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Everything posted by DELETED-USER15

  1. i just read this post you didn't say when you will remove this event
  2. i can ask when the event will be removed ?
  3. Happy BirthDay Thing.
  4. Rest In Peace Faker.
  5. hahaha 1-im not being a dick 2-stop bullshiting in this topic its to say 1 thing to staffs not to open conversation here ! talk to me in PM if you want to speak to me.
  6. what do you mean ?
  7. @Pump you can't tell me what to do if the admins told me don't do that i wont do that you are not admin so shut up and if you don't want to see me then don't read my comment !
  8. i'm not being a kid i saw admin is insulting my sister in game for no reason what you was waiting me to do ?! i'm not idiot to let admin insult my sister without saying anything he isn't my lord its just a game and i don't care about the games i'm playing it to have fun.
  9. I want to say something to all HQ and Admins in saes, yea im banned from saes i wont lie for it i insulted 1 HQ and 1 admin just for reason im not crazy to insult someone without reason, Nemesis insulted my sister ingame for no reason im not his dog or he isn't my lord to let him insult my sister without insult back i didn't insult him in the first time so i insulted him back so i got ban its abuse for ban and OMG i created report staff to nemesis and they blamed me and told me talk about that again and i will ban you to 2020 its really unfair thing and look you can say all players in saes is saying ban him ban him take him away for 3 months and and and, Bone asked me question he asked me in CLO server you have sister older than 17 ? i thought he is trying to insult me, Rzz0 told me he want to marry your sister...... i didn't know Bone means that or no i thought he mean that because they are his friends so they know if he is lying or no i insulted him back in CLO server we insulted ourselves so i want to say, If you think i didn't talk again to you just because im scared from admins to ban me then you are incorrect im doing that because i wont try to make you unban me because all of you are team and helping yourselves in anything and doing that too if one from you did unfair something if i want to do anything i wont wait from anyone to tell me do that or no its my choice and i see there's some problems in saes with staffs so don't think because you are admin then you can be lord to others nonono you are incorrect you are not because its a game and i wont cry to others like the peoples saying oh sorry i mean the kids saying that because they are crying from me idk why but they hates me i hope you understand that you are not our lord so Thanks for reading bye.
  10. Happy Birthday Brooklyn I Hope You Have Fun Today,
  11. wooow its Zaza birthday ? HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i hope you will have fun in this birthday bro and if i can play saes now i will create party in CripZ base for you bro @zaza <3
  12. let him barry allen he is idiot and crying :)
  13. @Kybali0n i will tell you something if im bunch of kid then don't post here motherfucker who are you to say that to me you are such a fuckin bitch suck all what he can do is to suck dick go play ninja turtle games its good for your fuckin brain oh im so sorry i forgot you have ass not brain.
  14. why crying @Flex
  15. i have 14 years old guys.
  16. .@Nemesis insulted my sister many times with @Bone and @Rzz0 and i didn't insult him back but he did that again so i insulted him.
  17. @Human_ he said to me appeal again in january 2019 i can't wait 3 months to play saes :'(
  18. how to join CC how ? what is the application ?
  19. i want to join CLO how ? how to show CLO my skills to inv me ?
  20. Happy Birthday my brotherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i hope you will have fun <3
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