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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Archived.
  2. 1 week with no bids passed. Archived.
  3. sorted 2/2. Enjoy!
  4. sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  5. sorted
  6. sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  7. Archived.
  8. sorted 2/2. Enjoy!
  9. sorted 1/2
  10. The property has been sold. Auction closed as requested by M8N. Congrats to the new owner!
  11. sorted 1/2. enjoy!
  12. Closing. Gz to the new owner.
  13. User is not inactive. Request Denied.
  14. sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  15. 1 week with no bids. Archived.
  16. sorted 2/2
  17. sorted 1/2
  18. sorted 1/2
  19. Sorted 1/2
  20. sorted 2/2
  21. sorted
  22. sorted 1/2
  23. Sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  24. hahaha big ++ for that 8-pool
  25. Archived.
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