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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. Kingsmoke's slave
  2. @boody Hope that you get soon well brother was a good ride, health always comes first. Keep updating us with whatever happens!
  3. Username: bluelive122 Age: I am 20 years old Country: Saudi Arabia Languages spoken: English and Arabic From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I would give it a 8 out of 10. How long have you been playing on SAES: I have been around for couple of years around 6 or so In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: ArmsAssasins are one of the strongest and biggest gangs around San Andreas when it comes to weapons laundering as they have shown everyone what type of gang they actually are. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): 1/ I have joined TC as it died later on. 2/BS been there with some cool peeps for around 8 month but sadly it died. 3/Came back from inactivity and joined OC as I was kicked due to arguing with an HQ as we later on fixed what happened and I joined back for it to be deleted soon. 4/ThC I didn't really last long enough there as I went to CripZ with my best mate Redlive. 5/CripZ we enjoyed the first few weeks of it as it started getting boring when everything was in a lang that we don't understand. 6/TT was actually a super fun gang had a 6 month ride with them but I decided to leave reason will be explained below Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I have been banned twice once for insulting a staff as a joke but then get banned by Daryl because he can't take a joke Name 3 Bankrob rules: 1/ You are not allowed to respond to any other bank robbery as a cop while being a gang member. 2/You are not allowed to leak bank robberies nor do anything to ruin them. 3/ You are only allowed to do two bank robberies a day. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Obliviously running around and getting the crackers to be nervous what I am there to do is defend it as hard as I can. Name 3 Turf rules: 1/You are not allowed to respond to Turfs as a cop. 2/ You are not allowed to call DE/CLO for assistance 3/ You are not allowed to use props or unclimbable roofs. What is Roleplay?: Real life getting into the game. What is Deathmatching?: Either killing someone for no reason or going back to someone to revenge death match him. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I am the type of guy who wouldn't be arsed to report him tbh but If he keeps on doing it I would get an admin to spectate him or just report it to give him a "warning" You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: ~[What who? I saw nothing]~(magenta) Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes I know Majima,Anarchy,Rowdy,Yoko,Uga,Makaiser,Gui,Pinky,Had a covnersaion every now and then with Canelas. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Here I come again trying to get into what I actually have wanted to get into for a while after what I saw and heard by my own eyes and my own ears. I want to join because this gang always felt like they held each others backs and helped each other no matter what the condition is. Me actually being around gangs for a short period of time was just because I didn't find in them what I found in AA. So here I am trying my luck at the final bus stop as I see it as a gang that would perfectly be what I wanted and would give me the love that I always wanted as I would give it back of course. I've been around many gangs perhaps some during a short period of time the reason behind that was because I just couldn't find the place to settle in I did stay in TC and BS for several months and so but sadly they ended up dying. I joined TT recently to just settle in but sadly I just didn't go with the flow as some misunderstandings happened which lead to me leaving but here I am trying to join one of the biggest gang that has the family love that everyone has been seeking and hopefully this will be my last bus stop and the most enjoyable one. ^^
  4. Rewarded clown of the year by @MIT-Military-Intelligence-Team <3
  5. Address: 3 vacant lane Account name: helracktor Last seen: 29th Jan 2021 Screenshots:https://gyazo.com/de42074f4f4e2b85930e5a768b2c7c2c
  6. happy birthday kopek
  7. Jailbreak 1812 (1 hour and a half) Outbreak Members: @Stay @Zinyak @Vynee @Zodiac @Niklaus @Law @Legendary4Life @Ovallees @Douglass @Noisyboy Outbreak Helpers: @Kiraa @Maksim @fesito @Vynee @TITCH
  8. Username: bluelive122 Age: 20 Country: Saudi Arabia Languages spoken: Arabic and English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I would say a 9 or maybe an 8.5 I've got some mistakes here and there How long have you been playing on SAES: I have been playing saes for around 6 to 7 years went inactive for around a year and half and I am fully active at the moment In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: ArmsAssasins are basically one of the biggest and strongest gangs around San Andreas when it comes to weapons as they have proved themselves around. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): 1/ I have joined TC as it died later on. 2/BS been there with some cool peeps for around 8 month but sadly it died. 3/Came back from inactivity and joined OC as I was kicked due to arguing with an HQ as we later on fixed what happened and I joined back for it to be deleted soon. 4/ThC I didn't really last long enough there as I went to CripZ with my best mate Redlive. 5/CripZ we enjoyed the first few weeks of it as it started getting boring when everything was in a lang that we don't understand. 6/TT was actually a super fun gang had a 6 month ride with them but I decided to leave reason will be explained below for private reasons that i'd explain to an HQ ingame.Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I have been banned twice once for insulting a staff as a joke but then get banned by Daryl because he can't take a joke Name 3 Bankrob rules: 1/You are only allowed to do two bank robberies a day. 2/You are not allowed to deathmatch players after the bank robbery is done. 3/You can't respond to a BR as a cop (when you're in an official gang) Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bank rob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: I should not interfere in anything that doesn't concern me I go there to attend aid the gang that is doing the bank rob. Name 3 Turf rules: 1/ You are not allowed to go to the turf as a Cop (when you're an officail gang member) 2/You are not allowed to use unclaimable rooftops 3/Helping as a medic or using properties is not allowed as well. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is basically the definition of trying to be as professional ingame as you are in real life. What is Deathmatching?: Randomly killing people for no reason at all. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: To be honest I am the type of guy who would just ignore it and go on I wouldn't report unless he keeps on doing it on and on. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Simply ignore them as they do not exist. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: I have had a small Talk with Yoko and I know some other members such as Anarchy and Rowdy,Majima some other cool peeps such as Cristian and Pinky tinky (cross) and so on. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I've been around many gangs perhaps some during a short period of time the reason behind that was because I just couldn't find the place to settle in I did stay in TC and BS for several months and so but sadly they ended up dying. I joined TT recently to just settle in but sadly I just didn't go with the flow as some misunderstandings happened which lead to me leaving but here I am trying to join one of the biggest gang that has the family love that everyone has been seeking and hopefully this will be my last bus stop and the most enjoyable one. ^^
  9. JailBreak 1805 (1 Hour) Outbreak Members @Niklaus @Avanger @Ovallees @Legendary4Life @PinkyyyTinkyyy @WenDo Outbreak Helpers: @hessan210 @Smurf @Kiraa @jord @M9co @Timax @nCov @Puppy @Cristian @tokiits @Vynee @Raf0 @Tema
  10. Part I: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 1motnh Why do you need this change? I want a new interior Type of interior: 24
  11. happy birthday habibi <3
  12. Jailbreak 1798 (2h) Outbreak members : @Marso @ColdPlay @ANARCHY @Kaioshin @Rowdy35 @Douglass @Versace @Terry @PerroLoco @Nordo @Rainy @Mackey @Zinyak @Beckham @Hetler @Judyes @WenDo @Legendary4Life @Zodiac @Law Outbreak Helpers : @Aveyro @Blackyy @hessan210 @JoakitO @juanes12 @Kiraa @Lou-2 @Morena @nCovv @Raf0 @Tema @Vynee @Draven and KING @Cristian Screens: ::: :::
  13. Nishki


  14. Just shutup and invite me already
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