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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. Happy birthday ya ars bum bum sharmoota bum
  2. kol sana wenta tyb ya brince <3
  3. 100% Should be added as I've requested some costume wraps from Liyo I noticed that they are not as good looking as they were in the pictures so a small test wouldn't be that much of a problem I hope.
  4. finally rake being useful gj
  5. happy birthday kankerbero
  6. @lightside said in [PROFILE]Elbert Hargraves: SAI member who you were with: Leon_Kennedy ( @Nishki ) Date, time, and duration of Activity: 2/8/2021, 23:47, 15min from 23:47 > to 00:02 Type of Activity: RP Patrol Patrol details: A small patrol around Las Venturas that we managed to look for peoples who breaking the quarantine rules we found two peoples outside the first 2 was doing Chaos around the city and destroying everything we managed to take them by our car and deliver them to the jail, the second person s a cool man that he has the proof to go outside after the quarantine time after a long discussion and investigating Mr.Cold went back to his home and we went back to the police department. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Happy birthday Yakua brother
  8. I already told you ingame but here I come again Happy birthday bro you're a good man keep the hard work up and best of luck with whatever comes ahead
  9. @KiroSa You can contact me via discord Liyones#7922
  10. The rule being changed was actually weird/bad even me arresting here in the video was weird like instantly tazing you as you left but maybe they could increase the timer of the marker protection or as antirug said just make it punishable for whoever abuses it
  11. How much have you donated for the server? 30 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? about 3 weeks Why do you need this change? I left the gang which the cars are located in Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24165/nishki-s-reward-change?_=1612043933745 Links to your previous donation changes requests:https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24165/nishki-s-reward-change?_=1612043933745 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Glenblade and BMW HRC1 Location: TT base Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Picador and Fire Truck Location: SWAT base. Username: bluelive122 Interior: Already have one.
  12. Happy birthday.
  13. Done all props are gone.
  14. I am giving away all of my properties if you find any that intrest you hit me up on discord and ill be giving it to you.
  15. Have a good one
  16. Happy birthday cigano
  17. does this still exist lol
  18. make it happen!
  19. Cars were changed by @Hesha awaiting the custom wraps to be added ingame ^^
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