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Everything posted by Cornelius

  1. hbd
  2. hbd best frand viva north macedonia
  3. @Egoist @johnn @Hassantt @MWL ty
  5. Can we hit 90 RIPs in the comments
  6. if you cant get better mouse tamsouh, not my problem, I am getting marker arrested and admin says get better PC you are not alone
  7. @VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE: Not my problem if you are blind or if you have a bad mouse others can aim well and they can ez kill the cops like maybe they are having a nice mouse etc.. Simple answer from me then, to your previous argument: Don't be blind, or get better mouse, or just get better at aim :slightly_smiling_face:
  8. @VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE: @Zwolle said in HS back for CLO & DE: @VayraN HS is only sniper and its hard to hs with it And what if you have a nice mouse and it's easy to move your mouse and scope ? it's still hard ? shut your ass I've been playing this server since 2013 and I still cant damage player with big ass sawed-off aim circle, you think I am bad, no, in my screen I hit it, idk what in others. When it comes to police, ooga booga has to shoot one bullet which if you hit it you arrest 100%
  9. I mean groups are special and its not easy to join(even Fugitive cant make it again also TT applicants doesn't join TT often). People who are recruited are known to others and has experience on the server, which means they will realise that they shouldnt abuse. Cmon corrupted admins ruined enough, leave this feature.
  10. @Franklin said in removed: Dude its as clear as a day that you faked the logo.. you completely failed to erase the watermark.. my ocd makes me wanna punch a wall when I see this.. and what are those media archive banners oh god.. gl anyways I guess for the 69452452th time Real logo btw: ::: ::: You must be retarded to make full logo yourself
  11. Revive Ventura's Tunnings
  12. Cornelius


    I wish Sira would grow to normal human size, not midget!
  13. happy birthday and new year!
  14. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12614/banning-drugs-speed?page=1 uhm..... again ?
  15. Mongols MC is at your service.
  16. 1v1 me EUNE: Promotion Slayer
  17. @Assassin said in Kills: We need improvements to increase Roleplay gaming (arresting, robbing etc.) not to increase DMfest. yes, if I would be cop I would kill every crminal in buildings, instead of arresting in real life.
  18. great idea, in BRs or jail crims could get 10 hp plus for killing a cop or assisting in killing one.
  19. former loser on league 1v1
  20. Best admin :heart_eyes: ^[] ^[]
  21. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA spawns as HLS, gets free combat shotgun, shield and thinks he is good at arresting
  22. If you f*ck up in proving your point in punishing/banning a person, as admin, then just apologize him and free him. Not leave him banned/punished. Same as furries saying there are more than two genders when everyone knows that there are only two.
  23. bruh moment numero 4
  24. talks about bikers while driving modern cop cars
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