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Everything posted by Dawis67

  1. Low effort meme
  2. @tut-greco Nah. My suggestion is to make bikes more attractive to regular players. Having to break your keyboard just to go as fast as cars is dumb.
  3. @tut-greco Agile but dangerous. You can easily get knocked off your bike and takes long time to get back on especially on high speed. Also control on high speed is decreased. In police chases all they have to do is shoot the back tire and you are fucked. You lose most control and especially with strong bike, its all over. The up-arrow trick is also used mostly for straight road boosts. You cant turn with. IDK if its built into the game and cant be removed, but if it can I would surely trade it for engine upgrade as its mostly a cool trick. All in all, I dont think giving a decent boost would ruin the balance. I think it would normalize it. Also, perhaps smaller boost for already fast bikes like NRG and a bigger boost for slower bikes
  4. Hey. This has been on my mind for a while. Cars have engine/performance upgrades. Why not bikes? Not only most bikes are slower than most widely used cars, but they also cant be upgraded. Not everybody is gonna wanna drive bikes, but for people like me who actually like driving them, it would be a welcome addition, and perhaps promote usage of these agile vehicles. Also doesn't seem to be difficult to implement it coding-wise :/ Anyways let me know what you think :) If you vote NO, let me know why.
  5. @marksman said in [Suggestion]Warehouse Worker Job: I would really like to see it ingame, I think the server wont be cop v crims anymore if you do this job.. It'll be new and everyone gonna try it, if you make it to get bigger money like before "best job to earn money Trucker", they will spawn as civ too It would be cool if they could also add something like we already have with gas stations and refinery refueling. For example, to be able to work as warehouse worker you have to have crates/boxes to sort which need to be delivered by the truckers (basically fill warehouse storage to from 0 to 100%). Also trucker jobs need to be balanced to maintain balance between gang/squad and other civilian job pays.
  6. GG. RIP our rival MC gang.
  7. Type Of Activity: Refueling ALT refinery Date: 18.07.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Type Of Activity: Delivery man Date: 17.07.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 17.07.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Its been over a year. BUMP. Pls add this, its like 5 minutes of coding
  11. :crank: :crank: :crank: :crank: :crank::crank: TY
  12. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 26.06.2021 Participations: Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Type Of Activity: Delivery man Date: 26.06.2021 Participations: @DeeRose Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 26.06.2021 Participations: [MMC]Shadow Story: While getting ready to begin his work shift delivering parcels, Dawis received a call. The caller wanted to have a box of goods delivered "under the radar." An alley in Chinatown SF was chosen as the meeting spot. After picking up the package at a warehouse at the location provided by the caller, Dawis was on his way to meet the customer in SF. Upon arrival at the delivery address, Dawis noticed a biker leaning against his van. Dawis was pretty sure it was the caller. After pulling into the alley Dawis greeted the stranger. Dawis opened the cargo compartment of his vehicle and handed the package to the biker. The biker briefly inspected the package and proceeded to place it in his van. As they went for a handshake, the biker thanked Dawis for the delivery. Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. I guess the issue is that, now that there are more cops ingame, its time to balance the two groups out again. The buffs that cops got prior to all these new incentives to play as police, are no longer fitting since the number of cops has increased
  16. Cool. Good luck!
  17. Just my 2 cents as somebody who got active only recently. One big reason i went inactive years ago was because the server was always the same (at least the way i was playing), where SR and BR would be the main activities. It just got boring. Ever since i came back, its been going downhill from that old point. Since i run a relatively new gang, i have been dealing with a lot of new players. A fair amount of them, when i meet them, they have just few hours of playtime. We get together start playing together, chatting on Discord. They tell me, that this server is pretty nice and its fun, that they are gonna stay around, but eventually, after a few days their activity just falls off. I think its in large part because this server is just kinda boring. Sometimes they even say it straight. Some leave for other MTA servers. Its just sad. I know some of the community causally since 2014 so i have sentimental ties here, but new players dont. If you are running SR for most of the day, only to do some BRs during the evening BR wave, its doable. But now with the BRs fucked up, and the cop buffs (im actually not against this, i wana see cops grow), the crim side has failed most of the SRs and VIPs i have attended, and hardly any BRs have happened. Jikes
  18. Was nice while it lasted.
  19. Good luck. We need good cops, and i hope you use the previous TST as an example, and not the current squads.
  20. Im writing this without reading other comments, so i may have forgotten to add some good points others have written, but its not so important anyways in that case. I started out as a cop. That was back in 2014. Yes there were more criminals than cops even back then but it was way more balanced. I for one fell in love with the balance of RP and casual gameplay elements on this server in general. Back in 2013 squads used to do a lot more RPs. For example cops would give warnings before shooting cars, etc. When i found out about SAPA and that there was a way to stand out from other noob cops and gain respect by getting ProCop diploma (PC) i was dedicated to that task right away. The amount of work you had to put in to getting it was in the end satisfying for the reward: people gave you respect. They knew that as a PC you wouldnt arrest without RP, and crims were much more relaxed and wouldnt DM as much around you. Eventually i did break a rule in PC for, i think it was not doing RP. Well its a long story if i was gonna go into details, and i have forgotten most of it anyways, but i felt like i was unfairly punished by being removed from PC and i slowly turned criminal. This was around time i also lost interest in playing SAES in general and went on/off inactive for many years. During my time as PC i attempted to create two police squads, SASS and SABS. Didnt work out in general due to my lack of knowledge of the effort and management skills required. Failed because of shitty HQ members. I think later on i joined FBI or TST or something, dont quite remember. Then as i mentioned earlier i went inactive. I think the reason why i eventually left cops is because i got bored of the skill-based gameplay. Playing as a cop was always all or nothing game. You either arrest the criminals or you get nothing. Criminals would always bunch up together and help eachother and they would always get rewards without needing much effort. Arresting takes effort but standing in a SR circle and waiting doesnt. You essentially get the same amount of money. I think this is what it came down to for me. As im writing this this notion is being affirmed in my mind. It was much easier to earn money as a criminal. You go somewhere, stand and wait, and get money. You also had a good comradery, as criminals would work together to help eachother, as it was in their best interests to kill the cops. As a cop most of what you did came down to arresting and being quick and skilled enough to take shots, avoid criminals and hope the baton hits register, as sometimes you would arrest with 1 hit, and other times you would hit like 5 times and still wouldnt arrest. This was frustrating for me. I saw how chill you could play this game as a criminal and it was what i was looking for. Solution: I think this is true to this day. Im not entirely sure what new money earning ways cops have nowadays, but for the most part, i still see even skilled squad members mostly getting lucky on arrests and using different techniques, either by ramming a plane into SR or jumping with bikes on the SR roof and hoping for the best. I think cops should also get a more passive way to earn. Maybe a way that cops can wait in circle, and criminals have to do the skill-based effort. I know there are a lot of players that want a challange, and i agree, it can be fun, but not always. If you only rely on arresting criminals for money, you not only increase the rivalry between cops but also make it not so fun to play if you just want to relax and earn money. Note: I havent played as a cop since i quit, so my opinions about current situation are based on my experience with playing as a cop in the past, and my encounters with cops as a criminal. TLDR: I used to play as a cop, but stopped. Cops RP gone. Most squads just arrest. Little to no comradery in squads / police side Being a cop is either too hard or too easy. This is IMO due to cops not having leisurely income methods such as SR for criminals. After reading some other comments: The main thing i see people mention is that cops are too harsh to new players with their arresting rules. As a criminal its really annoying to have a cop do the RP or sur binds and never give change for RP or sur. Its pointless. The whole RP thing for cops is dead. I can understand new players dont wish to RP or dont even know how, which brings me back to how i started. I was a noob trainee, arresting for 1 star, etc didnt RP. But i saw the respect PC players had back in the day. Ill give you that i was somewhat interested in the RP aspect as well, but even so the PC was something for all noob cops to reach for.
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