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Everything posted by Nico

  1. I think it might be better if the group could decide the price. For example, they can choose between 85% -115%. Depending on the stock / sales, every group can change thier pricing
  2. He probably means Bone Attachments as an addition to skin shadering
  3. I prefer the old skin, but it would be cool to maybe have a "Randomized" skin shader for this class, and maybe more classes to follow. Like having the classic skin, but some people who spawn as Armsdealer would get a red Jacket, or a Black pants of some sorts. If not possible, the old skin is still much better then the current one.
  4. House can be sold to Toteking. No Interest.
  5. EDIT: the Pathway on the back of the building, is part of the property itself & could be used to store donation vehicles.
  6. Welcome! Selling a great business in Los Santos. Located next to the LS Impounder spawn ( Perfect property for CC wannabe's :dog2: ) Icon Information ::: ::: Starting bid: 3m. Goodluck!
  7. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8T486173KP457853D Donation: 60.00 GBP Requested rewards: Donated for the following: Large Interior ( The Custom one ) : Located at my house in Los Santos ( Mrkiis Mansion ). ( If it could be renamed to 'Nico's Mansion' that would be awesome. 4 Vehicles of my choosing : Would like to request my first 2 vehicles, ( Non Shadered ). 1 SGT & 1 Freeway ( both colored: 8D2D09 ) Locked to diefish & xpro. ( next to eachother http://prntscr.com/o1hkhj ) 2 Custom Vehicle shader : To Be Determined 6 Mil ingame Cash
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