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Posts posted by Versace

  1. alt text
    Event Number: 46
    Type of event: Questionaire and Polls
    Description: Another one of Filex's question game in the main chat which a lot of people enjoy. So I sponsored it.
    Prize: $1.000.000
    LWS member(s): @Filex
    Winner(s): Many different winners
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/KkhPdyV

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  2. alt text
    Event Number: 44
    Type of event: AvD
    Description: After someone else hosted AvD, people wanted another one so I hosted it.
    Prize: $200k each ($2.000.000 Total)
    LWS member(s): @KARIM
    Winner(s): Team |361
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/6XZWjBV

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  3. alt text
    Event Number: 43
    Type of event: AvD
    Description: I normally start my day of events with LMS, but people asked for AvD so I hosted it.
    Prize: $200k each ($2.200.000 Total)
    LWS member(s): @Kowalski
    Winner(s): Team |DEV
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/ziZGGPt

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  4. alt text
    Event Number: 42
    Type of event: LMS
    Description: Filippo wanted to try a new nice map out. So i was definitely down to host his new map which was nice and people liked tbh.
    Prize: $1.111.111
    LWS member(s): @Filippo
    Winner(s): @Colo
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/k2PI3rp

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  5. alt text
    Event Number: 41
    Type of event: Sanchez Race
    Description: Majority of the votes were for race after the LMS so I hosted it for them.
    Prize: $1.055.432
    LWS member(s): @Colo
    Winner(s): @xolore
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/h6lAwDs

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  6. This is an automated post

    TXN ID: 81830551JL296740T

    Donation Amount: 30.00GBP

    Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

    Vehicle Type: Glendale
    Vehicle Colour: Black
    Specify any upgrades: V8 & AWD
    Usernames to lock: kinggamer
    Where you want it placed: B~B base

    Vehicle Type: Kart
    Vehicle Colour: original
    Specify any upgrades:
    Usernames to lock: kinggamer
    Where you want it placed: At my prop in LS

    Vehicle Type: Shamal
    Vehicle Colour: black
    Specify any upgrades:
    Usernames to lock: kinggamer
    Where you want it placed: BC ap

    For any help with rewards, please check this topic.

  7. alt text
    Event Number: 39
    Type of event: Football
    Description: Different event from what everyone is used to. I Did Not invent this idea, but its a really fun one. Basically the LWS is the ball and everyone will be using forklifts to put the LWS inside the goal. The person to score wins.
    Prize: $1.234.123
    LWS member(s): @Colo
    Winner(s): @DarkSideR
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/gmugzdb

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  8. alt text
    Event Number: 38
    Type of event: AvD
    Description: Everyone wanted AvD after the LMS, so I hosted it for them. Also trying to expand the maps used in AvD.
    Prize: $169.111 Each ($845.555 Total)
    LWS member(s): @Colo
    Winner(s): Defenders
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/04lVDxl

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  9. alt text
    Event Number: 36
    Type of event: 1v1 Deagle at GT
    ***Description:***Asked the community in mainchat which event they were in the mood for, and majority voted for 1v1, then to narrow it down, I also asked which weapons they wanted, and Deagle won.
    Prize: $1.369.157
    LWS member(s): @Marko
    Winner(s): @Swal
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Z4WQGPo

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