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Everything posted by Velo

  1. There could be a "Return" button somewhere in the spawn panel, when you click on it you get back to the hospital - respawn selection. I guess we have 30 seconds to make a selection, and after 30 you lose your chance to spawn at the hospital. If 30 seconds have passed since the player's death and the player clicked the return button a GUI should pop up saying he exceeded the time limit.
  2. 1882
  3. Should I tag you here, @Brophy ?
  4. @Kuby that reminded me of this video, lol https://youtu.be/mkFTcq8SANQ?t=26
  5. ^[] ^[~[FRESH BANKROB TR BANK 8/8 EASY]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple,black)] ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[~[OUR GANG IS TOO LAZY THAT NONE POSTED THIS BANKROB FROM APRIL 14TH!!!! 8/8 LS BR]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple,black)] ^[]
  7. This is a manuel post. TXN ID: <11S02392MF010520H> Donation Amount: <25 GBP> I'd like to have a Turismo placed at my house in LV, which should be named "Scabicals Ways 2", and a Shamal placed in SF Airport. I'd also like to have a standard wrap on the Shamal. I requested a custom wrap in GitHub, it shall be added to Turismo once it's live in game. And also, as of having 60 GBP of donations now; I'd like to replace my small interior in "Scabicals Ways 2" house with a big one, if possible the custom made one.
  8. Tilong
  9. @Teddy said in Enable Voice Chat with range radius: Imagine listening to @Terry all day on saes in addition to his csgo screaming Bad. Local: SAES>Teddy: I don't have mic, will buy next week
  10. ^[] ^[~[AA BR RC 8/8 | THANKS TO @Undisputed-Command FOR THE NICE 1V1 DUEL]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple,black)] ^[]
  11. Yeah @All-Load-Trucking @GXT-Company @Cuban-Cars @Bartman @Siirtuga @Kybali0n +1+1
  12. ^[] ^[~[**AA TURFWAR // SAN FIERRO BAYSIDE TIERRE ROBADA BONE COUNTY WHETSTONE FLINT COUNTY AND ANY OTHER PLACES I FORGOT TO MENTION BELONG TO ARMS ASSASSINS AND THE REST BELONGS TO OUR BEAUTIFUL ALLIES @Black-Bullets **]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple)] ^[] ^[]
  13. ^[] ^[~[AA BENKROB LOS SANTOS 8/8]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple)] ^[]
  14. ^[] ^[~[AA BANKROB TR 8/8]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple)] ^[]
  15. ^[] ^[~[AA BANKROB RC 8/8]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple)] ^[]
  16. Your ingame username: velona77 Your ingame alias: Velo / Velona Your year of birth: 1997 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: Ive been playing for more than 8 years. Qualities you can offer: As you know you currently have a few Turks in administrating team, I cant use the '' Im here to deal with Turks'' card, and due to people being at home all the time playing games till the morning, thanks to coronavirus lockdown, '' Im online at nights'' argument is also useless so Im out of points now, but I'll try... I think Im a fair and patient person. I can take responsibility when its needed. I dont usually get angry at people, and when I do, I know how to control it. I can take quick and accurate decisions with no fuss. I think I'm a good teacher, and I don't prefer punishing directly. I can do multi-tasks at the same time. I can communicate with people who aren't capable of speaking English very well and I don't give people the cold shoulder. Last but not least, I think I'm a great mapper, I have mapped many places in SAES over past years which were used by many different organizations, some of the examples are Black Syndicate v1 and v2, and most recently Outbreak v1 and v2. I'm also one of the names that first comes in mind when someone's looking for a graphic designer. When it comes to designing stuff, I'm like the traditional Turkish Bazaar. I can do vehicle shaders, skin shaders, forum headers, logos, banners, youtube stuff, basically most of the things you can imagine. Your weaknesses: I believe in jokes.And I always pity those who can't accept jokes and get triggered over my virtual jokes.I am sometimes obsessive, I like things to be in order and everything to look perfect, if they dont meet those qualifications then they better not exist! Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Reason for application: I don't have one specific reason for applying but I want to become a staff member because I have been playing on the server for more than 8 years and it's something I would very much like to experience, I mean, who wouldn't want it? I want to give a hand to people who are in need of help, and I think I still do my best even when the staff recruitment is closed, unlike some others. I can say that I wish to spend my time administrating the server as well as playing as a regular player and give a hand to staff/clan with whatever I can. Server Memberships: AA / OB VL / LWS / CC / The Vice President Additional information: My name is Eren. I'm studying civil engineering at a top-notch university in Turkey. I'm a social person, I like talking to new people. The thing I enjoy the most is playing football, I guess, but thanks to coronavirus once again I can't do much of that anymore, nor can I watch it on TV, can't even bet on Sunderland's loss or Liverpool's win... Nowadays, as of being locked down, I've been focusing more on programming, reading, and repairing stuff in the home (the very last thing I tried repairing was my headset and I ended up buying a new one) and games are the best door to take nowadays when I am bored. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Nothing serious in past few years. Previous (legitimate) bans: My most recent ban is 2 years ago, we were trolling with friends by spamming each other with PMs, at the time I didn't know it caused a shitfest in server logs. I was unbanned the same day, and I learned my lesson to not spam anyone even just for the jokes. Other than that, I have been temporarily banned in 2013 which lasted two days in total for some minor rulebreaks. Do you eat pork: No, i prefer :bonjour: and :bat: instead.
  17. @Law @Terry , I guess this video of @CripZ letting @Deu fly before their BR will put an end to the discussions of the best pilot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpSz6gv61GU&feature=youtu.be
  18. Velo


    I hope and believe you get well soon
  19. This is a manual post TXN ID: <92V871297F539054Y> Donation Amount: < 5.00 GBP > Requested Awards: I'll edit later Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  20. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8TX26783KM161803L Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  21. I'd suggest having an option in M panel or a command to revert nametags to MTA defaults to let people decide what they want. And also, my second suggestion for the Shamal thing, is to have the /shownametags command back separated by the /saeshud command so if nametags get you FPS drops while gathering up for BRs, etc. you can turn them off. And also if you haven't noticed yet, there is a bug with the new tags, tags for the people already in your sight disappear when you minimize the game and don't get back unless they die (Which adds a DEAD to their name, so I suppose restarts their nametags) or start typing something (Which makes them have a * icon next to their names, so I once again suppose restarts their nametags).
  22. Velo


  23. Welcome, @ElRastaMan17 @Rosatorino @Arkantos. Don't forget to join us in our Discord guild.
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