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Everything posted by Dawis67

  1. Activity: Delivery man: Delivering peoples shit Date: 19-03-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ^[] :::
  2. Activity: Refueling ALT refinary Date: 19-03-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ^[] :::
  3. Gl guys have fun. Hope you get lvl 5
  4. Great! Finally the server getting new gameplay elements. Lets hope its balanced for both sides.
  5. @alex0107 said in New Jail: @Dawis67 , teamwork? Why don't you group 5-6 people and try? I was thinking more about the times im in jail and there used to happen regular JBs. Now there are rarely any JBs and if there are i feel like i get fucked by cops very easily and i rather do the time than try to escape.
  6. @kirosa said in New Jail: so its been almost a month since the new jail was added and honestly cops side Suffer from it -criminals can leave the jail so fast because this door opened so fast https://imgur.com/EsNxrix -we can barely enter the jail as criminals camp outside front the jail ,on the roof and they marker kill at the warden spawn entrence -also the spawn kill that start happen because of the warden new spawn place they nade us and they shoot us on that small cooridor :/ Meanwhile crims side barely has any meaningful JBs. Old jail had JBs all the time, and i felt like it was more balanced. Sometimes cops won, others crims. Now it feels like every time i try to JB i either die because i have low HP from the vent, or cops just camp the coridor. This would be fine if the jail timer didnt reset to 300 again.
  7. Banned ALT scrub
  8. Weird ass signature.
  9. Activity: Refueling ALT refinary Date: 24-02-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ^[] :::
  10. Activity: Trucking different cargo Date: 21-02-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 Screenshots: ::: ^[] :::
  11. Dawis67
  12. Address: Flint County Oil Refinary Account name: Jaycee2015 Last seen: 18.02.2021 Screenshots:
  13. Address:Flint county oil refinary Account name: Jaycee2015 Last seen: 18.January 2021 Screenshots:
  14. Jojo, my man. Great work.
  15. Activity: Refueling ALT and Cuban Cars refinery Date: 13-02-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 @MrSolrac Screenshots: ::: ^[] :::
  16. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 30 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Nope Why do you need to change the location: Its not a change, its a request Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24551/donation-dawistheengineer-amount-10-00-gbpcs. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24486/donation-vehicle-reinstatement Contains the links to two 10 donos This was a donation i didnt initially request a reward for as can be seen from the comment made by SAES. Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Black Maverick Color #1B1B1B Location:
  17. @lincoln said in New Jail Suggestion: Make it so the vent is mapped in a random cell, if you by any luck end up getting in that cell you can crack your way out through the vent and start a jailbreak. This way there is always a chance for a prison riot to start and doesn't necessarily need someone from the outside to start one Yeah. that way cops are always on alert
  18. Activity: Refueling ALT refinery Date: 11-02-2021 Participants: @Dawis67 @Law Screenshots: ::: ^[] :::
  19. Why not have heli or plane at a property that can hold it?
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