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Posts posted by Versace

  1. alt text
    Event Number: 12
    Type of event: TDM, teams of 2
    Description: I asked people in the mainchat and a majority wanted me to host TDM which I did.
    Prize: $515,151 each ($1,030,302 total)
    LWS member(s): @Colo
    Winner(s): @Bodo420 @flora

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  2. alt text
    Event Number: 11
    Type of event: Sniper 1v1
    Description: I asked people in the mainchat and a majority wanted sniper 1v1 so I made it.
    Prize: $1,288,966
    LWS member(s): @Dexter
    Winner(s): @Rivals


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  3. alt text
    Event Number: 10
    Type of event: Sniper 1v1
    Description: Some people wanted redemption after the sniper LMS, so I made sniper 1v1 for those who wished to prove themselves.
    Prize: $1,333,444
    LWS member(s): @Filippo
    Winner(s): @koko

    P.S. Special thanks to Filippo for creating a map on the spot for the 1v1.

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  4. alt text
    Event Number: 9
    Type of event: Sniper LMS
    Description: People wanted LMS, so I decided to spice it up abit by making it sniper only.
    Prize: $1,111,555
    LWS member(s): @Filippo
    Winner(s): @Paradox

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  5. alt text
    Event Number: 8
    Type of event: Race to MC top with Infernus
    Description: I asked for votes and people wanted a race therefore I made one.
    Prize: $1,222,333
    LWS member(s): @Dexter
    Winner(s): @IceCold

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  6. alt text
    Event Number: 7
    Type of event: 1v1 Deagle
    Description: I asked the people in mainchat which they would prefer. Majority votes for 1v1 deagle and I aim to please so I hosted it.
    Prize: $1,000,000
    LWS member(s): @Colo
    Winner(s): @fenter

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  7. alt text
    Event Number: 5
    Type of event: LMS
    Description: Classic LMS at Velo's new map. I personally like that map as its a nice change.

    Prize: $1,200,000
    LWS member(s): @redlive122
    Winner(s): @Ritta

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    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    As we didnt have a proper recruitment process before and as it was based on an invitation only system, we thought wed need a change in our current process. Therefore, we have decided to come up with a new way:

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    **First Stage:** Candidates should fill in the Google Form which will be provided below.
    **Second Stage:** By passing the first stage, you will be doing an interview on discord with one of our executives.
    **Third Stage:** We will contact you if we think you fit in. This can take a while as you are applying for future vacancies.

    Passing all three stages will guarantee you a spot among as an employee. However, please read the job descriptions carefully before applying.

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    Marketing Department: Is responsible for marketing activities. Specifically, for marketing communications including advertising, promotions, public relations such as market research and customer service.

    Financial Department: Is responsible for calculations within the company. That includes: salaries, bonuses and financial charts. It also has the primary responsibility to manage the companys finances including financial planning, management of financial risks such as record-keeping and financial reporting.

    Hosting Services: Makes sure that everything is prepared and ready for match-day. Host Services have the right to change or stop matches according to the situation and will be making sure all rules are adhered to. Youll also be working closely with the Project Department by improving existing maps. As a host service, you also have the responsibility to build maps or tracks for future tournaments and championships.

    Betting Services: Is responsible to collect bets placed and confirm them. The bet services are also responsible to payout the winnings to our professional gamblers. Communication is the key here, as you will be working directly with our customers!

    Lounge TV: This department is responsible for streaming matches and making it accessible for everyone. This includes Podcasts and Interviews.

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    Please note:

    During the second stage, the interview can be done via voice chat or through text on Discord. The choice will depend on the executive who will be giving the interview.

    You are applying for future vacancies. This means you wont be contacted immediately. We will get back to you if we think you fit in.

    Here is the LINK for the Google Application Format.
    We wish you the best of Luck!

    Marketing Manager of Lounge VC,

  9. alt text
    Event Number: 4
    Type of event: Grenade Golf
    Description: Very simple yet extremely fun event. People stand inside a circle which is about 15m from each other. The objective of this event is to throw a nade on their side of the map, and shoot it with a sniper to their opponent. It's a very fun event because the nades are unpredictable and requires sniper skill.

    Prize: $2,567,890
    LWS member(s): @redlive122
    Winner(s): @Rondaw


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    Feedback: After the event, I asked a few of the participants if they enjoyed this type of event. Everyone I asked loved it and would like to see more of it. I must admit there were funny moments in that tournament.
    Criticism: No negative criticism.


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    Self Criticism: Honestly It was a really fun event. The more I and others host it, it will slightly keep improving which is nice. I rather have this as the new norm than the chicken events to be honest. As well establishing rules clearly might be something to improve.


      1. You can move around anywhere in the circle.

      1. You can ONLY use Nades and Snipers.

      1. Moving outside of the circle or if the Nade pushes you out of the circle. You will be punished by 1 sniper shot.

      1. You cannot throw the nade to the other side. You have to first throw it on your side then shoot it. Failure to follow this rule results in 2 sniper shots.

      1. You are not allowed to shoot your opponents Nade, Doing so will result in 1 sniper shot.

    Credits: @Bodo420 He showed me how to play awhile back, So we would play this at base then I thought of making it into an event. @redlive122 For being patient and helping us construct the event.
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  10. @Teddy said in #Return our hand money - Not our fault that you didn't warn us:

    @Versace said in #Return our hand money - Not our fault that you didn't warn us:

    Give us the ability to deposit cash at an ATM. Everyone leaves money on hand because going to a bank is not worth it

    This is definitely needed, or simply depositing and taking out money from M panel -> Bank

    The RP thing is nonsense.

    Honestly. Keep the banks for "RP" and advance with technology by allowing us to use the M panel to deposit or atleast an ATM....

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