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Everything posted by Predator

  1. FOX regular patrol Date and time of the patrol: 19/12/2018 Evening Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qY6yBxM
  2. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#30=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Knock me off from my NRG (3 Rounds) -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.500.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Las Venturas -=(blue)W=-inner(s): [ThC]Petrow & [AA]koko[1312] & 215|Freezoom -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [FOX]Pilcrow<sHQ> -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uVYzEAs
  3. Date: 18/12/2018 The place of the event: Las Venturas Event type: Knock me off from my NRG (3 Rounds) LWS: [FOX]Pilcrow<sHQ> Prize: 1.500.000 $ Hosted by: Predator & FOX Winner: [ThC]Petrow & [AA]koko[1312] & 215|Freezoom Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uVYzEAs
  4. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#29=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Hunter Shooter -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.000.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Las Venturas -=(blue)W=-inner(s): [BOPE]SheraP -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [STF]Dufabo<vL> -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QSCa7hT
  5. Date: 30/11/2018 The place of the event: Las Venturas Event type: Hunter Shooter LWS: [STF]Dufabo<vL> Prize: 1.000.000 $ Hosted by: Predator & FOX Winner: [BOPE]SheraP Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QSCa7hT
  6. SECTION 1 Name: Mohamed In-game name: Predator Age: 16 Sex: Male English proficiency: 8/10 Native language: Arabic Other language(s): Frensh Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Yes, i do When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: since 2012 (6 years) Total gameplay (hours): 2180+ Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 2-3 Average FPS: 60+ Average ping: 70-120 Previous organizations: VM/SAPA/SWAT/ALT/TST/SAFP Are you active user of Discord?: Yes, i am SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): FOX is an intelligence organization that's made to protect and defend San Andreas from enternal or external threats. B. Define marker arrest: the marker is an arrow which placed in front of doors, that marker teleports you from a dimension(SA) to another dimension(interior), so when we stand in a marker we become frozen for few seconds so that's why cops aren't allowed to arrest and in the otherside crims aren't allowed to kill too. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: 1 - Im not allowed to speak any languages except English in Mainchat. 2 - im not allowed to Death-match or Revenge Death-match. 3 - im not allowed to marker-kill or marker-arrest. 4 - im not allowed to camp at jail or hospital in order to arrest someone. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: As you know SAES is a RolePlay based server, so we are asked to act like in reallife, Also logically a cop won't open fire at you directly even in movies so he has to ask you to pull over etc.., that's why i prefer attemping roleplay before arresting. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: So I'm 16 years old, my name is Mohamed and i live in tunisia, im just a normal person who wants to relax and have fun, after a whole tiring day. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My Strengths are Driving,Shooting,RolePlaying,Parachuting and Teamworking etc.., But i have no Weaknesses. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: FOX has unique role than others, also it's full of Well-trained,Unique and cool members that you wish to join them, Fortunately, i had many friends in it that i want to join them so bad. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: Honestly, im ready to do whatever it takes to take a part of that glorious squad and team, Also i think that i meet the requirements due what i have from skills and experiences that helps me a lot to adapt in the crew. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: i have nothing to say except "Thanks for reading and Peace" Retard test: Click here please.
  7. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#28=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Swimming Race -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.500.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Las Venturas - Red County beach. -=(blue)W=-inner(s): [ThC]Pany|Rebels -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [STF]Dufabo<vL> -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/A5WMhTy
  8. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#27=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Rhino Shooter -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.000.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Las Venturas near the Pyramide. -=(blue)W=-inner(s): [NNB*]NORI -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [STF]Dufabo<vL> -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VsdDwW9
  9. -=(blue)E=-vent -=(blue)#26=- -=(blue,blue)E=-vent Type: Lucky Nade -=(blue)P=-rize: 1.000.000$ -=(blue)L=-ocation: Las Venturas -=(blue)W=-inner(s): [ThC-H]+[M]ister -=(blue)H=-elper(s): [STF]Dufabo<vL> -=(blue)S=-creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZGzmkpQ
  10. Type: Swimming Race LWS/G6: [STF]Dufabo<vL> Prize: 1.500.000$ Winner: [ThC]Pany|Rebels Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/A5WMhTy ^[~[TO PROTECT WITH COURAGE, TO SERVE WITH COMPASSION.]~(navy,navy)] ^[~[SAN ANDREAS FEDERAL POLICE]~(navy)]
  11. Type: Lucky Nade LWS/G6: [STF]Dufabo<vL> Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: [ThC-H]+[M]ister Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZGzmkpQ ^[~[TO PROTECT WITH COURAGE, TO SERVE WITH COMPASSION.]~(navy,navy)] ^[~[SAN ANDREAS FEDERAL POLICE]~(navy)]
  12. Type: Rhino Shooter LWS/G6: [STF]Dufabo<vL> Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: [NNB*]NORI Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VsdDwW9 ^[~[TO PROTECT WITH COURAGE, TO SERVE WITH COMPASSION.]~(navy,navy)] ^[~[SAN ANDREAS FEDERAL POLICE]~(navy)]
  13. Tuga Thugs Applicants be like: ^[]
  14. im so grateful to Boston, he helped me financially(Money $$$) also he taught me rules and basics.
  16. Roleplay Title: Speed trap [Marshal RP] S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Predator|PO, SAFP|Knele|Pvt Other Participants: [CDC]KiroSa Story: We have deployed our speed trap and attended untill someone Accelerates more than it should be, after a few minutes, a van driver break the law so we pulled him over and checked his documents and wrote him a ticket but before that we discovered that his driving licenses expired since a week, and due his clean archive( no accidents,no crimes) in our database we gave him 48 hours to pay his ticket and re-new his licenses otherwise he will get jailed. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yprYpqd
  17. Roleplay Title: Spying Mission [Marshal RP] S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Predator|PO, SAFP|Knele|Pvt Other Participants: [CMC]Enemy[Vice] Story: SAFP's intelligence team last while is focused on CMC's activities and trying to find illegal stuffs, somehow the intelligence's team got an information about a big load of drugs in Los Santos going to be transported to CMC's base, so we have been requested to participate in this mission, so we tracked a van belongs to CMC and started following the driver untill we found the drugs hideout then we kept following this guy untill he loads it in their basement,then we broke into his base and arrested him and he's now under investigation and the mission accomplished successfuly. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Kh2rO4t
  18. Roleplay Title: Transportation of a fugitive [Marshal RP] S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Predator|PO, SAFP|Wizax|COM Other Participants: [BBMC]ismaken[P] Story: After the end of the investigation with the fugitive, we got a request to transport him from our base prison to Fort Carson's Police office's Prison to make him more closer to the court also to his family, after a long hours of disscussion and planning and thinking about the possibilities of his escape, we accepted the request. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rLfxnH2
  19. so happy to see a new squad, Welcome Aboard and good luck!!
  20. @kipt said in [Suggestion]Groups: About the "PC VERY RESTRICT" ( from @StarWars), I don't think it's needed. PC HQ could just add the people they think would fit in there. There are a bunch of groups / squads / gangs with more than one spawn and not all members can use every spawn. At @Crash, I know I mention HLS and didn't say anything else related to it. I also know why I did that. Nevertheless, I like the spying / intelligence part of it, I really do. But using HLS spawn to patrol like normal squad members or even trainees is non-sense, at least at my eyes. HLS should only work to gather intel and pass it to squads / PC so they can do the arrests. Also, having HLS raiding gang's base would be cool. Again, I just don't agree with the "cop side" of it. Going back one step into the meaning of the topic. I think GMs should look at the group's activities but also to the overall HQ Team of it. What I mean is, you can't expect an active group if the HQ Team is inactive, and let's face it, people tend to keep themselves as 'HQ' even if they barely play (no matter the reason). But hey, that would be a shit storm. i tottaly support what you said,but we need a solution/punishment/System or something to force groups to be Active not useless.
  21. DE and CLO have a different way to recruit people for example DE Live recruitments, and CLO picking the best players in their view also they are special groups and got a special role and priorities more than any other groups. Gov is necessary for the server, SAI,PC,G6 too, LWS also but it's inactive rarely to find a member that helps players most of them they spawn to help their own g/s/c or group, and even when they recruit their members stay active for about month to get trusted member spawn (they can't be kicked for inactivity) then they rarely spawn or exception spawning to help their organizations, @StarWars no need to make X groups or whatever hooppers are known also i tottaly agree with you about PC. Finally all i wanted to say there are no right persons in the right place. Please don't go off topic @Ted this is ain't a meme topic or sarcasm we're talking about serious problem.
  22. @Gengar you just said what i wanted to say since i started playing in here, by writting this suggestion i tried to make this message indirect then u wrote the direct version :) , i tottaly support what you said. you got my Respects.
  23. @riley said in [Suggestion]Groups: I totally agree with Virus. Even if the groups are inactive, those groups got a unique role.. and if that gonna be demoted/deleted.. then that role also gonna be deleted. Also, in my opinion if one group is inactive, then punish only that group. And do not punish the others. some groups are neccessary for the game, and others not we can make some exceptions,read what i said again, but why they are inactive and they won't recruit? why they have a spawn and inactive while other groups haven't a spawn but active. if they are inactive they won't do their unique role as you said. So?
  24. @flappppyyy said in Organization Zero | Role play archive: Participants:@Predator since we bought a lot of arms with high quality also we got all the kinds of arms, and now we are searching for a client that he can some arms to get some money that we can use it in many areas to upgrade the gang, and today, when I was chilling out in Las Venturas, I got a call from a member from San Andreas Federal Police called "predator" he told me that he wants some arms with high quality for their patrols also to protect San Andreas from criminal Operations, we agreed, I told him that we will come to their base that he can check them before buying them, however, we decide to get ready,we took our weapons in the trunk of our car, I bring some gang mates with me, and I went to the San Andreas Federal Police base,there,i found him waiting for us ,so he opened gates to us, park our car in their garage,then we talked a bit about Conditions San Andreas a this moment,then, I decide to show him our arms,after testing it,we opened a talk about the price,after some suggestions,he decided to take them with 140500$ for each box,after transporting them inside the base,he paid me and I went back to our base. Screenshots: ::: :::
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