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SAES Creative
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Everything posted by Tut

  1. on its way as felixizm_4 p.s. I have observed your 'vheaty' typo and will adjust
  2. wraps are limited to 512x512 image dimensions, please check if things are still readable and send with those dimensions instead
  3. on its way as midou200_2
  4. We don't take such requests. Chances are you might see something like this in the future, just not per request
  5. You can add up to 4 usernames if you want, as we can only add usernames to the locking system
  6. we currently only accept image resolution of 512x512, I can downscale your image for you if you confirm with a thumbsup or comment
  7. oops sorry I missed this one, on its way as deinpapa_2
  8. I want to say we're investigating our options with this, but if it ever comes to the point of us having to fully remove the Nitro component from the server, then we would like to make sure everyone knows what's up - currently the poll hasn't gained much traction, and so we might have to create a new poll if approved internally. I also want to make it clear that this is a minor QoL change which isn't much of a priority for us
  9. We don't have rules on how someone can use contents of another person's works, but moreso unwritten rules and the good old common sense. As a rule of thumb anything that people share with our services is protected between us and the author, and should not be used by anyone else without written consent to edit/redistribute said work. For example we action vehicle shader disputes and will reject edits of existing wraps without written consent of its author. We also give people the ability to lock their vehicle wraps to their username so that only they can use their wrap ingame. If you have evidence of people editing and/or using your skin shaders without your consent then try reaching GM about it, the same if you see an organization requesting this without your permission. I can't speak for using other people's works in promo videos because it depends on how it's being used
  10. is this intended for a police vehicle? I am asking because the helm design doesn't quite resemble that of an emergency vehicle, nor does the username
  11. on its way as furkanzhlp_1. for future uploads please include a image background
  12. on its way as rabyewiw_3. for future wrap requests please include a image background
  13. on their way as emresx34_1, emresx34_2. for future wrap requests please include a image background
  14. what does the logo say and what does the text on the front mean? is it for a criminal organization?
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