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Everything posted by Predator

  1. as you can see many groups are inactive and got many wannabees and 0 activity ,why not Groups can be demoted/warned and asked for activity like Squads/Gangs/Companys? why they have a spawn and special abilities? Of course the groups HQs will disaggree me because they enjoy getting asslicked the whole time they play, i don't care for them, i just care about gameplay and fun, i suggest to make a special topic for Groups Results also topic about rewards and requirments, so we can have more fun, enjoy gameplay,roleplay and usefull groups, DE and CLO are an exception from this idea/sugggestion also Group Management (GM) team will handle this. The conclusion is, groups recruit players when they have to, so players can have fun and groups will be more active and usefull in the community. Share us your Opinion.
  2. Roleplay Title: The tunnel's discovery [Marshal RP] S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Knele|Pvt, SAFP|Predator|PO Other Participants: Mstjd.Mustafa|M ([SWAT]Tefa) Story: While Knele and i we're patrolling, we got a call from the Bone County's airport wardens that a terrorist has burned a plane as it's a lone wolf operation for "Al Munazama",so we responded as fast as we can,we arrived and checked security cameras and we discovered who did that operation, we followed his quadbike's trace untill we found it, out of fuel we took his fingerprints as a proof of his crim and we decided to move forward where we found the quadbike and we discovered the tunnel that is a secret way between the desert mountains which it making it their untouchable resource, so we broken into and we arrested him and he's now under investigation. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2QBDFQA
  3. Type of the activity: Store Robbery Raid Tactics,Parachute,Intelligence lessons. Members online: SAFP[Glayd,Wizax,Elufner,Saint,Dori,S1xel] TST[Lucifer]. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nNwx0Fe ~[To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.]~(red,blue,navy) ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(blue,navy,navy)
  4. i want to congratulate ~[YOU]~(blue)!!! Well deserved guys
  5. Don't take it personal guys, you should have work as a team, Departure @Joshbond isn't making ICE's Situation better but worse maybe you are right because it's your choice but i am talking like that because ICE's future. you should ask yourself why you created ICE and still fighting or still in the race. ICE is a new squad that has a different spirit than other squads ICE needs mens. anyways kicking inactives as Sub Leader ain't a problem because you have rights and abilities to do that ,Remember," Sub "Leader". honestly josh i want you to continue as ICE's Sub Leader or even a HQ and this is the only chance to proove to sam that you are the right person in the right place. Peace
  6. Listen josh, This is gonna hard to understand but.. Sometimes you can try so hard at something. Sometimes you can be so prepared, and still fail. And every time you fail, it's painful, it causes sadness, and especially it causes disappointment. I've often said a man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall. So no matter how great the setback, how severe the failure, you never give up. You never give up, you pick yourself up, you brush yourself off, you push forward, you move on. You adabt, you overcome, that is what I believe! -=(blue)Legendary Sentences from John Cena.=- taken from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eAGxiA4p2Q ICE is a new Squad in the field it's normal to make mistakes as it's the begining of it parcour/career, all you have to do is to search for Experienced/usefull/active and Creative members, make it harder to join by adding more tests so you can recruit the best also i don't agree with the first comment about the members don't kick anyone you can reach the glory with those members,okay, sit them down Explain where you are at. be blunt,be upfront and give them the simple plan of how you're gonna get things back on track. Don't sugar coat it.you give it to them straight. Wish you follow my advices and succeed. -=(blue,blue)#ICE_FOR_LVL5=- -=(red)DON'T GIVE UP!!!!=-
  7. Noone expected that, you are a Legendary guy you have done many Services to the Community and the whole Server and you spent all your efforts working on devoloping this server and satisfy us,So sad to hear that you're leaving but the whole Community is thankfull to you and we appreciate your great work. in my opinion you shouldn't be in "INACTIVE OR RETIRED" group but you should be in "Legendary Developpers" or "Legends of SAES". My Respects,sir.
  8. Nice idea +1, but i have a suggestion, the carjacker can be able to steal players cars only, Donation cars and g/s/c and groups cars cannot be stealed.
  9. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#25=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Box All vs All -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.500.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Hell Soldier's Old base. -=(blue)W=-inner(s): Agent_NORI -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [B~B]Ntruder -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/81wKF3w
  10. ^[] ^[] ^[Challenge with Pride] ^[] ~[N]~(blue)umber of events hosted:=- 34 ~[M]~(blue)oney spent on events:=- 42.000.000$ ~[M]~(blue)y LWS topic on the old forum:=- https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/83171-predators-lws-events/ ~[M]~(blue)y LWS Application's Link: https://saesrpg.uk/post/93046 ~[L]~(blue)ast Update: 14/06/2019 ^[] ~[E]~(blue)vent Format: Event Type: Prize: Location: Winner(s): Helper(s): Screenshots: ^[]
  11. Well done Jonas! few more scripts and Civilian side will be active again. finally there is someone caring about the Civilian side. #Civilian_side_Great_Again.
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