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Everything posted by Velo

  1. This used to possible when we could see all players' blips on the map, though M panel with a button "Locate player".It was removed because blips were removed, but /locate <player> also works, so why not making it easier by putting a blip? I support this idea.
  2. Hi, it's the results day. The guys below are accepted, we've seen the effort of you, we've not had any problems with your personality, so we believe you'll be nice additions to the group. @Pok @Sanya @Beckham @Brondy welcome to the team. Those 4 below are denied for now but do not let this lose your desire of joining the group. You might re-apply after two weeks are passed, which refers to 22.03.2019. @Yokih2 @EL-CHAPO @FoxZilla @MonkaS Have a nice weekend.
  3. @Groove said in Suggestion about County Banks: I like the idea but not so much the range of codes, I propose the following: 1st Door) 1m (current value) 2nd Door) 2.5m 3nd Door) 5m (pretty standard so far) 1st Safe) 700k 2nd Safe) 800k 3rd Safe) 900k 4th Safe) 1m 5th Safe) 2m 6th Safe) 3m 7th Safe) 4m 8th Safe) 5m You potentially have 4 safes with a 6 digits codes and 4 others with a 7 digits codes. This would also work, numbers don't matter too much as long as there are safes for new/inexperienced people to crack. you can take this as a bump as well
  4. Happy birthday guys I hope one day I can accomplish my dream of joining you
  5. Would be a great addition if there's a good mod with realistic texture and damage reactions. No if it's going to be a cheap Chinese toy!
  6. Event : Kill the LWS Prize: $1.500.000 Winner(s): Batya Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: Velona Screens: https://imgur.com/a/0blnxaZ
  7. @Ramos said in Suggestion about County Banks: Those safe numbers are too easy to crack lol They are easy for people who are used to crack, and in past, they used to be easier than those. Compare old media archive posts to newer ones and you'll figure out that timings are almost the same. @Filex said in Suggestion about County Banks: @Ramos said in Suggestion about County Banks: Those safe numbers are too easy to crack lol Yep i can ez solo if they add such numbers You can do a solo-br in this current system as well, we've tried it and it succeeded. The point of lowering the number range is to let new and smaller gangs to get a bank to rob while the city banks are the bigger fishes, to make it more realistic. If you want to get more cash from a bankrob, you'll have to race with other gangs to rob the city banks while the town banks are still there as an alternative but with lower cash reward.
  8. So as you all know that with the newest update we have recently got 6 banks in total. That's really cool, I'm pretty sure almost everyone is satisfied to have regular updates and all these cool stuff. I wanted to take a moment to thank the scripters for their effort spent in their free time. As a person who organizes & cracks in BRs really often, and as a person who had many opportunities to check the new bank rob system, one thing has been crawling in my mind and I wanted to share it with you guys. It doesn't make any sense for small county banks (TR, BC & RC) to give the same cash reward as big city banks (LV, SF, LS). So I'm suggesting to increase the cash given for LV, LS & SF banks. I'm also suggesting to lower the county banks' safe numbers since they are supposed to be small county banks. An example, the county bank payment might be 1x while it's 2x for city banks. Suggestion for County Banks safe numbers: 1st Door) 500k 2nd Door) 700k 3nd Door) 1m 1st Safe) 100k 2nd Safe) 300k 3rd Safe) 500k 4th Safe) 700k 5th Safe) 900k 6th Safe) 1.1m 7th Safe) 1.3m 8th Safe) 1.5m With this implemented, the city banks might be the bigger fishes, yet those who weren't able to get to rob them still got somewhere (small town banks) to rob. Not to mention that the fact BC bank is literally next to the Sheriff Department & Hospital, and with the new mapping it requires much more coordination now.
  9. Velo


    @ColdPlay go join them and leave us alone
  10. Don't touch me I'll be saving reports for later!
  11. Death is better than suffering, thanks for making all those great memories happen even though it didn't end up as we wished. May the luck stays with you everywhere you go, boys.
  12. @Islemou said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @MatizZ said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: https://youtu.be/QbfNCZhvCCY song name :D Darude - Sandstorm
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK-n7TanBZs
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sUnZV8id4I
  15. @Tut-Greco said in MORE ROLEPLAYING WITH PNJs: whats a PNJ? I guess he wanted to mean 'NPC' Regarding the suggestion, I don't think it's a nice one.
  16. @-Sadio They are taking applications in the new topic as far as I know, https://saesrpg.uk/topic/433/black-syndicate-official-topic?page=1
  17. Am I allowed to bump this?
  18. @Bartman said in Y U NO GLUE ON PICADOR?: YEY PICADOR GLUE (how to copy/paste gifs?) ![](gif_url) And for the suggestion;
  19. 43 - Event Type: LMS Price: $1.500.000 Winner: Petrow Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/mFaKSpB.jpg
  20. ^[] The house is named "Velona Fucked Monika Here". It has a good backstory with great memories, as you can see. It's proven that you can quit your virginity here in the house. It's located in Palomino Creek, it has enough space to place your donations. Starting bid is $5.000.000, good luck! ::: :::
  21. Event : Dark Deathrun Prize: 1,500,000 Winner(s): Lu00000000cky Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: Velona Screens : https://i.hizliresim.com/16Nv9A.png
  22. ^[] ^[8/8 ~[Bankrob]~(#99004d)] ^[]
  23. Hi, @King01 : Thanks for applying.I can't say anything bad about your effort but you should talk to people, and more importantly get along with them. It is not all about jailbreaking, we want to have teammates that we know.You might re-apply after two weeks.The application is ~[DENIED.]~(red) @GanjaB0SS : Thanks for applying, but unfortunately we are not proceeding with your application this time.If you wish to try again, please re-apply after two weeks but show more effort with being involved in our activities.The application is ~[DENIED.]~(red) @Cruz : Thanks for applying.Unfortunately, not this time.but you might re-apply after two weeks.You might also want to join us in our activities and talk with our members to get known in order to raise your chance of joining us.The application is ~[DENIED.]~(red) @Griffin : You're showing a good potential, keep it up.Your application remains ~[PENDING]~(orange) until the next reply of the HQ team. @Douglass , @Spinkes , @DarkSideR ; you guys have been putting a good effort and you already have a nice reputation amongst the members so there's only one thing to say, ~[welcome to the crew!]~(green,lime,yellow,orange,red,black,teal,blueviolet,purple) If your application haven't been answered yet, please be patient and wait until the next result wave.And don't forget to join us in our activities meanwhile.~[We the Outbreak HQ team wish you a happy week.]~(purple,red,green,yellow,orange,black,teal,blue,violet,olive,pink) ~[. . . . . .]~(white) ~[coldplay is gay]~(white,white)
  24. ^[] ^[~[%100 legit]~(white) 8/8 ~[Bankrob]~(#99004d)] ^[]
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