on this parking lot ::: ::: Sorted
  3. @Flippy10 said in Flippy's Reward Change: Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: FBI Truck Location: Las Venturas, in K-9 Security base ::: https://imgur.com/a/G7DZhvh ::: Username: flippy10 Best regards, Flippy Sorted
  4. @Tiger said in Tiger - Requesting Donator Spawn (And Vehicles): Part II: What I Want to be Removed All vehicles already removed due to inactivity. Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Kart Location: ::: !(https://imgur.com/Ap9bp6l) !(https://imgur.com/iCAnJxd) ::: Username: mrecfkinw Interior: N/A Vehicle 2: Kart Location: ::: !(https://imgur.com/iCAnJxd) !(https://imgur.com/iCAnJxd) ::: Username: mrecfkinw Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Vortex Location: ::: !(https://imgur.com/FoYCH2e) !(https://imgur.com/jtVERI9) ::: Username: mrecfkinw Interior: N/A Sorted Added mreckfinw to donator spawn
  5. You are already in donator group
  6. @AntiRug said in AntiRug's Reward Change: Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicles: Beagle / SWAT Tank Location: ETF Base in LV Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police LV with the FOX car Shader Location: Fox base (Will be shown ingame) Username: AntiRug Interior: N/A Sorted
  7. Added a picador, replaced the rc helicopter into a turismo locked to "killerask"
  8. Added a shamal locked to "STS3" in LV Your username is STS3 and not tyga20
  9. @AkyZ said in Donation: AkyZ (Amount 100.00 GBP): 1 Vehicle Type: Turismo <-- Comes with wrap Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 <-- Idk if this matters with wrap Specify any upgrades: AWD and V8. If that isn't possible ignore this, I'll then do it myself. Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: SAFP Base: https://i.imgur.com/BIVQrSc.jpg 2 Vehicle Type: Turismo <--- WRAP (Soon) Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: LA Place Business: https://i.imgur.com/4ghUIvB.jpg 3 Vehicle Type: Turismo Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: LA Place Business: https://i.imgur.com/4ghUIvB.jpg 4 Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer 3 Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: LA Place Business: https://i.imgur.com/4ghUIvB.jpg 5 Vehicle Type: Ambulance Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: LA Place Business: https://i.imgur.com/4ghUIvB.jpg 6 Vehicle Type: Kart Vehicle Colour: N/A Specify any upgrades: I dont think this one can get any upgrades lol Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: LA Place Business: https://i.imgur.com/EYd9n3S.jpg You can't enter the kart if placed here, I put it on the parking lot instead 7 Vehicle Type: Turismo Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: River Side Warehouse: https://i.imgur.com/cLFP2Ok.jpg 8 Vehicle Type: Turismo <--- Comes with wrap, when its uploaded Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 Idk if this matters with wrap Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: 9 Alpine Road: https://i.imgur.com/gbg6UHO.jpg 9 Vehicle Type: Police Vehicle Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: 9 Alpine Road: https://i.imgur.com/gbg6UHO.jpg You haven't mentioned which police vehicle so I added the common police LV (buffalo) one 10 Vehicle Type: Turismo with WRAP Vehicle Colour: #15254D / 0b1128 <-- idk if this matters with wrap Specify any upgrades: As above Usernames to lock: xicesmashx Where you want it placed: Next to LV X here: https://i.imgur.com/3P7ksoq.jpg Vehicles placement is done, wraps left to do
  10. 2 DFT-30 added to sf locked to "ferthistheking17"
  11. Added a police lv at bcpd locked to "cahek23"
  12. Use the right format: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/544/reward-changes-format You didn't mention your username for example
  13. Added 1 FBI rancher, shamal & damaged glendale locked to samuel3021 & 3m$ dollars rewarded
  14. Sorted
  15. Sorted
  16. juri ratas 20 years ago during his youth
  17. buy @Teddy a new gpu instead @AkyZ
  18. @Jizzy said in Jizzy's Reward change: Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Maverick Location: Lv red apartment complex Exact location: ::: ::: Vehicle 2: Dodo Location: same as above Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Turismo with weed wrap Location: X Base (LV) Exact location: ::: ::: Username: eliran25802 Vehicle 2: Infernus with weed wrap Location: X Base (LV) Exact location: ::: ::: Username: eliran25802 Vehicle 3: Voodoo with weed wrap Location: X Base (LV) Exact location: ::: ::: Username: eliran25802 Vehicle 4: Maverick Location: X Base (LV) Username: eliran25802 This is sorted. No suitable spot for your dodo at X base, find another location
  19. Added "xicesmashx" to donator group
  20. color & eventual upgrades pls sir
  21. @killerask said in Killerask Reward Change: Part II: What I Want to be Removed all my vehicles currently at my location at ls airport (bright steels ltd corp) https://imgur.com/hn9yobl also the heli on top Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Buffalo Vehicle 2: Hotning Racer 1 Vehicle 3: Cheetah Vehicle 4 Super GT Vehicle 5 Infernus Colour: #5d5163 Location: https://imgur.com/xQybA62 (X base) Username: killerask Vehicle 6: Maverick heli colour #5d5163 location: https://imgur.com/baMj8bm next to cars empty heli pad Username: killerask Vehicle 7 RC Raider Sorted You can not own a RC baron considering it has a weapon, please choose another vehicle
  22. Added a buffalo, a maverick, a jester and an hotring racer at LS The custom wrap is still not on the server so this hasn't been sorted yet
  23. 3m$ rewarded Added a marquis, hotring racer 3, hotring racer 1 at AA base locked to barbar761
  24. Apparently I have asked too much
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