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Everything posted by DELETED-USER15

  1. No, It's not fair because what if a criminal is leaving the jail and he got accidentally killed while he was about to leave the jail, He will go back to cells, That is not fair, But there's a better thing, Friendly fire, There's no reason to not accept the friendly fire at the jail only, Cops and squads cannot damage eachother and same thing to criminals / gangs, It's more balanced and fair, Tell me if i'm wrong please ^^
  2. Happy Birthday police boss <3 <3
  3. 28 July 2020 Type of Activity: Patroling Members Online: @VayraN @Kristiina @SidVicious @pekekent Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CvEnzOM
  4. Happy birthdayyy <333
  5. Happy birthday broo <333
  6. 25 July 2020 Type of Activity: Patrolling, Responding to SRs, Securing VIPs Members Online: @VayraN @Supreme @kellerman @mohammeddsayedd3 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/d0gZQHO
  7. Happy Birthday useless @Bodo420 <3
  8. Type: Boxing all vs all LWS/G6: @Colobria Prize: 1 Million Winner: @Moha Screenshots:
  9. SAFP Involved: @VayraN @mohammeddsayedd3 Other Players Involved: @Orten1 @Sfen @Cena Story: Officer VayraN got a call from an unknown man at his office, He answered and that man told him that he saw 2 people entering a pizza shop with pistols and another one waiting them outside with a car, Officer VayraN asked him for the location, That man told him the location ( Los Santos Idle Wood ) Officer VayraN left his office and called Officer Clash, He explained to him about what happened, They went near the location of the crime, They took a look while being away enough, They saw a gray car waiting outside a pizza shop, They got an M416 from the car trunk, And then they went to the car, They started aiming at the car, They saw only 1 man inside, They got him outside the car and asked him about the others, He said that they are inside, They prepared their weapons to catch them when they get out, The criminals left the shop and the officers saw 2 only really, They arrested them all and got them to their base, They've put them at the cells Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uIely2o
  10. Type: Last Man Standing LWS/G6: @Draven Prize: 1 Million Winner: @Westbrook Screenshots:
  11. Happy Birthday.
  12. 23 July 2020 Type of Activity: Patroling, Responding to SRs, Stopping the JBs Members Online: @VayraN @mohammeddsayedd3 @Halo @Supreme Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hmiDOYy
  13. Happy Birthday <333
  14. Idk why would someone vote no for this... It will not change anything expect just pressing 2 clicks to go to spawnscreen, +1
  15. @SAFP-Stone said in Lets bring old taser back: Honestly I have no issues arresting criminals when I am 1v1 or 2v1 with them. Sometimes even 3v1. I have issues when it is more than that. Arresting becomes real complicated. Of course, the way I would be able to survive in such situations would be by having backup. However, the issue is when I run out of backup, then what? For example, 50 criminals vs 6 cops or more.. what then? Obviously I have my own tactics that I use with my squad and we are able to arrest yall. Without backup arresting in situations like that is shit. The main things I dislike about arresting in general is how climbing on top of a roof is extremely efficient in dispatching police officers. For example, in SRs and around the jail area. We dont always have access to helicopters or planes and we would have to respawn everytime after death in order to get a parachute again. (Or in a disk but then we need aircraft). From my experience, I usually do use team work with my squad and we are successful more often than not. My dislikes about arresting as a cop is as follows: Grenades - So annoying. I understand how this balances things out but when a bunch of crims start throwing nades everywhere things become stupid as fuck. Climbing - climbing roofs puts you at a huge advantage against a cop because of the length of the animation. Some criminals love jumping on and off roofs in order to get some easy free shots in. Annoying. Markers - people love going in and out of markers to avoid any damage (JB BR) or arrests. Very unfair. Squad vehicle - After a long chase that lead you from LS through LV and ended at SF. Only for the criminal to get out and throw a grenade at your unit, sucks ass. I hate having to respawn for a vehicle so much. I get it, we have vehicles in our disk. But as a cop I like having police vehicles with sirens at all times. So I can fit my role. CLO /DE - cool, I get the spawn and everything. However DE isnt anywhere near as active as CLO. And CLO usually just ends up terrorizing cops until they get bored. Kind of hilarious actually, but I can see why some may think its a bit unfair. (Nothing against CLO just sharing a concern) Nightstick / sync - all I gotta say is that when I hit you with my nightstick 3 - 4 times and you dont get arrested, its pretty annoying. And to top it all off the criminal with throw a grenade at you and watch you be launched to death when you both know that you should have been arrested. Only to say in main chat ez or noob cop. Pretty annoying lmao Honestly those are my main issues with being a cop. Other than that, I dont think I have a problem. I can find team work and it always helps. Criminals arent as skilled as they think they are. Usually theyre just grouped up.. the way we arrest now is fine although a taze arrest would solve some of the issues we are having. I think most of the issues isnt about the scripts or system its about the way people play. I actually agree with you Stone at some points, Grenades are actually annoying af and it helps 80% in getting you killed, But there's no fix for it while dying while leaving the vehicle, Only 1 opinion, You should stop your vehicle infront of them but dont leave it and they will think that you are leaving, They will throw a grenade and then you dodge it, After you dodge it then you start chasing him and you leave your vehicle, At the marker point, A script should be added that allows you to enter the marker again only after 3-5 seconds after leaving it, Remember, The same marker you entered only and not another marker, That will fix the problem a bit, Roof point, There's no fix for it, It's not unfair you just have to be faster than the criminal and get on the roof or just tase him, Get on the roof while he is tased and then arrest him, Either he stands again because you were slow and he will jump of the roof or he will just get arrested, Nightstick problem, It's annoying yea but its a script bug, It's not always happening but sometimes it happens because of a bug and sometimes it happens because you or the suspect are lagging, CLO point, I don't see any problem about that, It's easy to arrest anyone but depends on his equipment, Nothing is impossible but it's just harder, I agree at some points you said, But this suggestion is not fair to criminal side, It needs to be balanced
  16. SAFP Involved: @VayraN @mohammeddsayedd3 @Vine Other Players Involved: @cenadoloko @EL-PunHoLoko @Filt @Valentino @BaNdiToBill @VinnyBL Story: VayraN were patroling around LS with 2 Another officers, Vine and Clash, They was moving next to the bank, They heard a woman screaming and a gun shot, They left their car and got M416 from the car trunk incase it became dangerous, They went to the bank and they just found 4 People aiming with guns at the security of the bank and at 2 normal civilians, Officers started aiming at them, They gave up and dropped their weapon after our order, While handcuffing them, 3 of them ran of us, We ran after them but they got inside their car and escaped, The last one of the criminals and the civilians went to the officers squad (San Andreas Federal Police) PD, The criminal got inside the cell and the civilians explained what happened exactly to the Officer Vine, Officer Clash were searching for anything related to the criminals, Officer VayraN left the room and got prepared to talk with the criminal tomorrow about what happened and to try to get any information about the other criminals. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0ptqofv
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