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Everything posted by Velo

  1. @zaza said in Message to San Andreas from Al-Munazama: me after watching this video https://www.facebook.com/Memeziyat/videos/424384558116450/ Hearing too many "Syria" makes you feel home, nah? I unintentionally applied hair-gel while watching this video
  2. @Markus said in Are you bored , inactive or retired from SAES ?: Fort Carson RP F F
  3. The greatest news of the year has been announced by the SAES HQ, signatures are back for donators and clan members! If you are keen on having a fancy signature below all your posts, all you have to do is to contact me either here, on private message, or by my Discord account Velo#7005. Pricings are 7.5 5M for normal signatures, and 10 7.5M for animated signatures (yet I still don't know if they are allowed). For those who doesn't have a knowledge about my designs, I'll keep this topic updated.
  4. I guess this needs a bump :P
  5. @SideSwipe said in Arms Assassins: Why almosy mens in picture is have bread but Licano is not. It has not been so much since the operation he has had, his biological penis is implemented but the beard is yet to come.
  6. put a Sony and watch it reaching to the heat of hell
  7. @Tut-Greco said in Car Shaders For Gangs/Squads As a Reward: as long as the organisation still needs to pay for the generic or custom wraps (5, 10 respectively,) i don't see why not. we'll need @Brophy's word on this Payment for an organization to be having a car shader would be a little bit, you know, i can't find the correct adjective for that but it wouldn't be something amazing.Instead, if level 5 gangs get rewarded with one or two shaders (limits are to put by your side), and just as I stated above if organizations get pushed to request a serious shader which would be overviewed by GMs befero getting live; then that would be amazing.
  8. As said in the title, I think organizations should get one or two car shaders as an application reward.You might also want to consider bringing some rules such as having a design which actually reflects the gang, something serious like the skin shaders/spraytags.
  9. I wish I could invent the time machine to prevent Terry from applying in the last recruitment...
  10. That's the man, good job!
  11. With all the aspects, here is the #BANFEST2K19 https://youtu.be/MzrsDJHgflA
  12. https://youtu.be/9K_AzQ6nO3Q
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZsXlr89l-k&feature=youtu.be
  14. @Alperreis https://youtu.be/vNw0hxusOy4
  15. @Siirtuga said in Fallen soldiers: :( https://youtu.be/S4AdLvNhSlc
  16. @nicus said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @Yoko_Kurama said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @TaaviLaudur said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @ColdPlay said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): AA :p AA :p AA :p AA :p AA :p
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K7z-LQp4kI
  18. @Saint21 said in Post your music here!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eSTXIdZb-E&start_radio=1&list=RD2eSTXIdZb-E This made me sad, feel worried about today's world. Totally away from the spirit, I wish the song had never been played on the series and get this kind of fame amongst teenagers
  19. @kockata said in Post your music here!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEpsQGjFo3k perfect listener thanks for reminding me of my childhood :D
  20. A perfect re-touch to the song by our beloved @Licano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLz2_O4Xobk
  21. @Daster said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: gz @vekilince The sun is rising from Yalova!
  22. Yes, the idea is nice.I've never dropped my weapons and I don't think I'd do it in the future, but if there's an easier way to sort things out, why not having it?
  23. Velo


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