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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Participants: @Alexis District: All Shift period: 15+ Minutes Number of vehicles extinguhished: 7 Screenshots:
  2. Roleplay type: 904B Description of Roleplay: Lighthouse caught fire earlier today. The person guarding it fall asleep because he was extremely tired and it spread around. Luckily there wasnt anything to burn around so the fire couldnt spread more. The man jumped on the sea and didnt have any injuries from that jump. Participants: @Alexis Images:
  3. Roleplay type: 904A Description of Roleplay: Vehicle fire in an underground parking. Police thinking it was a terrorist attack , that vehicle belonged to a known racer. The fire was extinguished quickly , the reason of starting it is unclear. Participants: @Alexis Images:
  4. Roleplay type: 904B Description of Roleplay: Fire at a warehouse in Los Santos Docks happened earlier. The fire was caused by an explosion of sensitive liquids. There were major injuries on sight. The injured were treated right away. Participants: @Alexis Images:
  5. Roleplay type: Forest Fire Description of Roleplay: Small fire outside the city of Red county this morning with the fire only expanding to two trees. The fire was extinguished quickly. Unknown reason started that fire. SAFD as always responded quickly. No damages at the end. Participants: @Alexis Images:
  6. Roleplay type: 904B Description of Roleplay: Fire in aparment in the first floor earlier today in the city of San Fiero. The family that lived there was trapped inside while the fire started from an explosion of the boiler. SAFD used a specific vehicle to help the family get out of there before securing that the fire will not spread. Luckily it was at the first floor so everything worked quickly. The family got out safe with the services of safd, and the fire was quickly set under control short after. Participants: @Alexis Images:
  7. God damn 20 years, I firstly started playing at 2012. SAES always brings me nostalgia vibes most of us were kids back then trying to communicate while having fun with each others. I always had too huge inactivity breaks all these years but somehow I end up playing again. I am glad to see that the server is still going even if it is not as populated as it was. Good job on people playing to keep this alive. Only thing I can wish for is for people to keep playing and make it back on being one of the most populated as it was. LEGGO FOR ANOTHER 20 YEARS THEN WE WILL BE ALL RETIRED FROM OUR JOBS AND GO FULL-TIME SAES
  8. Participants: @Alexis District: All Shift period: 30min Number of cars extinguished: 12 Screenshots:
  9. Participants: @jonas13362@Glayd@Rieeria@Alexis District: All Shift period: 1hour Number of cars extinguished: 17 Screenshots:
  10. Participants: @Alexis District: All Shift period: 30 + Minutes Number of cars extinguished: 7 Screenshots:
  11. Participants: @Alexis District: All Shift period: 30 + Minutes Number of cars extinguished: 13 Screenshots:
  12. Roleplay type: Suicide Threat Description of Roleplay: We received a call about a middle aged man threatening to jump off the roof.We imidiately went there with the vehicle with the stair. We tried to compromise him to step down and that is not worth it. After two hours of negotiations he stepped down. Screenshots:
  13. Roleplay type: 904A Description of Roleplay: Deadly crash happened earlier in Lost Santos this evening. Driver was under the influence of drugs he crashed on a wall with 120Km/H. The car caught fire quickly while the driver was passed out inside. Sadly the driver didn't make it out alive. LSFD went there as quickly as possible but we were too late to save him. Screenshots:
  14. Roleplay type: Gas station fire Description of Roleplay:Dangerous fire on a gas station in Los Santos happened this afternoon. A client light up a cigarette while pouring gas, fire caught up in the gas station causing explosion to the station. The man managed to run away his car turned into ashes luckily no other person was near there at that exact moment. Participants: @Alexis Screenshots:
  15. Roleplay type: 904B Description of Roleplay: House fire causing many damages and injuries in the family living there. Unknown source started the fire. It quickly spread up in the whole house and destroying everything on the inside. Father of the family tried to extuinguish the fire and ended up with burns in his hands and legs. The house was not completely destroyed but damages are many. The man luckily was hospitalized and the injuries ended up being minor. Participants: @Alexis Screenshots:
  16. Roleplay type: Forest Fire Description of Roleplay: Fire in a forest outside Blueberry. The fire is unknown for what it started due to the hard location it spread a lot before we manage to get close, after we got there we realized we could not get close enough we asked for air assistance to set up under control this fire. After some hours of fighting with flames we set it under control Participants: @Alexis Screenshots:
  17. Roleplay type: Farm Fire Description of Roleplay: Fire in a farm while some kids where playing with some fireworks. One of them went into the barn and quickly caught fire, one of the kids mom noticed the smell and called the fire department. We tried to be fast because the area was close to a forest that could might cause huge enviromental destruction. No wind at that day caused the fire to spread slowly and we got there on time. Participants: @Alexis Screenshots:
  18. Roleplay type: 904B Description of Roleplay: Fire caught up in a house while there was a minor explosion of some electric device.The fire quickly spread into the whole house causing damages. Firefighters went as fast as possible to make the fire under control.One vehicle was enough to quickly make it. There were no injuries Participants: @Alexis Screenshots:
  19. Participants: Alexis District: All Shift period: 20 Minutes Number of vehicles: 10 Screenshots:
  20. Jailbreak: #2144 Time: 30 mins + Outbreak Members: @Killer @Evans@Alexis@Licano@Zodiac@Element@corpse Outbreak Helpers:@Ankush77@K2rhym @Rose34@chaplin@ButcheR SS:
  21. Participants: Alexis District: All Shift period: 30 Minutes Number of vehicles: 19 Screenshots:
  22. Participants: Alexis District: All Shift period: 30 Minutes Number of vehicles: 20 Screenshots:
  23. Participants: Alexis District: All Shift period: 30 Minutes Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots:
  24. Participants: Alexis District: All Shift period: 20min Number of vehicles extinguished: 8+ Screenshots:
  25. Participants: Alexis District: All Shift period: 15min Number of vehicles extinguished: 8+ Screenshots:
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