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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Sorted 2/2 for this week.
  2. Special Mapped Interior ( 25 ) . Added to 2 Tuckedaway Terrace as requested.
  3. Sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  4. sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  5. No bids were made for a week. Archived
  6. Sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  7. Prop bought by me. Archived.
  8. Property bought by YOLO. Enjoy your property. Archived.
  9. archived.
  10. This has been sold to Reacher. Archived.
  11. Archived.
  12. No bids were made for 1 week. Archived.
  13. Auction has not received a bid for 1 week. Archived
  14. sorted 1/2
  15. Good morning 🌞 👍
  16. Locking this.
  17. sorted 1/2 enjoy.
  18. Hello, our application process is through our discord. https://discord.gg/HcZv5X6X Make sure to throw your application there. Good luck!
  19. sorted 2/2
  20. sorted 1/2
  21. Congrats to the new onwer. Locking this
  22. sorted 1/2
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