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Everything posted by Nico

  1. Your ingame username: diefish Your ingame alias: Nico Your year of birth: 06-10-1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: Dutch / Netherlands Country of residence: The Netherlands How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing SAES for approximately 9-10 years now. ( I believe I started in 2010-2011 ) Qualities you can offer: Well, I would love to bring some Knowledge of my own into the SAHA team. From experiences over the last couple of years, and maybe improve some things here and there. As a SAHA you should take time for the people that need u, and be Patient. Patience is the key to success as most people know. If someone needs me for a SAHA related task, I would listen to them, try to get as much information as possible and work out a solution that fits their situation. As my Daily job, I work as an IT Manager and have to deal with similar situations as in Quick Thinking. Every issue has its own solution, and I think I am qualified to do so. I believe I have the required qualifications to be a SAHA member and assist the players if needed. Your weaknesses: Whenever I see something that I dont like, I just say it. In some situations that might not be the best response, but Id rather be honest. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Reason for application: Over the past couple of years I have tried to be a helpful person. I love to work with properties in-game. Being able to help people ( Officially ) with these types of tasks would be lovely. Server Memberships: Cuban Cars HQ ALM HQ DDMC Member RaceTech Member Additional information: Well, I am Joris. I am currently 21 years old and I work as an IT Manager in my hometown. We have around 60 businesses to maintain spread out in the whole country. Besides work, I enjoy myself by playing videogames or going out with friends. Unfortunately, Corona has got us all stuck inside... Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I dont believe I have even been punished before, besides perhaps an adminjail? Previous (legitimate) bans: I have been banned 3 times. House Abuse (2012): Back in the early days of my SAES carrier ( Well, played for like 2 years already ). I saw a lot of houses for sale, and couldnt hold myself back. I realized that I bought too many, and got banned instantly when I returned ingame. ( Ban time: 7 days ) Stolen Scripts (2013): Back in 2013 me and Jasper made our own Little RPG server. SAES Suspected we used Stolen scripts and were banned. Once we spoke to the SAES HQ & Showed them our scripts, we got unbanned. ( Ban Time: 5-7 days ) Logged in from another PC (2013): In the period that I was banned ( 2013, See reason above ), I logged in from another PC. ( Ban Time: 12-14 days ) Do you eat pork: Yes, Please.
  2. @Ferthis 4SAHA
  3. Let the games begin.. 10m
  4. A level indication will always stay. Since that is used for the GMs to assign a second spawn. However having the ability to add certain text to is, would be cool. Having more then 5 levels in your panel? Would be cool.
  5. @Markus said in Dillmore Club House: @RadiO said in Dillmore Club House: Minimum bid increase raised to 5.000.000$ @Nico said in Dillmore Club House: 86 @Nico Maybe if u did the math correctly. The last bid 81m by SWT. +5m = 86m. I might be wrong, if so u can judge my old maths teacher
  6. 99
  7. Hello! People have always been trying to find a property that suits them best. More and more houses have been put on sale ever since the change in max prices arrived. A lot of people that hear someone talking about a certain property, will check that users Real Estate information by pressing F2. A small window will open and provide u with some good to know information, along with a "Click to locate" option. My suggestion would be to add a new column to this panel, "Income / Tax". Even could be 2 seperate columns, or just a income column. A lot of people are looking for a property based on income. This would help them to find a prop that suits there needs. Ofcourse this is not the only thing that COULD be added to this panel. We could also add a carspawn identification ( if the property has one or not ), type of property ( House, business, base), etc. Allthough, simply adding the income / tax should give enough information. Please leave your votes & feedback! Thanks in Advance, Nico.
  8. Why cant we just go back to the old classics? Keep it Low Poly, and try to keep the mods away. Back in the days we had like 5/6 vehicle mods ( apart from the recolorable planes etc ). Why do we need more?
  9. So, Carte Blanche in terms of looks I pressume? No further details for now?
  10. Do you want people to offer on this property, or is this just a way of showing that U are selling this? In case You want people to offer: Give up a minimum price on which people can start. The buyout price is 100m I guess, might be useful to List this. In case U want people to buy this: It might be useful to post this, in the according format on Discord. We have a special Channel called "buy-sell-trade" which U can use for this. Just a tip though. :)
  11. @Licano << Give this man a raise
  12. @Raf0 Or just do it like everyone else. Save money to make what U want, and sell it ( with profit ). Which makes u able to make a new car, etc.
  13. Some parts are a bit overpriced, I give U that. However, it should be a Luxury thing to have a custom modded vehicle. Although everyone has one these days, its something that takes creativity to a new level. I'd say No to the general idea, but some parts ( Not all ) could use a price reduction.
  14. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10304/waypoints I feel betrayed..
  15. No base marker on the minimap, which indicates it does not have a base icon. Please refer to this as a property instead of a base. @San-Andreas-Housing-Agency Pls fix.
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