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Everything posted by DELETED-USER15

  1. Rude SWAT member !!
  2. @Human_ said in HS back for CLO & DE: @VayraN said in HS back for CLO & DE: @nicus said in HS back for CLO & DE: @VayraN Yes indeed DE/CLO have as you said: armour - limited, both groups have certain spots they cant enter with it (SR's) duals - only high ranked member can have them - depends from the group but it takes 2+ years to achieve it in CLO special vehicles - only during wars/trainings/only high ranked members can use Rhino/Hydra/Hunter big base only thing i agree with u but we can't just run there from cops as it would be rulebreak I'll say it once again - it's not that easy to HS people - trust me. Bro I know that it's hard to HS people but still, It will be annoying also you said special vehicles only during wars/trainings only right ? Months ago I was at Nanobob shop and just standing, I just got killed by Human with hunter without any reason.. like wtf..... control your members first and then ask for another unfair thing lmao piss off u little shit Cry more retarded garbage :middle_finger:
  3. @TripleX said in HS back for CLO & DE: @VayraN you ain't arresting a normal criminal.. also lately arresting clo is not that big deal sadly, and if you are aware of getting hsed by them it's so easy "DONT CHASE THEM" me as a DE eventhough i know that crims are always more than cops and i know it will be hell hard to hs i'm with this suggestion i want to have some fun around and it may increase DE/CLO activity cause once admins made the hs script in SF/Bayside many started turfing and assisting there If they are special groups that doesn't mean that we should give them everything possible in the game lol, Make the server balanced like that better
  4. @nicus said in HS back for CLO & DE: @VayraN Yes indeed DE/CLO have as you said: armour - limited, both groups have certain spots they cant enter with it (SR's) duals - only high ranked member can have them - depends from the group but it takes 2+ years to achieve it in CLO special vehicles - only during wars/trainings/only high ranked members can use Rhino/Hydra/Hunter big base only thing i agree with u but we can't just run there from cops as it would be rulebreak I'll say it once again - it's not that easy to HS people - trust me. Bro I know that it's hard to HS people but still, It will be annoying also you said special vehicles only during wars/trainings only right ? Months ago I was at Nanobob shop and just standing, I just got killed by Human with hunter without any reason.. like wtf..... control your members first and then ask for another unfair thing
  5. @nicus said in HS back for CLO & DE: @VayraN It happens maybe once a year when we indeed forget to turn it off, but it's a simple mistake, not intended action. Do you really think that we work without any supervision? Kenny is aware of our every single action we take as a group and we can't just turn it on and go for a killing spree against poor cops - like you. Otherwise we would have it taken months if not years ago. So instead of making false accusation and bringing chaos to the every single discussion topic think twice before posting yet another crap? Look, CLO has enough things in this server and same goes to DE, They have armor / dual / special vehicles / big base to hide and to get protected inside, And they doesn't need HS also if they got HS they will kill cops very easy and it will be boring chasing a CLO member, So it shouldn't be added to the server.
  6. @TripleX said in HS back for CLO & DE: we use it only in wars which happens like once or twice max per month No, Maybe DE uses it only at wars but CLO will use it when a cop chases them so it will be annoying.
  7. @Gengar said in Decrease Jail Time: Bit late to the party and as far as I heard, this has already happened. I'll share my opinion about it anyway, since topic is still not locked. Instead of decreasing time, it would be better to remap prison interior and give it some activities players can enjoy. Remove cells and make it all one big room where everyone can interact with one another and not place where people spawn in claustrophobic cells. And the more people are in one cell, the scarier it gets. Maybe leave one tiny cell the size of current one, which can't be opened in any way. Maybe to even be a hanging from ceiling cage, like one for strippers in clubs, which sole purpose would be to keep players jailed trough admin panel. As far as activities go, add basketball in jail yard, boxing matches 1 vs 1 for money (same resource as for gym, just add 2 additional markers in jail), some pool for relaxing, ball pool, video games, lobby with sofas,... Why not even throwing paper balls and used toilet paper at admin jailed players? There is like a quantilion ideas what to do to make jail interesting place. With all that, rise jail time to 20 minutes for 42 stars, noone will complain about it. I agree with you bro, Also why don't you guys make the jail bigger so none can get shot from the wall, And make us open the cells room from inside too like we get inside a room to open cells, We can only open the room door from outside but inside, We can't and many players getting stuck there and ofc you can't do i'm stuck at jail so it will be nice if we can open the door from inside the room too
  8. Happy Birthday @blizzard I hope you have a nice one with family and friends <3
  9. @Albie said in Improving the relationship between Gang and Squad members (AS PLAYERS!): @VayraN said in Improving the relationship between Gang and Squad members (AS PLAYERS!): I agree with you bro, We all should enjoy the game without bullying and insulting eachother, Some people gets annoyed and quits the game because they are getting bullied, Why is that, Because they arresting you ? Because they killing you ? Seriously ??? Yesss...? I think, not sure. No one helped me with a proper idea yet, dunno if I should keep waiting or not. Well there's only 1 idea, And the idea is making the players stop bullying eachother and stop insulting
  10. @Howlze said in Improving the relationship between Gang and Squad members (AS PLAYERS!): Albies suggestion isn't to take away your role - he's just trying to bring up some ideas on how to introduce this. He's stuck - his general basis of the idea is great, as it will greatly get rid of the toxicity in the server; the attitude you wear with pride, @Cappo. I definitely agree that something needs to happen - I remember 7 years ago when I told Daryl to get cancer, I was banned for two months - nowadays people run around telling them their parents are dead and whatnot. Yes, we are cops vs. robbers, but do we really have to steep down to a personal level, and from what I have seen sometimes; directly bully people? I miss the days back in the day when we actually came on to have fun. Nowadays people come on to boost their selfesteem by telling VayraN he's this, telling this guy that he's that or telling the third guy he's whatever. I'm all for the fun banter about "easy, you suck" and so on - that's just teasing - but what I see whenever I am on ... jesus, if your parents saw that. Why can't we just enjoy this beautiful game together, and leave all the personal hatred out? Just my two cents. I agree with you bro, We all should enjoy the game without bullying and insulting eachother, Some people gets annoyed and quits the game because they are getting bullied, Why is that, Because they arresting you ? Because they killing you ? Seriously ???
  11. @Rzz0 said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: @VayraN I posted it because your post doesn't make sense, like always. Where did you see me suggesting "24/7 speed for gangs and CLO" my suggestion was to remove speed from the game and then lower the tazer range a bit to balance it out? Or just give EVERYONE the ability to use drugs anytime from an inventory or something, please stop fucking posting when you cant even read, every single post of yours is some dumb shit, please PM people and ask them to explain to you what their posts mean before spamming every topic Why lower the taser range ? Why remove the speed from game ? Criminal side is op than cop side and you can't hide that, So stop crying about everything related to cop side please... Stop arguing and crying about everything made for cop side by Kain like criminal side is the victim here
  12. @Kappa said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: I mean it will be a good news for the server when you come back. We will enjoy our time trolling you once again. Can't you do anything alone ? You are 0 without your friends, You are pathetic like @Rzz0 :)
  13. @Rzz0 said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: @VayraN https://youtu.be/vMKWouIHB4U Funny, You don't even have a answer so you send me a video doesn't make any sense, Pathetic.
  14. @Kappa said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: and why would you even give a feedback on this topic Tamsouh,banned people dont speak fella @Kappa said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: and why would you even give a feedback on this topic Tamsouh,banned people dont speak fella @Kappa said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: and why would you even give a feedback on this topic Tamsouh,banned people dont speak fella Lol I can speak whenever I want, If I got banned that doesn't mean I wont come back,
  15. @Kappa said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: @VayraN said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: and we would gangs / CLO speed the whole time Nice english fella. Your sentence legit made no sense :) Didn't notice, Fixed it :)
  16. @Rzz0 said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: remove speed drug from the game, nerf tazer from 12m to 8-9m(it used to be 6 before and almost no criminal bought speed because it wasnt fkin needed before doubling the tazer range) im tired of those new updates, might aswell have given us an inventory in which we have speed and can use it at any time because every single person in the game can buy it now at hospital after he respawns Yea and we would give gangs / CLO speed the whole time / Infinite Minigun and RPG bullets also we would give them free repair and high speed for cars, That would make the server balanced right ?
  17. @KARIM said in Ability to crack in PBR's: @VayraN My idea is when you enter in the marker, system will ask you Manual Or Automatic As Groove says, We should keep the cracking-phase as it is
  18. @Jesse421 said in Ability to crack in PBR's: @VayraN said in Ability to crack in PBR's: No, It will be hard for players doesn't know how to crack. @Latinoo said in Ability to crack in PBR's: My idea is when you enter in the marker, system will ask you (manual or automatic). :lowiq: I know what he means but still a no because the PBR crack should be different than the BR crack
  19. No, It will be hard for players doesn't know how to crack.
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