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Everything posted by Predator

  1. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#33=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Hydra Shooter -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.000.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Las Venturas Airport -=(blue)W=-inner(s): RadioGaga -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [FOX]Stay -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fgua9po
  2. Name: Predator Username: hamapro Rank before kick/leave: Private How long have you been in sapa: 4-5 months Who kicked you: Noone Date of kick/leave: I forgot the exact date Reason for kick/leave: SAPA was converting to a group the rec was closed and no cadets to supervise. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : i felt useless also didn't have something to do. Why do you want back in? when i left, i left something behind, sapa is a part of me, i want to assist the instructors and supervise the cadets again What have you learned from this? : Be patient Who do you want to apologize to? : Noone Why should we give you a second chance?: Because i'm worth it
  3. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#32=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Chicken Shooter -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.000.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Las Venturas Pirate Ship -=(blue)W=-inner(s): O|Bor -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [FOX]Legend -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Bllyr4V
  4. Date: 12/06/2019 The place of the event: Las Venturas Event type: Chicken Shooter LWS: [FOX]Legend Prize: 1.000.000 $ Hosted by: Predator & FOX Winner: O|Bor Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Bllyr4V
  5. Happy Birthday <3
  6. Knighthounds Contractors 'KHC' https://discord.gg/RUcgpuY
  7. Name (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME): John Cale In-game Name: Predator Username: hamapro Age: 17 Current G/S/C (Please state past as well): Fox Operations X, Ex: VM/SAPA/SAFP/TST/SWAT Current Groups (Please state past as well): PC/Enternia/SAF/IAC Ex: RAFM DJ Tell us about yourself: I'm 17 years old, i live in tunisia, im just a normal person who wants to relax and have fun, after a whole tiring day. Do you have any military roleplay experience(s)?: Yes, i do have. Why should we accept you as a Contractor?: Well, i'm very experienced in this side and i've been waiting for this group's foundation since a long time, it's a very sensitive and unique role that only few people can perform it perfectly and i am one of them. What will you bring to KHC?: I'll give 110% of my efforts to the group, and i'll proove how usefull & loyal I am. Do you understand our roleplay and our goals?: Yes, i do. Who are the current commanders of KHC?: Drago Artamonov ( @Nord ) , Mark Callaway ( @TaJ )
  8. Stunning topic ! Unique role, Cool Logo and Banners, defintelty a well organized topic ! Good luck and all the best for your future KHC
  9. it's good making a new start, just follow the server rules, try to avoid problems as much as you can, your english is not bad by time it will improve, im sure that there are many things blurry to you, just ask don't be ashamed, that's how we all started. Joinning an organization isn't hard, when you achieve it, you"ll gain confidence and you"ll be pushed to do more. " Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. " " Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something. "
  10. take care brother, stay strong and follow the treatment you will feel better soon. you will return stronger than ever!!!
  11. @ILLUSION don't take it personal,relax, arguing with you won't make me better or worse, i've been polite with you and i gave you the straight and the right answer for your response, trust me i won't go any further on this conversation.
  12. @ILLUSION said in [Suggestion]Squad/Gang: @Predator making the game un-playeble for the other half of the server claiming "this is how it is in real life" does not justify your argument. People come here to enjoy the game. Your perception of RP seems open to questioning, as your suggestions about "RP" is solely based on empowering the abilities of squads while proposing petty things to gangs. And I am untriggerable. Well, game is play-able with or without my suggestions, there are already gang members who supported my suggestions, so don't act like their lawyer, they already have mouths to speak, no body can doubt my perception of RP, you just won't understand that there's always some difference between both sides and it should be, that's my opinion, but that doesn't mean making squads over-powered than gangs, you just missunderstood me because you have judged on the suggestions i made for the gang side, i joined two gangs in my entire career so don't blame me im not really experienced in this field, if you really felt this is unfair please state your suggestions and i will add them ASAP, so maybe it will look balanced in your point of view.
  13. @ILLUSION think logically, SAES is based on Real life, but that doesn't mean it's completly identical, the point is Cops,Special Forces and Military are always overpowered than criminals, terror etc....., because Government finance those departmens and they are representing the people/nation whatever... all we have to do is to try make them equal as possible as we can, so accept it or not, that's reality, but im feeling like you are triggered by cop side, that's why you quoted the squad part instead of suggesting something for your side. @Tut-Greco i just wrote what's in my mind, about teargas in some cases criminals are numerous (outside the jail,Turfs etc..) you can't control them whatever you do,so im suggesting teargas, so we can make the crims choked(stuck) for (3-5secs) and un-able to shoot, so we can control the situation, and for the van's suggestion i've suggested this 2 years ago but nothing happent. Im aware that a whole new system should be set but it's time to change. @Kim @KARIM Suggestion Added ^
  14. Here are some ideas to improve/upgrade Gang/Squad sides and bring more joy/fun to the game. Also feel free to suggest more ideas bellow. Squad: Adding/Enable Shooter spot to the Fbi truck (without Glue, just a command (/getinshooterspot) whatever,this will be usefull in pursuits,SRs etc... Enable Flashbang/Teargas (according to rules and situations) Making S.W.A.T water tank bulletproof(it can be destroyed by grenades only) or increase it endurance to damage so it can be more effective at Store Robberies(Average endurance of water tank at SR is 5 seconds). Enable Police dog to enter Vehicles trunks, making it able earn money by bites, Also, Enable/Disable Lethality. Sadly i have no suggestion for Enforcer. Gangs: Adding dog spawn to gangs (Lethal) Making them able to transfer/sell Drugs and Weapons using vans such as Burrito etc.. Add old togglewalk Adding command which ables them to sit correctly and shoot using the trunks of Bobcat,Sadler,Picador,Walton and Yosemite I haven't much suggestions for this side (Gang suggestion will be added) ~[Notes:]~(red) First of all, im not trying to make a side overpowered than the other. Secondly, as i said before those suggestions/ideas are written to upgrade/improve G/S sides. Thirdly, All suggestions can be disscussed, GM and Developpers are free to Approve/disapprove those suggestion. Fourthly, ~[Memes/trolls aren't allowed in here]~(red), This is a serious topic. Fifthly, ~[You can suggest more ideas bellow which can be added in here.]~(red,black,black,red,red,black,red,black,red) Im Aware of the grammar faults will be corrected later.
  15. Doesn't matter who he is or what he did, this guy needs an oppurtunity(All humans need a second chance), im sure he's young or he doesn't speak english very well, he is not the only one we have many of this type of players that should be educated somehow, Well all players of saes they we're rookies in the begining, that period is different from person to another due to circumstances and age of the player, so there is 2 kind of players, the first one who adapts fast and the other one who's slow, so most of them they act retarded at the begining breaking rules, annoying other players etc.. so their reputation gets worse and worse,unfortunately, they became outcast in the server. this guy's goal is to join a gang/squad or whatever, he don't know how im sure he tried but due to his reputation and circumstance he got rejected because he doesn't know the right way to join a gang, noone helped me or told him how he achieve his goals.... I own much respect to @Tut-Greco because he helps those people, even if the new player doesn't speak english he asks another player to translate to him, i've seen that not once or twice, many times, tut is not making an exception for this guy he is just trying to help him, because this guy came here to entertain himself and to have fun, but he's about to quit.. It shouldn't be like that #Peace please don't go off-topic and take it personal this guy needs help so help him... be a human be yourself
  16. i think adding an animation to this will be perfect,Well Done!!
  17. Glayd!
  18. FOX regular patrol Date and time of the patrol: 05/02/2019 Evening Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/57AnnqN
  19. FOX regular patrol Date and time of the patrol: 27/01/2018 Evening Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eileXiD
  20. So glad to see a new squad in the field, Good luck NSWC!!
  21. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#31=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Hydra Shooter -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.000.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Red County -=(blue)W=-inner(s): OC|>Judyes -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [FOX]Legend -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pxCfrfu
  22. Date: 21/12/2018 The place of the event: Red County Event type: Hydra Shooter LWS: [FOX]Legend Prize: 1.000.000$ Hosted by: Predator & FOX Winner: OC|>Judyes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pxCfrfu
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