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Everything posted by Velo

  1. Sorted
  2. The property belongs to a SAES clan member, BMaster, therefore you can not request it. For a full list of SAES Clan Members you can check this topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  3. The property belongs to a SAES clan member, BMaster, therefore you can not request it. For a full list of SAES Clan Members you can check this topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  4. Sorted
  5. Sorted
  6. Sorted
  7. The property belongs to a SAES clan member, Lior, you can not request it. For a full list of SAES Clan Members you can check this topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  8. No
  9. His last login date is 13th of May which means he's not inactive. An owner is officially inactive if he has not logged in one month. We work this based on the same day the following month. If someone goes inactive on July 2nd his properties may be requested on August 2nd at 00:00 and not a minute before. Any false requests will be removed.
  10. The topic will be archived to keep the forums organized as there have not been a new bid for the last 7 days. If you still want to sell the property you are free to start a new topic anytime you want.
  11. The topic will be archived to keep the forums organized as there have not been a new bid for the last 7 days. If you still want to sell the property you are free to start a new topic anytime you want.
  12. The topic will be archived to keep the forums organized as more than 7 days have been passed since the last bid. If you still want to sell the property you are free to start a new topic anytime you want.
  13. The topic will be archived to keep the forums organized as more than 7 days have been passed since the last bid. If you still want to sell the property you are free to start a new topic anytime you want.
  14. The topic will be archived to keep the forums organized as more than 7 days have been passed since the last bid. If you still want to sell the property you are free to start a new topic anytime you want.
  15. Sorted
  16. Troll bids are removed, auction continues from 20M bid made by Antirug
  17. Placed one street away of Bone County Bank. Less than 10 seconds of running to the bank, and less than 20 seconds of running to the store robbery nearby. Got a vending machine on the way of bank and the store robbery. Got a carspawn, and open place for donation cars. Starting price is $10.000.000, buyout is $35.000.000. Minimum bid increase is $1.000.000 ^[] ^[] ^[]
  18. Sorted
  19. You may only request 2 inactive properties per calendar week.
  20. Sorted
  21. Sorted
  22. Sorted
  23. Sorted
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