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Everything posted by Spetnazz

  1. @Tombaa said in Introducing SAES 1.6 (part 2): The best change No
  2. this update tickles my foreskin. thx appreciate it stay sharp
  3. thanks i like thumbs up from me very perfect update
  5. Good luck, can't wait for ShitZ to become level 5 and dominate the server
  6. @sherap2-0 said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @jay said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @sherap2-0 said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @jay said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: @silikondy said in [CHANGE] BR Rules: big no lol, imagine BRing with 3 cops vs 40 defender. that would be cancer People need to stop with this ideology now really, it can't always be about who gets the W. Sometimes some gameplay is better than nothing at all. The only change that needs to happen is sqhads count whilst spawned as other classes. 99 of the time cops already know about a br before they happen, and it doesn't exactly take long to respawn. Mindsets like your are fucking the cop side and thats why it is dying. I think you'll find it's actually mindsets like yours and I find it baffling and actually quite funny that you don't think players like you are the problem. You don't want BRs to happen, this prevents you from playing. You don't want turfs to be prolonged, this prevents you from playing. You don't want long JBs, this prevents you from playing. You camp a raceflag with unwanted racers to stop it from starting, this prevents you from playing. How do you not see that you, and others like you, are the issue? I would also like to point out that the suggestion isn't about changing the amount of squads currently online, just the ones spawned. Those who spawn as civilian or some other group on their own are trying to prevent BRs from happening. This is creating stagnant gameplay - or a lack of gameplay and this reduces server numbers quite obviously. I'm not saying it's the only factor, but this sort of negativity is exactly why people aren't drawn to the police side as much as they used to be. The general theme in SAES at the minute, and has been for a long time (hence why I don't play) is criminals trying to play the game and cops trying to stop them from doing it. Talk about boring. The suggestion is literally so you have to respawn from being a priest and go and play as a cop when required. If you don't want to go and you're enjoying your incredible gameplay of /pray in the cemetery then that's up to you. But not attending a BR has no negative impact on you or your squad, and it's not as if the payout from a bank is even good. It's literally about 80k. Wow, super gt soon????? Do you have a brain ? I dont want BR's cuz im cop and i need difficult it. I dont want to turfs be prolonged cuz im cop and i need difficult it. I dont want JB's cuz my role is arrest crims and JB let them out of the jail. I camp at raceflags cuz its illegal and i must difficult it. Mindsets like yours are killing the cop side. And that why is hard to see more than 10 cops online. I recall making a post a year ago about people acting like this is real life, or 100 % RP. This post is a pretty accurate description of what I meant. This is not Brazil, you're not in the favela preventing the local monkeys from doing their third robbery of the week. It's SAES, dynamic gameplay is what keeps the server going.
  7. From this weekend. Please, there are barely any players left on the server, let them have some fun while it lasts.
  8. I sexually identify as a Minecraft creeper. Ever since I was a child I dreamed of stalking people in the dead of the night, making an erotic hissing noise, and then spewing my particles all over them. People say to me that a person being a monster in a dying Swedish pixel game is impossible and Im more autistic than a Fortnite default, but I dont care, Im beautiful. Im having a doctor fill me with gunpowder and implementing green and black pigments into my skin. From now on I want you guys to call me "Creepus Explodus and respect my right to appear on retarded children's backpacks and sweaters. If you cant accept me youre a mob-phobe and need to check your entity privilege. Thank you all for being so understanding.
  9. @yoko said in Arms Assassins: ^[ ] @Arms-Assassins @Black-Bullets @JUMBO-Klan that's pretty cringe
  11. @Samuel3021 Apply???
  12. 2- Another solution to this issue . remove the wanted stars from the race start , there are already speed cams which would punish us incase we exceeded the speed limit . rTech has been suffering from cops with autism camping the race start for 12 hours a day like the guy in the picture 4- Lethal force against rTech members should be prohibited incase they've less than 5 stars . We are just normal racers , not criminals/terrorists 6- Give us the ability to start the raceflag with 3 racers and make a timer of 3-5 minutes incase a 4th racer didn't attend . I would've thought this was reality already. Let the speed cams give them stars, but starting a raceflag shouldn't give stars, which allows cops to use lethal force against them. That just seems something that hadn't been thought of when it was implemented, and hasn't been too big of an issue up until now. 3 just seems like a nobrainer. The admins must be getting tired of raceflag issues as well. Idk if you'll get through with 1 or 5.. That could trigger some cops
  13. You'd end up with 8 players consisting of civilians who accidentally punched a car at LVX, the new guy who got caught by 3 speed-cameras and a pickpocket in the jail for people with a low wanted level. No one would ever bother JB'ing them, since it'd go something along the lines of "Need jb?" "Nah, only 120 secs, go to the other jail where people have 400 secs" "Ok, see you there" The server is running out of active players, I know that it reaches 130-140 at times, but 30-40 of them will be sucking each other off in their bases. There simply aren't enough players to make two jails a feasible option. It could've worked during the first wave of COVID-lockdown when the server reached 300 players, but not now. The old jail could seem like a clusterfuck at times, but that's what the server needs. The only time I've been seeing a lot of players gathered together lately, cops and crims, is at BRs. There needs to be another way of intentionally or unintentionally teaming up with your chunks of your class, in order to reach some sort of goal other than going to BRs. It's also a nice way to meet new players, since you end up teaming with guys who have 10, 50 or 200 hours because you broke them out of jail. Imagine if those guys ended up in the other jail, and got left to themselves because they weren't wanted enough to get into the 'jail for all the cool kidz'
  14. @yoko said in Tuga Thugs' Departure from SAES: @halo said in Tuga Thugs' Departure from SAES: @Yoko hopper RIP TT, one of the Elite gangs :( :rose: :disappointed_face: :broken_heart: To one of the greatest gangs around...our allies and more, congratulations to the many achievements throughout your playtime in SAES. Many players have been part of this family at some point and contributed in a small/huge way. I can proudly say I was part of a great generation. Got nothing to say but respect boys. Good luck to everyone! ::: :kiss_mark: ::: you still owe us money
  15. Happy birthday, mano <3
  16. @burako said in Tuga Thugs' Departure from SAES: rip what rip, rip you puto
  17. How to jnoi????
  18. It's quite entertaining to see, how willing the people in charge are to get the old jail back now that the server is dying. What happened to 'YOU VOTED FOR IT, IT'S HERE TO STAY. NO WE WON'T IMPLEMENT WHAT YOU'RE SUGGESTING'. The desperation to get more people to actively play on the server is 10/10 to watch from the sidelines. Maybe reduce the overall jailtime, reduce the price for donation vehicles by 90 % and give cops jetpacks next.
  19. @Tuga-Thugs Great job guys, keep up the pace, we're nearly there
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