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Everything posted by DELETED-USER15

  1. @alex0107 said in DISLIKE button: @VayraN Lmao , who says it. On every "1312" member or anyone who make atleast 1 meme for you , you are disliking every his post xD. Also your actions made your reputation 90. Ain't talking about your current posts , but the previous ones. Hmm, Will you lie that you were disliking every post for me even if they are not memes ?
  2. @Brophy said in DISLIKE button: It has been temporarily disabled until we can change some of the hardcoded features associated with it. Basically we've got tribes of people going around the forum and disliking every single post of a person because they don't like them and it's interfering with their ability to control certain actions such as basic profile changes etc. Yet again a small number of the community find some else to abuse.... Actually I agree with you, Look at my profile for a example :joy: :joy: 624 post 93 reputation
  3. @Spetnazz said in No explosion in Bank zone: @VayraN said in No explosion in Bank zone: It's okay if there's explosion in Bank zone but you can suggest to make a rule that disallow throwing grenades into jail zone because many criminals are throwing grenades and just spawn killing us when we try to leave the jail zone. It's simple. If there is a proper JB going on, you can't expect not to get fucked up. If you spawn and 'just want to leave the jail zone', you should spawn as something other than prison warden, and take a route that doesn't go through the jail zone. It's very, very easy. Prisoner spawn is here to stop JBs, Also maybe criminals can stop spawn killing and camping at jail to kill any cop moving ? very very easy, This server is not for criminals only btw do you know that ?
  4. @Ramos said in No explosion in Bank zone: I'd like to suggest a zone, where explosion can't happen. Which means grenades wouldn't work in the said zone and this is because everytime cops or criminals try to enter BR, there are always vehicles exploding like mia khalifa's ass and it's annoying because you get killed 100 %. Ty, peace out. Don't suggest something that helps cop side and make a poll for it because criminals will just vote NO whatever is the suggestion, 2- It's okay if there's explosion in Bank zone but you can suggest to make a rule that disallow throwing grenades into jail zone because many criminals are throwing grenades and just spawn killing us when we try to leave the jail zone.
  5. @Lightning said in Set Rules About Religions: My man first of all I wasn't trying to offend anyone I was just joking with that guy, second thing, you are suggesting that it will be a rulebreak if someone will insult your personal decision / religion, thing that you actually did in your own post insulting Athaistic people, and third of all everyone can describe their own decision even if it is about joking about some gods / religions / own opinions or anything else this is not a strict law country like North Korea. Joking about religion, hmmm... and I will just tell you something believe it or not it's your problem, There's only 1 god (Allah) and @Faysal will believe me because it's the truth, anything saying that there's another god, It's a bullshit.
  6. @Bartman said in FREE CLO: free clo for @VayraN & lorch!!! yea free clo pls :joy: :joy:
  7. @FireSnow said in Cya All SAES:RPG membres: Hello Guys , i want to say im gonna leave SAES For Ever. See Ya You got tired of bullshits from toxic players like @Kybali0n right ? :thinking_face:
  8. Good luck and please can you stop inviting me to your gang ? :D
  9. @TheRealSteven said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: Why not just fix the script so that if a spawn protected criminal shoots his gun, the spawn protection ends. The event to use for this check would just be 'onClientPlayerWeaponFire' I agree with you.
  10. @JojoDb said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: After multiple occurrences of criminals attacking cops near hospitals, while being immune to being arrested, I concluded it might be time for this suggestion. During the hospital arrest immunity, it should not be possible for players to attack other players, or at least to deal damage to them. This will prevent criminals from using this protection to their advantage (for example on their way to a BR in TR) and could prevent cases of police officers attacking criminals because they cannot arrest them during the protection. This should not have any negative consequences on criminals as they can freely grab a vehicle within the presence of said timer. I don't agree for 1 reason, 90% Of the fights happens at hospital because of a trainee trying to arrest a criminal, So the criminal shoots him and then the other cops comes to try to arrest that criminal so without weapons that criminal will get arrested 100% because he can't defend himself and he can't defend other criminals too.
  11. Happy Birthday to the oldest gang alive, AA :p <3
  12. So, It's dead or what ?? We are still waiting for an answer from the HQ team.
  13. Happy birthday brooo <3
  14. Part of a shitty gang
  15. First UE and now BloodZ, Please stop this bullshit
  16. @Tritosh said in [SUGGESTION] DE vs CLO Turf Zone: @VayraN said in [SUGGESTION] DE vs CLO Turf Zone: Why don't you make it CLO / SAP / Criminals vs DE / HLS / Cops ? This is better In the criminal side, only CLO is considered as a special group unlike the cop side that has HLS, DE and maybe SS as they have armor. I don't mind them joining but i suppose only DE and Clo will have access to armor as they are the one capable to turf and they are the ones who should be killed to lower/increase the progress I agree with you but I think that only DE and CLO will have the armor in the turf zones because it will be unfair if HLS used their armor as SAP doesn't have a armor so it will be like DE/HLS vs CLO only, So it will be fair if you guys add armor only to DE and CLO but not HLS because SAP doesn't have armor too so make it fair better.
  17. Why don't you make it CLO / SAP / Criminals vs DE / HLS / Cops ? This is better
  18. It would be a perfect idea, +1
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