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Posts posted by Versace

  1. alt text
    Event Number: 35
    Type of event: Type after me.
    Description: People were having a blast with the questionnaire event so to spice it up. Filex would type something on the LWS ad, and the first person to type exactly how he typed it would win.
    Prize: $1.000.000
    LWS member(s): @Filex
    Winner(s): There were quite a few people who won.
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  2. alt text
    Event Number: 34
    Type of event: Questionnaire Poll

    Description: Filex usually asks questions in the mainchat and rewards people with money. So I decided to sponsor this event, people were enjoying themselves and was a fun trivial challenge. 100k per question.
    Prize: $1.000.000
    LWS member(s): @Filex
    Winner(s): There were 10 winners.
    alt text

  3. alt text
    Event Number: 32
    Type of event: AvD
    Description: People wanted another AvD after someone else hosted, So I decided to host one right after it.
    Prize: $2.000.000 (150k each)
    LWS member(s): @KARIM
    Winner(s): Team 420

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  4. alt text
    Event Number: 29
    Type of event: AvD
    Description: AvD since people really enjoy it. And people were tired of the classic chicken or lucky events.
    Prize: $1.872.984 total ($234.123 each)
    LWS member(s): @Filex
    Winner(s): Team |885

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  5. Im not sure who suggested giving cops the ability to turf by turning the zone neutral. But I agree with that 100%

    Cops dont have much to do already. So instead of punishing them for killing in turfs, just allow them to turn zones neutral already. Obviously the ability to tase and arrest wouldnt be allowed. But it will solve a lot of suggestions Ive been seeing lately regarding cops and turfs.

  6. alt text
    Event Number: 26
    Type of event: Sniper LMS
    Description: Sniper LMS so people can enjoy themselves with some change in the monings.
    Prize: $1.111.212
    LWS member(s): @Colo
    Winner(s): @Bodo420

    alt text

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