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Posts posted by Versace

  1. @Amara Thank you gay!!!

    @Ramzi Thank you!

    @Gonza Thank you puto!!

    @Marso thank you jail King!

    @Niklaus Thank you my gayest friend!!!

    @ANARCHY Thank you amk!!! pffff sharing is caring bitch!!!

    @Skinner Thank you nab!

    @Bodo420 Thank you gay shit, 20m from you or kick!

    @Immortal Immooooooo thank you habibi <33

    @Alessio Thank you!!

    @MatizZ Thank you inactive camel!!

    @ItzMoha Thank you Mohamed <3

    @Leonard thank you thank you Leotard, and no fck u and remp!!!

    @Quality thank you!!!

    @AkyZ Thank you brooo, I hope we can scam more people in the future <3 !!!

    @Nishki Thank you!

    @Beckham Thank you Beckkkkkk <3

    @iAcez Thank you :D <3


    @Rick Thank you amk, NO U GIB ME MONIS!!!

  2. Personally I prefer the way the jail is currently. But if something had to be changed, auto arresting crims wouldnt be a bad idea to be honest. Since a majority of crims dont enjoy having to respawn each time they get accidentally killed.

    Punishing criminals for accidentally killing in jail by charging 10k seems way too absurd. Already during a jailbreak criminals lose a lot of money by buying weapons and drugs.

    To summarize I wouldnt mind having crims jailed when accidentally killed. But I disagree with adding a punishment.

  3. alt text
    Event Number: 72
    Type of event: LMS
    Description:* Solrac had a nice AvD map, so we decided to also try it for LMS and it worked great to be honest.
    Prize:* $1.000.007
    LWS member(s): @Solrac
    Winner(s): @eagle_
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/m6nDtfn

    alt text

  4. alt text
    Event Number: <<<<<70>>>>>
    Type of event: AvD 10v10 only.
    Description:* To Celebrate making my 70th event in such short time, I wanted to host a larger price for all, making a classic 10v10 avd for 5m.
    Prize:* $5.000.000 ($500.000 per person)
    LWS member(s): @Trevor

    Winner(s): Team |69

    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/IfVo9sn

    alt text

  5. alt text
    Event Number: 69
    Type of event: AvD
    Description:* A new map which people enjoyed since it was a slight change from the few AvD maps.
    Prize:* $222.222 Each ($2.000.000 Total)
    LWS member(s): @KARIM
    Winner(s): Team |HUSTLA
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/QReQOmB

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  6. alt text
    Event Number: 68
    Type of event: LMS BOOM
    Description:* Teaming and nades were allowed. and there were explosive balls all around the map. it looked really fun and im sure the people enjoyed the event. Credits to Bartman for that map and idea.
    Prize:* $1.234.654
    LWS member(s): @Bartman

    Winner(s): @Bodo420
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/pTeDNWd

    alt text

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