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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. sorted 2/2. You may request again on monday. Enjoy your properties!
  2. sorted 1/2
  3. sorted 2/2. You may request again on monday 00:00 server time. Enjoy your property
  4. This user is part of the SAES clan. Request Denied.
  5. @Zyler Congrats! Meet me in-game to get your new property. Auction over.
  6. This user is a member of the CLAN. Request Denied.
  7. sorted 2/2. You may request again next monday. Enjoy your prop!
  8. sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  9. Player is not inactive yet. Request Denied.
  10. Archiving
  11. 1 week with no bids. Archiving.
  12. sorted 2/2. You may request again, next monday!
  13. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first. Property Owner: Flappy Property Panel: Property Location: Property:
  14. Request accepted.
  15. sorted 1/2
  16. sorted 1/2
  17. sorted 2/2.
  18. Yes, all memory related issues
  19. Sadly will only solve 1 issue and not the rest
  20. Yes, but the issue you are referring too is about memory. Every other solution we tried with people having the same issue didn't work. You can try /oldnametags but will only solve the name tag problem. You still won't be able to see speedometer
  21. Yea that is a common issue, it's a memory issue. The only solution there might be is to increase your vram through Bios.
  22. 1 week with no bids. Archived.
  23. Participants: @Alexis @jonas13362 District: All Shift period: 16:35 - 17:00 Numbers of healed: 19 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7bNs2b8
  24. Participants: @Alexis @jonas13362 District: All Shift period: 16:03 - 16:30 Numbers of healed: 12 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ps1C4A8
  25. 2 weeks passed since the auction started. Archived.
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