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SAES Creative
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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Please put it on github, but describe the issue better than saying it isn't climbable. I'm fairly sure i've seen boxers on both of those rings?
  2. We don't need any new trailers so that's a no, but if community wants the bus we'll add it. (mod is approved; just requires community voting) (rejected)
  3. @cocko said in Optimize SAES already: @Tut-Greco it would be a good idea to contact your team, and do something for slow computers yes, nametags issue has been brought up
  4. @cocko said in Optimize SAES already: this problem also happens to me, Tut if you can do something for that, you will be a legend. sorry, can't do. this is someting for core developers to look into
  5. @Markus said in Optimize SAES already: @Tut-Greco said in Optimize SAES already: @Markus said in Optimize SAES already: also @Tut-Greco, the name tags fuck the FPS very hard too. I was invited to a TT BR today and then got around 15-20 fps since there was quite a bit of people there, I used /saeshud and my FPS went to 55-60. maybe that is the hint that could fix the fps issues screenshot with the tags (fps left bottom corner): thanks, we're aware of the nametag issues. what else is causing you lags? idk, maybe consider what soul said here before that's very unlikely to happen :/
  6. @Markus said in Optimize SAES already: also @Tut-Greco, the name tags fuck the FPS very hard too. I was invited to a TT BR today and then got around 15-20 fps since there was quite a bit of people there, I used /saeshud and my FPS went to 55-60. maybe that is the hint that could fix the fps issues screenshot with the tags (fps left bottom corner): thanks, we're aware of the nametag issues. what else is causing you lags?
  7. @Markus said in Optimize SAES already: hi, the fps me and some other players have been getting recently is quite depressing, you can't play normally when there is too many people near you optimize saes pls Maybe put a bit more effort into explaining what needs be optimised. there's no good in making silly posts like these.
  8. @Soul said in [Suggestion] Solving an issue we all know about.: perhaps have some changes done to the shaders and shit, as it really is resource heavy and causes major lag spikes in half of LV I don't think their shaders have much, if any notable influence on your performance.. must be the sheer amount of objects streaming in, together with a bad base loading system
  9. @MrSlowGuy said in [Suggestion] Replace BMW E30 with BMW E36: @Brophy is that enough votes ? we'll need a lot more votes to even consider adding more mods. a response will be made when/if we decide it's good to go
  10. Stop tagging large amounts of people and instead wait for a reply.
  11. Bug reports go on our github area: https://github.com/saesrpg
  12. @WenDo said in [SUGGESTION] Trucker and Trucker v2: @Tut-Greco any news ? No (we would come with a reply if that was the case)
  13. Removed Lieutenant Kristiina from roster, 21-03-2020 Removed Corporal Ardron from roster, 21-03-2020
  14. We have moved the following to the Supervisory management team (HQ): Major iTsMe to Head Quarters (supervisor) Colonel Buddler to Head Quarters (supervisor) We thank them for their long time serving, good consistent commitment and effort put into the academy. o7
  15. Moved Richard to Privates 12-03-2020
  16. please repost on the appropriate bug tracker: https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues i believe this can be reproduced by using right/left/warninglight after a /polight is executed
  17. @JohnnyEnglish said in Fast Foods: Quite a simple n neat Script, I'll pick it up after my exams if the community and Devs agree with it I also like the drive thru concept!! Number 9 Although this will make entering the food shops obsolete, increased price if bought from outside perhaps?? @Stan can add a timer after ordering or have an imaginary queue at the drive-in, could even add traffic at the parking lot to simulate a real queue, but only collide with and be seen by anyone entering that area/colshape
  18. definitely not suitable for SR, but maybe rather a raidable country hut for stolen goods
  19. needs a poll for the next suggestion, thanks.
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