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Everything posted by Dawis67
Donation: DawisTheEngineer (Amount 10.00 GBP)
Dawis67 replied to Dawis67's topic in Donation Archive
This is an automated post TXN ID: 5G999653HH088861T Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Roleplay: MMC with ALT Date: 28-01-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 @Killerask @777Princ777 @Chezzy @BlaZe @Eunide Story: Life as a trucker can be numbingly mundane. Lanes and days fading into one and other. There is no end of the road, no end point, just your firm grip on the wheel and pedal to the metal as stripes dart past in your side vision. Life on the road isn't hard, but it can make one forget the dangers that lurk on the highway. This seemed like a routine evening run. Load the bikes, hit the road and drop off at the pier to catch the 01:30 freight to Liberty City. The night was quiet and warm. After making the turn onto the highway to Las Venturas the road was as good as straight for miles on end. K-DST was blasting and as the next song transitioned, a roading thunder was heard approaching. Dawis looked in the side mirror but the front beams were too blinding to see whatever was making the noise. The roaring intensified and suddenly with a loud bang the right door got blasted by a 12g. Masked men on black bikes surrounded the truck, and with their Winchesters aimed straight for Dawis head. "Stop the fucking truck right now or you'll eat lead." Seemed like no other option. Being outnumbered and with a turn in the road approaching the truck halted to a stop. "Get the fuck out," shouted the bandit, and dragged Dawis out of the truck. "Thanks, we'll be taking over from here." There were about half a dozen men. After spotting the writing on the mans jacket, Dawis concluded they must be from some kind of a motorcycle gang. This wasn't common, and certainly the first time this had happened to him. The crooks searched the cabin and the trailer. "Alright schmuck, here's whats gonna happen. You're gonna get your fanny ass back in the truck and not make a goddamn move, if you know whats good for ya. Also I dont like when fools talk so keep your yap shut, Got it?", said the guy that appeared to be the leader of the pack. The man then tied Dawis hands, put on a blindfold and showed him back into the passenger seat of the truck. The truck was now headed in the opposite direction, back into the city. Ten minutes past, Dawis was dragged onto the ground. The engines of the bikes were still running. Click clack Thats a fucking shotgun. Lights were blinding as the blindfold came off. "Please, dont kill me. Take whatever you need, just leave me. You will never hear of me again. I sw....BOOM. It all went black. Some time passes "Ugh, where am I?"..."He is awake, get the doc in here." It was all still a blur. The faces slowly cleared up and Dawis could barely make out the ID of the doctor. "Dr. B.Goodman", was written. "You are a very lucky man, sir"."You just about swallowed the bullets with your face. How you are alive is beyond me, but hey, you are here." Trucking can certainly be boring, but I'll take boring any day. Screenshots: ::: ::: -
Dawis67 replied to 007's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
It would be more unnecessary switching for me at least. Prob wont use it myself, but by all means, if made optional, i dont see why not to implement something like that. -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Refueling ALT refinery Date: 26-01-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Delivering parcels around SA. With some RP along the way. Date: 26-01-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 @ElReyCholo Screenshots: ::: ::: -
Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: Not sure how much, but i had enough for a roadtrain with a custom wrap When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Cant remember. Not in 3+ years Why do you need this change? Well It isnt a change. I had my roadtrain at ALT enterance, but it is gone now. Not sure who removed it. I wasnt alerted. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17959/donation-dawistheengineer-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: None Part II: What I Want to be Removed There is nothing to remove Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle: Roadtrain with my custom wrap. Its the wrap you see on my truck on my forums banner. Basically green pepe truck with purple flames. ::: ::: Location: ALT base ::: ::: Username: Dawis67
MMC. Probably because they were big at the time i started playing, which was the golden era of SAES for me. I was mostly a SAPA PC nub, but i always loved mongols. #MFFM
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Delivering smaller parcels to customers. Date: 04-11-2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Refueling both, ALT and Cuban Cars, refineries. Date: 04-11-2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Shipping various goods and aircrafts. Deliver steal beams to docks for export. Then proceeded to deliver a set of dinky boats to DE. Topped the day off by moving multiple aircrafts to LV and desert airports. Date: 04-11-2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Delivering dildos and 3080s in small postage parcels. Date: 08/10/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Delivering small parcels around SA Date: 03/10/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Various trucking assignments Date: 02/10/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Delivering small packages and parcels. Date: 06/09/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Delivering logs for a confidential project at the A51 desert military base, and from there transporting a couple of heavy military vehicles between the desert and naval bases. Date: 04/09/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Delivering smaller packages and parcels Date: 26/07/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Various deliveries Date: 28/07/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Roleplay Story: After various trucking tasks earlier in the morning, Dawis was chilling at a burger joint in LV, waiting for a dispatch. Suddenly the phone rings, and Dawis answers the unknown caller. It was a man with an urgent-sounding, raspy voice on the other end of the line. He said he required urgent transportation service. Dawis asked the caller to dial the ALT HQ for a dispatch, but the stranger refused, saying it wasnt an option, but he would pay well. It was lunch break, and Dawis figured he could spare the time as he needed the money. They agreed to meet up at a warehouse at the north end of Las Venturas. Uppon arriving there Dawis was greeted by two, formally dressed people, a man and a woman. They didnt disclose who they were, just got right onto the business. They said that they had various electronic equipment, computers, that had to be moved to another location. Dawis said that it was no problem, and proceeded to follow them into the warehouse. There were a lot of dusty boxes on the shelves, but the ones that they told to load into my truck seemed clean and untouched. It was suspicious but Dawis knew not to ask questions, especially when he expected to be paid good. After loading the truck full to the rim, jhe was handed the address on a piece of paper. The man instructed him to drive to the address, where they will be waiting for him. Uppon the arrival Dawis noted that it seemed to be some kind of gang base, judging by the color-matched cars and emblems on the walls. So far so good. After being granted the access into the property, the truck was parked next to what seemed a small storage location. Dawis was greeted by the same man and woman. After the truck was unloaded, the man reached out for a handshake, and holding in his hand was an envelope (what Dawis assumed was a money envelope). The man noted that he was happy with the service and that Dawis might be hearing from him in the future. Date: 05/07/2020 Participants: Dawis67 @Amineyy @Jizzy Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Roleplay Story: Early in the morning, with sun barely peeking above the horison, the farmer James Cole starts his ever-important, yet so familiar, daily routine. The crops are ready to be harvested, but the machinery needs reallocation to a different field. Not wasting his time, the farmer James knows who to call, as he has done so for the past 20 years of his profession. James dials the number for the ALT HQ, and the dispatcher notifies the early bird truckers. The first to pick uppon the task is Dawis, newly gratuated trucker, eager to progress in his field. He swiftly starts the engine of his trusty V8 and heads on down to EasternBoard Farm, to meet up with his client. Approaching the enterance of the farm, Dawis spots the restless farmer, not wanting to waste a minute to start off the hard working day. The arrangements are made, and the harvesting combine is loaded onto the trailer and ready for its destination in the mountainside farmlands of Whetstone. James wants to accompany the ride. The weather is excellent and the driving conditions are great. On the road James gets to know the new truck driver, saying he has been partnering with ALT for over 20 years, and has seen many new truckers go from inexperienced newbies, to road-hardened professionals. Before they know it, they pass the roadsign pointing to Whetstone, Angel Pine where their destination lies. James points out the place he wants to have his machinery, and himself dropped off. Uppon their departure-handshake, James reflects on his yet another great experience working with ALT, jokingly noting that he will be expecting Dawis to have a firmer grip on the wheel in a few months, when he will again require the same transporting services. Date: 05/07/2020 Participants: Dawis67 @Amineyy Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Refueling SA gas stations Date: 02/07/2020 Participants: Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Event - Last man standing Date: 02/07/2020 Hosts: Dawis67, @Blue Screenshots: ::: ::: -
Agree, the current trucking system works, but its bugy/broken at times, and i agree with comments above, there isnt any incentive to do more deliveries as the pay stays the same regardless. Also im surprised that weapon/illegal substance transport isnt a thing yet. So much potential here.
[CHANGE] When disabling 'all' mods - keep some
Dawis67 replied to Dinaz's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Dinaz said in [SUGGESTION] Disabling mods: @DawisTheEngineer You're getting out of context. Also, not everyone can handle the "adding more vehicles and expanding the land by building shit in the sea" project, I mean, we are mostly suffering from the parked vehicles problem now... And about the game, it works smoothly on story mode, but as MTA is a mod to the game and as SAES specifically has thousands of cars parked and many maps to load that's why it really lags. I see, i sort of figured it had something to do with lack of optimization. -
All Load Trucking - Media Archive
Dawis67 replied to MakeLove's topic in All Load Trucking's Public Forum
Activity: Refilling ALT refinery from 0-100% Date: 28/06/20 Members: @Law @Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ::: -
[CHANGE] When disabling 'all' mods - keep some
Dawis67 replied to Dinaz's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
The game is already very lite. How some people still cant run it in 2020 is beyond me. The used PC marked sells laptops or desktops with GTX 1050, or such, which is enough for a game like this. If anything, i would argue there arent enough mods. Adding more vehicles, expanding the land by building shit in the sea could be cool. Maybe this no-mods thing is rooted in a different issue that im not aware of, so please let me know.