Listen josh, This is gonna hard to understand but.. Sometimes you can try so hard at something. Sometimes you can be so prepared, and still fail. And every time you fail, it's painful, it causes sadness, and especially it causes disappointment. I've often said a man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall. So no matter how great the setback, how severe the failure, you never give up. You never give up, you pick yourself up, you brush yourself off, you push forward, you move on. You adabt, you overcome, that is what I believe! -=(blue)Legendary Sentences from John Cena.=- taken from: ICE is a new Squad in the field it's normal to make mistakes as it's the begining of it parcour/career, all you have to do is to search for Experienced/usefull/active and Creative members, make it harder to join by adding more tests so you can recruit the best also i don't agree with the first comment about the members don't kick anyone you can reach the glory with those members,okay, sit them down Explain where you are at. be blunt,be upfront and give them the simple plan of how you're gonna get things back on track. Don't sugar coat give it to them straight. Wish you follow my advices and succeed. -=(blue,blue)#ICE_FOR_LVL5=- -=(red)DON'T GIVE UP!!!!=-