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Everything posted by Cornelius

  1. @Assassin said in The DrifterZ: So many racing groups in the game, I advice you take a really unique role so you don't lose your chance to get spawn. Topic seems so cool anyway, good luck! I am sure it is drifting group
  2. hbd, if you ever need event call @Dufabo
  3. damn, more suggestions and I join ICE
  4. You will be rich, but you have to suck dicks for living I want to get a new PC
  5. @Lincoln @bazuka36 I hope I will see you again soon :(
  6. I like you man
  7. sniper headshot is a skill
  8. @Bodo420 said in TURF WAR SUGGESTION: Well , I don't agree with you , headshots in turfs finally shows some skills instead of going in close range and spamming shotguns . and as you said , it finally adds some fun to turfs . I can downlaod porn and be better than you in headshoting
  9. @Crash said in Give spawn/arrest protection when using F1 at the hospital: No because if you use it to get away from a cop the cop should be able to use it as well to arrest you there IF COP IS CHASING You get to wait 1 minute to teleport, as a cop you can easily arrest before teleportation How will the cop appear in the hospital if crim is there after I am stuck, how he will arrest???? I dont know cops can warp to places. What if cop doesnt chase?
  10. After using F1 I am stuck you can be arrested in hospital. Why not giving them protection in the hosp like killing yourself?
  11. @Bunny said in Default Deagle V2.0: Deagle is currently the most strongest weapon to finish your opponent,hitting always 46 per shot..combat shotgun max hits 40 randomly, sniper 41 but is harder to hit closer try hitting it, I tried in turfs and against cops, wasn't fun
  12. @Czesney said in SoA VS GJMC - Meme War: Is it just me or SoA keep accusing GJMC of only using cars' memes while they themselves can't find anything else other than the DFT to make memes about, that's just rich... #SuckOnAss I agree with you. One more thing, legit you can enter even fucking super gt as a biker, as long as you don't drive it, same goes to planes and other sport cars. Also DFT is not a sport or a new car, you can drive it as biker(they are not homeless to have only bike). How hypocrite it would be, if SoA would use DFT for future turfs or bank robberies, like MMC used helicopter to avoid cops and start BR, not even a plane and it still was funny for someone. This topic reminds me of one Rebel: ::: :::
  13. If somebody didn't know I am making art works, if you are interested contact me, I am making full topic designs such as : ::: Horrific Reapers: https://imgur.com/a/epB4baR Inkas: https://imgur.com/a/oo2PzBm Grim Reapers: https://imgur.com/a/KY9KRo1 Mongols MC: https://imgur.com/a/HcqMW4P And https://imgur.com/a/nyMmxrk https://imgur.com/a/aadv2Gz Gypsy Jokers MC: https://imgur.com/a/MMx2nL7 (logo isnt mine) ::: Also I am making banners/signatures, etc. too, like: ::: Many examples: https://imgur.com/a/zEdS2qn ::: Now without being a normal designer, I have original stuff to bring on the table such as: Custom crosshairs for sniper Photoshoping meme pictures, making something fun (https://imgur.com/a/zEdS2qn) Offering video services (making promotional videos, even editing video for you) My feet pictures Helping with writing a role play Add me on discord Corneliu$#5463, if you are interested, or message below (feet pictures in discord only).
  14. Road Trip, 16th of April 2020 Screens: https://imgur.com/a/zsfzMh4
  15. Road Trip, 15th of April 2020 Screens: https://imgur.com/a/tG1EKVe
  16. Roleplay number 5 Roleplay name: - Participants: - HRMC, IAC, Leb Story: ::: @gunslinger said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: > Participants: Me, pressmaster(hoster), @Leb @Cornelius @Sanyok and others Story: Horrific Reapers Motorcycle Club contacted with IAC and asked to develop a silenced gun for their group. I discussed it with IAC engineers and together we decided to produce a Silenced Sniper Rifle, by modifying existent rifle. After developing this rifle i've tested it myself on Shooting range and later invited HRMC guys to make new rifle test themselves. Me and @Leb have build a mobile office for meeting with HRMC, place for loading guns and a shooting range in same area. Later HRMC have arrived i presented a new Silenced Sniper Rifle to them, they were very excited to see it and wanted to test it in the action. We left the office, came to Shooting range and fired few rounds with new rifle. HRMC guys were satisfied with shooting results of this gun and decided to sign a contract with IAC for supplying them with a party of these rifles. :::
  17. Joe
  18. my friend @Duff would like it
  19. Damn the votings, call me Mr.180ping in turf wars.
  20. is this supposed to be funny?
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