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Everything posted by DELETED-USER15

  1. @WenDo said in [SUGGESTION] Turf for Cops: @Mohamed-Mostafa said in [SUGGESTION] Turf for Cops: I don't fuckin understand why would a fuckin stupid idiot maniac crazy criminal vote on this suggestion, This suggestion is for cops lol, I vote yes, More fun, More players Because if it's getting involved into criminals turfs to neutralize them then of course we will give our opinion, otherwise I see no point of only cops turfs, because it makes no sense. None mentioned the criminals turfs into this suggestion, This suggestion is for cops turfs only I guess
  2. I don't fuckin understand why would a fuckin stupid idiot maniac crazy criminal vote on this suggestion, This suggestion is for cops lol, I vote yes, More fun, More players
  3. 9 September 2020 Type of Activity: Patroling, Responding to SRs, JBs, Warehouses Members Online: Me (Mohamed) @Dango @Cristian @Jemmyx46 @DRAHMEED @scooter Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QP8ZunC
  4. I think it would be cool if there's a chat for the HQs of the organisation (you spawned as), So you don't need either you go to PM or discord, That's easier and better
  5. Kol sana wnta tyb w bs7a w salama inchallah <3
  6. Challenging @Kristiina to join SAFP :joy: :joy:
  7. Happy birthday yasta <3
  8. Biggest maniac retard boy
  9. @Greed said in Tell a fact about the person above you.: Kid Mad without any reason
  10. Repeating the same wrong fact
  11. Forgot to put the last letter of his name
  12. @Halo said in Happy birthday Sergeant Mohamed aka Vayran: HBD my friend :) Thank you <3
  13. @clashgamer said in Happy birthday Sergeant Mohamed aka Vayran: HBD ystaaaaaaaaaaaa<3 @DRAHMEED said in Happy birthday Sergeant Mohamed aka Vayran: @Mohamed-Mostafa kol sana wanta tayeb yasta 3kbal milion sana H.B.D 7bayby yargala wlahy <3 <3
  14. @KarMen said in Happy birthday Sergeant Mohamed aka Vayran: happpy birthday Mohemed Thank you <3
  15. @barras said in Happy birthday Sergeant Mohamed aka Vayran: happy 10th birthday 14th* nub
  16. @Rocoso Thank you brother I really appreciate and love this good kind wish, I already had and I will keep having fun on this nice birthday, Thanks again for the wish bro <3 <3 <3 @Maxyou12 rbna y5lek yasta 7bb, wnta tyb <3 <3
  17. Happy birthday to the best family SAFP!!! <3 <3 <3 ::: It's my birthday too lol :::
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