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Posts posted by Versace

  1. alt text
    Event Number: 67
    Type of event: AvD
    Description:* People in the mainchat wanted another AvD, so I made it.
    Prize:* $181.818 Each ($2.000.000 Total)
    LWS member(s): @KARIM
    Winner(s): team | C++
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/BPYtkUg

    alt text

  2. alt text
    Event Number: 62
    Type of event: 1hp LMS
    Description:* After my LMS event, I asked and there were more votes to have a 1hp LMS, so i made it for them.
    Prize:* $1.291.053
    LWS member(s): @Colo

    Winner(s): @Kuby
    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Vj1zUoT

    alt text

  3. alt text
    Event Number: <<<<<60>>>>>
    Type of event: TDM, Team of 2
    Description:* To Celebrate making my 60th event in such short time, I wanted to host a bigger event than my usual ones for the community.
    Prize:* $5.000.000 ($2.500.000 per person)
    LWS member(s): @Colo

    Winner(s): @Killer208 , @Adistar

    Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/CgLglwG

    alt text

  4. This is a manual post

    TXN ID: 6U925174SN691051W

    Donation Amount: 10.00GBP

    Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

    Vehicle Type: Rc Goblin if its still possible to request it. If not I'd like a kart please.
    Vehicle Colour:
    Specify any upgrades:
    Username to lock: kinggamer
    Where you want it placed: B~B base

    @Brophy Please confirm the payment.

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