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Everything posted by Nico

  1. It was a pleasure to see u guys grow. Unfortunately it had to end this was. Who knows what the future may bring! F in the chat. Rest in peace
  2. Used to be ZIP way back in time, to be honest I have no idea if it was even called ZIP back then. May still have some screens on an old PC. Username wont be listed most likely but just in case : diefish or joriss11
  3. @hentajus No Problem! Additional Info: Donators can request existing shaders ( made by SAES itself ) for I believe 5$. You could even choose to make your own shader for a vehicle of your choosing, this would cost u 10$.
  4. Prefferably I'd stick to the main game assets, as those keep the Old school Vibe alive. in SAES we are using some modifications already, some better then others. What you are suggesting ( just getting it clear) is to implement the current shading system, which is only available for donators if they please, to be added to the general carshop? If so, it would remove a donator perk. In some cases people specificly donated for such a thing. I dont think that should be added to the general carshop/ modshop. I doubt we need additional vehicle mods aswell, as the one we currently have should be enough already (My opinion ofcourse). In terms of creativity, have U tried the Nanoshop? Its a great money sink & lets u show your creativity by using the available parts from all vehicles (Some blocked for obvious reasons). Even the modded vehicles are available, which adds way more possibilities.
  5. Happy birthday mens!
  6. You got it! My old friend! 40m
  7. 6m. Quick Tip: Might be usefull to add a picture of the Icon itself. It provides some additional information. ( The expenses / Income for example )
  8. Good luck Folks
  9. Didn't win a carshow
  10. Your ingame username: diefish Your ingame alias: Nico Your year of birth: 06-10-1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: Dutch Country of residence: The Netherlands How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing SAES for approximately 10 - 11 Years now. ( 2010 ) Qualities you can offer: All things considered, I couldn't want anything more than to bring some Knowledge of my own into the SAHA group. From encounters throughout the most recent few years, and possibly work on certain things to a great extent. As a SAHA you should set aside effort for individuals that need u, and show restraint. "Tolerance is the way to progress" as the vast majority know. On the off chance that somebody needs me for a SAHA related assignment, I would pay attention to them, attempt to get however much data as could reasonably be expected and work out an answer that accommodates their circumstance. As my Daily work, I fill in as an IT Manager and need to manage comparative circumstances as in Quick Thinking. Each issue has its own answer, and I think I am able to do as such. I trust I have the necessary capabilities to be a part of SAHA and help the players if necessary. Your weaknesses: At whatever point I see something that I don't care for, I simply say it. In certain circumstances that probably won't be the best reaction, yet I'd prefer be straightforward. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Reason for application: Over the past years I have attempted to be a useful person. I love to work with properties in-game. Having the option to help people officially with these sorts of tasks would be amazing. The fact that certain tasks of a SAHA can be covered on either forums or discord means that I could also perform them while at work. Server Memberships: - Cuban Cars HQ - Arms Assassins Member Additional information: Well, I am Joris. I am currently 21 years old and I work as an IT Manager in my hometown. We have around 60 businesses to maintain spread out in the whole country. Besides work, I enjoy myself by playing videogames or going out with friends. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I haven't been punished as far as I remember. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have been banned 3 times. House Abuse (2012): Back in the early days of my SAES carrier ( Well, played for like 2 years already ). I saw a lot of houses for sale, and couldnt hold myself back. I realized that I bought too many, and got banned instantly when I returned ingame. ( Ban time: 7 days ) Stolen Scripts (2013): Back in 2013 me and Jasper made our own Little RPG server. SAES Suspected we used Stolen scripts and were banned. Once we spoke to the SAES HQ & Showed them our scripts, we got unbanned. ( Ban Time: 5-7 days ) Logged in from another PC (2013): In the period that I was banned ( 2013, See reason above ), I logged in from another PC. ( Ban Time: 12-14 days )
  11. Congratz Yoko! <3
  12. Hello & Welcome, I will be selling the property shown in the pictures below. Daily Income: 160k Daily Expense: 50k Starting bid: 50M
  13. Too high Poly. I'd prefer to keep the original style of GTA:SA, so please keep it Low poly? Ty.
  14. The need of more / other developers has always been around. We did take some steps forward due to the latest additions to the team as I recall they have already done some stuff. Transparency in terms of donations will never be enough. There is always stuff that stays hidden. Thats something that is the same in almost every server, job, etc. However, in terms of the Development etc. There are quite some people with great knowledge of scripting that currently play SAES. Some are quite bored, but giving them the possibility to show thier scripting skills & handing ideas from a regular player perspective might come in handy.. MTA will die one day, but saying its 2020 and we need to head over to gta v is just BS. Most people that actually play SAES / MTA do so because they have a older rig.
  15. Nickname: Nico Username: diefish Age: 21 Country: The Netherlands Languages spoken: Dutch & English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your English proficiency? (?/10): 8 How long have you been playing on SAES: Approx. 9-10 years now. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is a gang which was founded on the streets of San Fierro. They are mostly known for selling weaponry, and the fact that they are one of the oldest gangs around. Their role is all about selling weapons to the people of San Andreas. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): AA: Left cause of a personal matter ( Explained this later on ingame ) HS: It died. GJMC: It died. Rebels MC: it died twice... MMC: It died. TT: AA Rule <> IFL ( Own Company ) : it died. Black~Dragons ( Shall u rest in piece ) Created with Jasper, died 1 day before we got lvl 1.. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: House Abuse (2012): Back in the early days of my SAES carrier ( Well, played for like 2 years already ). I saw a lot of houses for sale, and couldnt hold myself back. I realized that I bought too many, and got banned instantly when I returned ingame. ( Ban time: 7 days ) **Stolen Scripts (2013)**: Back in 2013 Jasper and I made our own Little RPG server. SAES Suspected we used Stolen scripts and were banned. Once we spoke to the SAES HQ & Showed them our scripts, we got unbanned. ( Ban Time: 5-7 days ) **Logged in from another PC (2013)**: In the period that I was banned ( 2013, See reason above ), I logged in from another PC. ( Ban Time: 12-14 days ) Name 3 Bankrob rules: Do not kill other robbers / Ask to be killed yourself in order to leave a bankrob. Same for F1 > I'm Stuck / Suicide usage. Do not stop a Bankrob from another gang, by spawning as a Police Officer. ( This is just Silly anyways ) A gang is only allowed to do 3 Bankrobs of their own. ( They are allowed to assist others of course ) Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Well, first of all. If you are helping a gang with a bankrob, you should stick to the Bankrob rules. As long as u follow the bankrob rules, you should be good. Just try to be helpful in any non-rulebreaking way possible. Name 3 Turf rules: Cops need to arrest both sides while interrupting a Turf war. ( Not just 1 side, to help the other ) No camping on unclimbable roofs. Do not spawn as Medic or Cop to assist during a turf war of your own gang. What is Roleplay?: Acting like you would in real life. What is Deathmatching?: Killing someone for no reason. Which is not allowed. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Depends really. Most of the time I would try and talk to the person. If he doesn't respond, I'll probably report his ass. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Just drive along. There is no need for further action. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: I have been part of AA before, and do know quite some lads. Nicus, Gui, Yoko, Bartman, Zombie, Karitos, etc. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Well, I am Joris ( Known ingame as Nico ). I am 21 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I have a full-time job as an IT Manager. This means I work with Servers, Computers, Company Infrastructures, etc. I may not be the most active person, as I like to hang around with friends. I hope to once again rejoin this great family, without me leaving for personal reasons... Thanks in Advance, Nico
  16. Pls no remove base
  17. Even though I love to watch my fellow Cubans struggle, this is a good suggestion. But you got to be honest, driving the current DFT is a challenge sometimes which also makes it fun.
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