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Everything posted by Predator

  1. HBD fratello
  2. ^[] ^[Announcement] Topic Updated @Czesney & @FoxZilla Accepted Sincerely, Vision Factory's Management
  3. Type Of Activity: RolePlay with @San-Andreas-Federal-Police. Story: Mr Stone a SAFP Official requested an immidiate ALT service though ALT's website, ALT's Engineers forwarded the mission to me, and i got assigned of transporting Lamps from Las Venturas Airport to SAFP headquarters,i've immidiately drove my roadtrain, arrived to Las Venturas airport loaded one lamp on the trailer, attached the trailer and drove to SAFP base where i loaded the five lamps, the mission was properly executed and both parties we're satisfied, not mentioning the astonishment of SAFP team because of ALT's smooth structure and rapid response. Date: 23/06/2020 Participants: @SAFP-Stone @Rocoso & @Matheus . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/I8RrTLo
  4. Type Of Activity: Roleplay With GJMC. Story: During my night shift, i got assigned of shipping Motorcycles from Las Venturas Airport to Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club's headquarters, i left my office, went to ALT's parking, entered my vehicle and drove to Las Venturas Airport, attached the trailer then drove to GJMC's base, when i arrived the bikers welcomed me, and asked me to park the trailer at a certain area, then i did as i am asked, then they signed the receivement's papers, the bikers we're happy of ALT's rapid response. Date: 23/06/2020 Participants: Boody & Mowgli Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nCaWp0W
  5. Type: Rhino Shooter Prize: $1.000.000 LWS: [FOX]Filippo Winner(s): UE|Ragnax Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SEMkzAA
  6. @SNome said in Friendly Fire inside the Jail: Thing is criminals will literally block the shots and lead to the jb being ruined cause someone decided to stay idle in the middle of the wallway. If you ever played CS 1.6 certainly you know about the ghost mode, which removes the collisions between players aswell keeps bullet going through em, simply, what im trying to say that it can be a ghost mode inside jail so the bullet will pass through the body but it won't damage it. Also this mod simulataneously work with opacity which means that the ped or the player will be almost transparent which helps you seeing what's behind him & this will be a great addition to the gameplay. +1
  7. Type Of Activity: RolePlay with @San-Andreas-Federal-Police. Story: Mr Stone a SAFP Official came to ALT base, he requested an immidiate ALT service during my shift, i went to him and after minutes of negotiations we made an arrangement, I'll transport two airplanes from Las Venturas Airport to SAFP headquarters, escorted by SAFP troops, transportation fully covered and a good amount of money, couldn't refuse his offer, i've immidiately drove my roadtrain, arrived to Las Venturas airport loaded the two dodos on the trailer, attached the trailer and drove to SAFP base where i loaded the two airplanes, the mission was properly executed and both parties we're satisfied, not mentioning the astonishment of SAFP team because of ALT's smooth structure and rapid response. Date: 09/06/2020 Participants: @SAFP-Stone @Rocoso @VayraN and Joaqo. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9bUKCH6
  8. Type Of Activity: Roleplay With @Medelln-Cartel. Story: After my shift, Mr Skulion invited me to a working dinner, i accepted his invitation without hesitation and went to Medellin headquarters, Mr Skulion told me that he bought two dodos from The Boeing Company and they will arrive to Las Venturas Airport in a certain time, so, he asked me to transport the two dodos from the airport to Medellin headquarters for a good amount of money and full cover of the transportation, i couldn't refuse such an offer and i made the deal and i've done the job properly. Date: 23/05/2020 Participants: @SkulioN & @Zodiyac Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TGXyIGe
  9. Type: Rhino Shooter Prize: $1.000.000 LWS: Royal|Matthews Winner(s): -DaVe Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2j8IkK9
  10. ^[] ^[Vision Factory Level 5/4 Squad Base] ^[The base was built based on request from an X squad.] ^[Mapping this base was really a magnificent adventure & great addition to my career as a professional mapper] Objectives: Mapping a trendy & modern base. Maintaining/saving as much space as possible. Gathering all mapping features all in one(providing more RP options for the squad). More goals. Challenges/Difficulties: The base's perimeter wasn't straight . The ground wasn't flat, surface was made of many zones with different altitudes. Connecting the two buildings. More issues. Specifics: Author & Owner: @Predator & Vision Factory VF Discord Server: https://discord.gg/V5rNmTf Location: Los Santo's Graveyard Mapping Duration: 3 days Entrances: 2(Exposed & Secret one) Features: Elevator(connecting the two buildings, Main Adminstration, SAFP personnel's Adminstration, Planning/briefing room, Radar room, Intelligence Section, Meeting room, Arsenal/Ammunation with a small hidden laboratory, Garage, Gym, AFK/chilling zone, jail & a sexy fountain. ^[All Copyrights belongs to Vision Factory] ^[Vision Factory Discord Server] ^[Screenshots] ^[Overview] ^[Enterance/gate] ^[SAFP Personnel's Adminstration] ^[Planning/Briefing room] ^[Radar Room] ^[Intelligence Section] ^[Meeting Room] ^[Garage] ^[Arsenal/Ammunation Room & small Lab] ^[Gym & AFK/Chilling zone] ^[Jail] ^[Base jump target & roof] ^[Fountain] ^[Elevator]
  11. It was a privilege watching & supporting you from the beginning to the end, it was a great squad, the one you worked & struggled for it, unfortunately cop side situation was against you, it lasted for one year but lived more than any other squad, you'll always be remembered <3 Another tragedy has occured, Another squad has fallen.
  12. Legenden sterben nie
  13. Happy birthday Jojo!
  14. The whole server is supporting you brother, Stay strong & FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! I hope you get well soon.
  15. ^[] ^[] Established: 5th April of 2020. Motto: Vision Factory - The Few, The Proud Member count: 17 Discord server: https://discord.gg/6HJ7Tt2 Recruitment status: Open ^[] ^[Vision Factory (abbreviated as VF) is a private corporation that provides all kinds of services for SAES community, we mainly offer services varying from Scripting to Mapping, not mentionning Designing, Shader designing and much more, also providing ingame services, basically we are gathering all kind of services in one place.] Our Objectives: Ensure that the client receives quality service. Ensure that each and every project is done perfectly. Ensure that everything is properly executed. Ensure that both parties(Client & Service Provider) are satisfied. ^[We do have an unlimited potential, these are the services that we currently provide, not mentioning that a lot of other services are still under consideration.] Vision Factory main services Mapping Scripting Designing Shader Designing Vision Factory Secondary Services Creating Custom Vehicles Selling & Trading Vehicles Real Estate Opportunities Encouraging Players to RP Facilitating Assistance Requests (LWS, CC Impounder & Mechanic) What are the benefits of requesting our services? Peace of mind Quality Acceptable Prices How can i benefit of VF's main services? All you have to do is to join our discord's server then make an application on the the appropriate channel, then wait for it to get reviewed answered by VF's Management. If it gets accepted, you'll get added to a chat. Paying Process? After receiving the notification of the business's accomplishment, you'll have to pay the service provider then pay an additional 10% of the amount as a tax. ^[Privileges] ^[We appreciate our loyal clients loyalty, trust and support, therefore, we reward them with special privileges according to their class.] Gold VIP (attainable by making 4 complete requests) :one: Priority over New clients. :two: 10% Discount in service costs. :three: Prestigious privileges. Platinium VIP (attainable by making 8 complete requests) :one: Priority over other Non-VIP Clients :two: 20% Discount in service costs. :three: No tax. :four: Prestigious privileges. ^[] Loyalty Common sense Respect Discipline Maintain VF's reputation among the community ^[Vision Factory has 4 Legions] Mapping Legion This Legion is specialized in mapping and everything related to it, each Legionnaire(Legion's Member) is able to make Gates, Warp Markers, Spawns & Shaders. Designing Legion This Legion is specialized in Graphical Designing and Product Designing, from Logos & Banners to Shaders to Signatures. Scripting Legion This Legion is specialized in .lua Scripting, Everything can be done but not for free :wink: Secondary Services Legion This Legion is specialized in providing in-game services as we already mentioned above. ^[] ^[Leadership] ^[The Emperor | Owner & Founder] ^[The Sovereign, the ruler of the corporation, he's the one & only who has the supreme power in the group, the ultimate decision maker, the responsible person of the group's future, his word is decisive.] ^[Chief Executive Officer | Leader] ^[The CEO is the highest ranking officer within the company, the most senior executive and administrative officer, the leader of the company and it personnel and the one responsible for the corporation's interests.] ^[Chief Operating Officer | Vice Leader] ^[The COO is one of the highest ranking executive positions within the company, he's the second in command and the one responsible of the daily operation of the corporation.] ^[Mapping Legion] ^[Architecture Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Mapping Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[Senior Engineer] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Mapping Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[Architect] ^[An Experienced Mapper who earned the title of a Mapping Legionnaire.] ^[Designing Legion] ^[Art Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Designing Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[Senior Designer] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Designing Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[Product Designer] ^[An Experienced Designer who earned the title of a Designing Legionnaire.] ^[Graphical Designer] ^[An Experienced Designer who earned the title of a Designing Legionnaire.] ^[Scripting Legion] ^[Code Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Scripting Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[Senior Developer] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Scripting Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[Programmer] ^[An Experienced Scripter who earned the title of a Scripting Legionnaire.] ^[Secondary Services Legion] ^[Business Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Secondary Services Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[Manager] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Secondary Services Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[Custom Vehicles Creator] ^[An Experienced Custom Vehicles Maker who earned the title of a Secondary Services Legionnaire.] ^[Real Estate Agent] ^[An Experienced Real Estate Agent who earned the title of a Secondary Services Legionnaire.] ^[Intern] ^[A new person among the team who's working gaining experience or satisfy requirements for Legionnaire qualification.] ^[] ::: ^[Leadership] ^[The Emperor | Owner & Founder] ^[The Sovereign, the ruler of the corporation, he's the one & only who has the supreme power in the group, the ultimate decision maker, the responsible person of the group's future, his word is decisive.] ^[- VF|Predator<EMP>] ^[Chief Executive Officer | Leader] ^[The CEO is the highest ranking officer within the company, the most senior executive and administrative officer, the leader of the company and it personnel and the one responsible for the corporation's interests.] ^[- VF|Predator<CEO>] ^[Chief Operating Officer | Vice Leader] ^[The COO is one of the highest ranking executive positions within the company, he's the second in command and the one responsible of the daily operation of the corporation.] ^[- VF|Vacant<COO>] ^[Mapping Legion] ^[Architecture Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Mapping Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[- VF|Predator<AD>] ^[Senior Engineer] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Mapping Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[- VF|Vacant<SE>] ^[Architect] ^[An Experienced Mapper who earned the title of a Mapping Legionnaire.] ^[- VF|AntiRug<Arch>] ^[- VF|SkulioN<Arch>] ^[- VF|SubMeOff<Arch>] ^[- VF|Vennelle<Arch>] ^[Designing Legion] ^[Art Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Designing Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[- VF|Dyam<ArtD>] ^[Senior Designer] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Designing Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[- VF|Vacant<SD>] ^[Product Designer] ^[An Experienced Designer who earned the title of a Designing Legionnaire.] ^[- VF|Bazuka<GrD>] ^[- VF|NORI999<ProD>] ^[Graphical Designer] ^[An Experienced Designer who earned the title of a Designing Legionnaire.] ^[- VF|WenDo<GrD>] ^[- VF|xDarkMan<GrD>] ^[- VF|Cornelius<GrD>] ^[Scripting Legion] ^[Code Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Scripting Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[- VF|JohnnyEnglish<CD>] ^[Senior Developer] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Scripting Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[- VF|Vacant<SDev>] ^[Programmer] ^[An Experienced Scripter who earned the title of a Scripting Legionnaire.] ^[- VF|Vacant<Prog>] ^[Secondary Services Legion] ^[Business Director] ^[A brilliant Gentleman who earned the title of the Leader of the Secondary Services Legion and hounoured of being responsible of the legion from all sides.] ^[- VF|Vacant<BD>] ^[Manager] ^[An Advanced Expert of the Secondary Services Legion who distinguished himself among the others and earned the personnel's respect.] ^[- VF|Vacant<MAN>] ^[Custom Vehicles Creator] ^[An Experienced Custom Vehicles Maker who earned the title of a Secondary Services Legionnaire.] ^[- VF|Carl<CVC>] ^[- VF|MarksMan<CVC>] ^[Real Estate Agent] ^[An Experienced Real Estate Agent who earned the title of a Secondary Services Legionnaire.] ^[- VF|Vacant<REA>] ^[Intern] ^[A new person among the team who's working gaining experience or satisfy requirements for Legionnaire qualification.] ^[- VF|Hope<Int>] ^[- VF|Sanek<Int>] ^[- VF|FoxZilla<Int>] ::: ^[] Do you wish to join VF? Fill the format bellow, anything which does not follow this format will result in an automatic denial Answers shall be unbold. **Name:** **Username:** **Age:** **Languages Spoken:** **Preferred Legion** **Past experience with preferred Legion:** **Examples of your work(Open a spoiler):** ^[]
  16. "Killing any player by parking on them, or repetitively ramming them with your vehicle" Firstly, The player got killed by a grenade not by the driver. Secondly Same situation happent to me not by cops but by criminals, i tazed a criminal then i got repetitively ramed by his friend & another criminal killed me when i was laying on the ground. So just stop that drama and pretending to be angels & law abiding players, players from both sides do the same thing all day long You disregarded all of that & made a scapegoat of cop siders like they're the one & only people who does that shit.
  17. NEIN, what's the purpose of such suggestion? reseting economy and restarting from 0? there's no point of it, no benefits nothing. SAES used to be fun with few,simple & logical scripts but not anymore due to the retarded suggestions like waiting 3 secs to create a barrier or offer a bribe. if the officials keep allowing such suggestions, saes will die in no time, it's actually dying btw
  18. As you all know, Sea is very important in real life but not in SAES, less than 1% use it after the removal of "captain" spawn, So basically only Naval Unit & SAP also players remember it when SAES launch flooding script. Despite the sea is underrated & neglected, it can make SAES more interesting and enjoyable also makes SAP, coastguard, SAI & Navy great again. How? 1st Option: We can map/create islands like "Dezzolation island" around SA, which can be a meeting point for all criminals(similaire to SRs) people smuggle drugs/weapons from that area to the warehouse in order to earn money(x2 or x3 SR's money) Also we can add a "race script" so the first 3 individuals who accomplish the mission they'll get extra money. 2nd Option: Create Naval Oilfields around the map which will be expolited by ALT & Fuel Sailors, they'll have to transport the oil through a ship to the harbor where they'll find an oil tank then fuel truckers transport it to the refineries, during the naval transport of the oil, the ship can be attacked and hijacked by SAP & other criminals or pirates if the ship remains hijacked for a certain amount of time(2-5mins) they'll get rewarded for example 60-40k for each individual. Note: ALT & Fuel Sailors rewards will get multiplied during their naval activities/duties. DE & Naval Unit will be able to respond all the time (no requirements/dictations) In case if this suggestion got approved more rules will be added. ~[Maximum votes per user = 2 You're able to vote twice.]~(red)
  19. ^[Due to the wave of offensive suggestions of criminals against cop side which had a negative side effects on cop side's brilliance after his glorious comeback] i suggest cooldown/disallowing non copsiders from suggesting suggestions for cop side. What really happent?(The truth, Criminals won't admit) Since our comeback, crim side begun to feel uncomfortable because they can't do what they used to do easily ,anymore, which explains their failures in organizing their operations especially unsuccessful bank robberies & the resistance they face from cop side, which led them to avoid fighting fair & start a "crusade" on copside by suggesting these enormous offensive suggestions in short period of time... this shit must & will be stopped, enough is enough no more criminal supremacy we won't allow it anymore. ~[We we're on our worst situations but we didn't suggest offensive suggestions against crim side in order to enhance ours]~(red) SO SUGGEST SUGGETIONS FOR YOUR SIDE TO ENHANCE IT, NOT TO DESTROY OURs!!!! LEARN TO FIGHT FAIR
  20. First of all Cop side activity increased due to the joinning of ETF & Five-0 to official squads, so currently there are 17 official gangs against 7 official squads this seems balanced to you? i don't think so, thinking logically you're overpowered over twice our numbers and you got drugs in your favour. So please think twice before suggesting such suggestions...
  21. A fresh start, good luck Gladiators!
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