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Everything posted by Velo

  1. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 20GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: January, 2018. Why do you need this change?: I want to replace a car that I never use. Links to your donation topics: You can see them all here: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/98203-reward-change/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: Once again, they're all here: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/98203-reward-change/ ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Bobcat Location: AA Base Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Damaged Glendale Location: My property named "scabicals way 2" Username: velona77 Interior:
  2. ^[] ^[Have we been peaceful; with governments doing nothing to entertain us, with governments stealing our money for personal purposes, with governments not hearing us, with governments changing ideologies like it's changing clothes?] ^[Have we been feeling the justice; where we've been strange to a fair procedure of treatment, where there have always been personal issues in punishments, where there has never been a real court?] ^[We've been missing that coin, which leads our way to a better gameplay.We're the coin, Coalition of New Development!] ^[] ^[ https://discord.gg/DypkvgJ ] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[ @Terry - ~[President]~(#09414f) of San Andreas ] ^[ @Velona - ~[Vice President]~(#046275) of San Andreas ] ^[ @zaza - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of Los Santos East ] ^[ @Bartman - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of San Fierro South ] ^[ @Zwolle - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) Los Santos Central ] ^[ @Yoko_Kurama - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of San Fierro North ] ^[ @AdemBygt - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of Los Santos West ] ^[ @Draven - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of Flint County & Whetstone ] ^[ @Duff - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of South Venturas ] ^[ @kockata - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of Tierra Robada ] ^[ @Markus - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of North Venturas ] ^[ @Venom - ~[Senator]~(#0d9ab3) of Red Country ] ^[ @Stay ] ^[ @Adistar ] ^[] ^[ @Arkantos ] ^[ @bazuka36 ] ^[ @Brondy ] ^[ @ColdPlay ] ^[ @Darude ] ^[ @ElRastaMan17 ] ^[ @flora ] ^[ @Frost ] ^[ @Greed ] ^[ @Griffin ] ^[ @King ] ^[ @Literary ] ^[ @Mackey ] ^[ @Pazoo ] ^[ @Rosatorino ] ^[ @Rowdy35 ] ^[ @Silence0 ] ^[ @Sneijder ] ^[] ^[] ^[Coalition of New Development strives for a strong economy, where companies can compete with freedom and in a fair way, and where the welfare of the civilians will be get improved to the limit. Last year, we've seen how companies are not taken seriously, how expensive houses became and how hard it is for every civilian to buy a house because there are not that many houses on sale. Furthermore, inflation is a really big problem in San Andreas. ] ^[We would like to tackle these problems and solve them for once and all. To do this, we are planning to do the following:] ^[- We will invest in companies, so they can develop themselves and make themselves more interesting for new employees] ^[- Houses in countrysides will be much cheaper] ^[- We will invest in building apartments, to make a house free for every single civilian] ^[- To tackle inflation, we want to reform the tax system and make it progressive ] ^[] ^[] ^[Coalition of New Development will work hard to stabilize the relationship with countries all around the world. We will be open to any discussion with the representatives of other countries in San Andreas. It is important for us to stop hostile acts and start acting civilized. Past is past, we are ready to implant less strict policy to immigrants, and people with a criminal history. We'll be helping them with finding jobs, and earning their lives. We'll also be there to negotiate with immigrants and we will be providing American citizenship to people who meet our requirements and offer them a chance to start a new life as Americans.] ^[] ^[] ^[The main goal of SAES is having fun, and Coalition of New Development is aware of that. We, the coalition, want the citizens of San Andreas to have a better gameplay and fun while playing. So, CoND wants to work a lot on the theme Entertainment, which will provide new activities for the players in-game. For now, CoND is planning to work on the following points:] ^[-Annual Purge, which will let you do whatever you want on a pre-set day, in a pre-set time period.Free to shoot around, free to deathmatch, free to let the anger out.] ^[-We will work together with entertainment organizations and invest in them, such as Lounge & Royal Club.] ^[-We'll work on Las Venturas Cross, organize regular activities there such as music fests and DJ streams. ] ^[] ^[] ^[The San Andreas Department of Justice (SADOJ) is responsible for the investigation and enforcement of justice within the state of San Andreas. Additionally, the SADOJ is charged explicitly with the creation, operation, and oversight of all attorney and judicial operations for the state, including all public attorney services, the State Bar Association, and the state courts. Similar to the United States Department of Justice, the San Andreas Department of Justice operates as an agency recognized by the federal government and justice system but managed independently of the federal executive agency by an act of Congress. San Andreas DOJ leadership reports directly to the Governor of San Andreas.] ^[] ^[The Courts of San Andreas is a collective term which refers to the Superior Court and its three subdivisions and the Supreme Court, San Andreas' highest court. The Courts are the judiciary of the State and are responsible for the interpretation of the law and the adjudication of civil disputes and criminal prosecutions. The judiciary acts as an important element in the separation of powers doctrine and acts chiefly to ensure that the executive branch of government acts in accordance with the law and that the State Legislature passes legislation in accordance with the United States Constitution and San Andreas State Constitution.] ^[] ^[] ^[If you wish to join our party and become a supporter, make sure you have the same thoughts of us and fill the application form below.] **Ingame name**: **Account name**: **G/S/C Membership**: **Why would you like to join our party?**:
  3. Why all those pings mens...... @Arms-Assassins @Markus @ILLUSION @Yoko_Kurama @Kybali0n @Spetnazz
  4. ^[] ^[~[I DARE YOU TO VS ME IN FIRST DOOR CHALLENGE! 2 DUELS IN A NIGHT, ONLY ONE WINNER:]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple,gray,black)] ^[] ^[LS BR 8/8 - BC BR 8/8]
  5. Address: El Bunker Del Cartel Account name:pedrowolf123 Last seen:20th February 2020 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/HccKmVA
  6. Address: Coalition Of New Development H Q Account name:pedrowolf123 Last seen:20th February 2020 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/DvniiHS
  7. Happiest new of the week
  8. Stay home, play MTA. You might think you are young, your immunity system is good enough to survive but you must think of other people and realize the speed of this virus spreading. Read about South Korea's Patient 31 and you'll understand the case properly if you haven't realized the seriousness of the virus yet.
  9. Take care mate, hope everything you goes as you want :*
  10. ~[OOOOPS THEY DID ANOTHER ONE, MAXIMUM CRIME LIMIT DOESN'T LET THEM DO MORE SADLY]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple,gray,black)
  11. ~[MOST ACTIVE GANG OF SAES MADE ANOTHER 8/8 BR]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple,gray,black)
  12. @Markus said in Arms Assassins Media Archive: AA :p This made me go full cCc mode
  14. AA level 6
  15. On my first meet with the internet, I was registering to a Metin2 forum, and I was asked to pick a nickname. I tried my real-life name and some combinations with it but they already existed, then I decided to come up with something random that had no meanings at all and I typed Velona. Then it became my alias on the web and in everyplace including websites, forums, and games I used Velona. Nowadays, I must be bored with being questioned with my gender and people calling it a girl name, so I use "Velo" mostly. Some of my real-life friends also call me Velo because I had also had a rap record with the nick, and even some people in the university don't even know my name but call me Velo lol
  16. Event: Land on my bus Prize: 2x $500.000 = $1.000.000 LWS/G6: Velo Winners: Moley & Hope Screenshots: https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688169865 https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688170444
  17. Event: Knock Me Off My NRG Prize: 2x $500.000 = $1.000.000 LWS/G6: Velo Winners: Sherap & Sherap (Won both two rounds, profsnal knocker) Screenshots: https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688169212 https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688169613 https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688168502
  18. Event: Last Man Standing Prize: $2.000.000 LWS/G6: Velo Winners: Brondy Screenshots: https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688166923 https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688165799
  19. Event: Chicken Kicker Prize: $2.000.000 LWS/G6: Velo Winners: Duracell Screenshots: https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688166313 https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688167456
  20. Event: Last Man Standing Prize: $2.000.000 LWS/G6: Velo Winners: VenusX Screenshots: https://www.photobox.co.uk/my/photo/full?photo_id=502688165888
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