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Everything posted by Cornelius

  1. 2020 soon :/
  2. Still doesn't patrol with me as CC
  3. 12.12.2019 ::: :::
  4. fkn go away from this topic, legit, soon you are going to be like brooklyn
  5. still koko for me
  6. 11.12.2019 ::: ^[] :::
  7. 11.12.2019 We are still alive ::: ^[] :::
  8. Date: 10.12.2019 Road Trips Number: 21 ::: https://imgur.com/a/ANjBIvY :::
  9. Date: 10.12.2019 Event Number: 13 Event Name: LMS Price: 1.000.000$ Winner: Perrmood Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aAPsQdz
  10. Date: 10.12.2019 Event Number: 12 Event Name: Chicken Kicker Price: 1.000.000$ Winner: DeadPool Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zWminPp
  11. Activity number -2- Activity type: RP CC members: Jasper, Kristiina and others Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zO27mdF
  12. Application Informations (I) Nickname: Corn Username: hiredkiller Age: 16 Nationality: Lithuania Languages you can speak: Turkish, Russian a bit, English and Lithuanian. Ingame Informations (II) How long have you been playin on SAES: Since 2013 Previous Gang(s)/Squad(s): Out Come - squad old OverdoseCrime - gang Organization Zero - gang The Outfit - gang Mongols MC - gang Why did you leave/kicked explain the reasons: Out Come squad - died at level 3. old OverdoseCrime - died at level 3. Organization Zero - not fully year - kicked. The Outfit - left, no activities at all. Mongols MC - left to secure the gang from the problems I caused. What stands for DM and give an example: Deathmatch, Genetrix shooting at me for no reason. What stands for Avoid Arrest and give an example: Avoiding arrest not by the rules, Genetrix nading himself in front of the cops, so he wouldn't be arrested. Did you read Ingame Rules F1>Rules?: No Personality Information (lll) Why you are interested in Gladiators MC?: I see potential in Gladiators MC and I could help to reach it. Why should we accept you?: I am experienced biker, the first gang I tried to join was motorcycle club, where I learnt the basics and since then I know much more than before. What's your favorite motorcycle?: Yamaha SR400
  13. ::: @AdemBygt said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: ^[] ^[Participants] ^[ @Cornelius @AdemBygt] ^[Story] ^[One day when I was doing my job, corn called and said he needed a few guns. I immediately went to my car and drove to the location Corn threw at me. When I got there, I showed Corn the guns and told them what guns he wanted. After inspecting and testing the guns, I took 4 M4s and took them from my trunk and took them wherever they wanted. I put the guns wherever he wants, and after talking to him, I told him he could pay for it later. Then I jumped into my car and headed for the iac base] :::
  14. Quoting words from other moments lul!
  15. Loves discount bulgarian
  16. 27.11.2019 ::: Keeping the zones for another day. :::
  17. 27.11.2019 ::: ![Spoiler Text].https://imgur.com/V9okTU1.png) :::
  18. 26.11.2019 ::: :::
  19. 26.11.2019 ^[Red County Bank Robbery 8/8] ^[] ^[Bone County Bank Robbery 8/8] ^[]
  20. 26.11.2019 ::: :::
  21. indian politican, 79 year old
  22. Still waiting
  23. Roleplay #87 ::: @Hassantt said in La Confrrie Des Lions - Media Archive: #15 We alawys Help our friends(Deals) Roleplay Short Scenario: In My day with my crimes in Stors robbers and Bank robbers i was in my house watching T.V with my friend after 1 hour i left my house to start my day and visit some friends to go SRs and BRs and after that i went to my base to get my car and start visiting but when i was in the base i got phone from my friends his brother got arrested from Police and all his drugs are arrested too so he need drugs now and he will give me weapons bec he dont have any Money so i started to help him and i created some drugs in my base fast and i put it in my car and i went to his base and we met there and we talked much and he was thinking how to broke jail and get his brother out of it i said to him u can talk some criminals to do it he agreed so after that i wanted to see the weapons and i tried it it was very good and i gived him 20k too to start make weapons and sell it and i gived him drugs after he saw it and he was very happy bec this Deal after that i went to my house to take rest and after 1 hours i started to go to SRs and BRs Participants: Hassan - @Cornelius Organizations: LA Confrerie Des Lions Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2ymfh1om0/ :::
  24. 22.11.2019 ::: :::
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