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Everything posted by Nico

  1. Groups already have this option. I dont see why Gangs/Squads shouldn't have this. Upvote from me.
  2. Happy new year! Have a good one everyone!
  3. Decent tutorial. Allthough this function has been added ingame in the SF Carshop (First Floor). But incase you need it locally, clean tutorial.
  4. One year older, but also one year wiser? Happy B-Day Velo!
  5. @elrastaman17 said in [CHANGE] BR Starting - Minimum Requirements - Part 2: @yoko said in [CHANGE] BR Starting - Minimum Requirements - Part 2: @rampage said in [CHANGE] BR Starting - Minimum Requirements - Part 2: What @Terry said. What @Terry said. What @Terry said. What @Terry said.
  6. Having the possibility to start a BR regardless of Cop count might be a good way to resolve the current issue. This would also allow gangs to keep posting thier BR activities in the media topics. However, as mentioned the payout will be scaled accordingly to the amount of cops that are spawned. Does this still only involve Squad members or will regular cops will be taken into account? ( Don't do/ Join BRs often, so just looking for a general POV )
  7. Another one bites the dust... Sad to see you go boys! Agree with @Billionaire on this one. This process has been going on for far to long at the moment. How many G/S/C's do we need to lose..
  8. Honestly, I think this could be a good way to improve the current ALT GR selling section. I remember when the function was re-introduced, we as CC wanted to incorporate it into the current CC LV base. The 2 bays on which "Showroom" vehicles are currently placed, were ment to be used for this kind of stuff. I made the same setup for Racetech base, both containing 1 or 2 bays which can be used for displaying a vehicle. Introducing a marker @ the desk in which the other vehicles can be listed, shown and/or tested would increase the possibility of someone finding a new vehicle that fits thier needs, probably already upgraded in the best ( or worst ) possible way. To further spread out the options, another Second hand vehicle location can be made in CC SF, where since the early days, the bays are in use by non-useable vehicles. We might need to consider only showing basic vehicles & no nanoshop vehicles, as some take up quite a lot of space/ objects, which can cause lag in certain areas/ for certain people.
  9. Prop = Sold. Can be #locked.
  10. I dont often participate in BRs or Public BRs, however it is a struggle as a criminal organisation to plan a BankRob accordingly. Especially with the current Police activity. To further reduce the robbery options on the bank by increasing the minimum spawned officer for a Public BR doesn't seem like the right plan in this case. Instead of trying to increase the minimum amount of cops needed for these activities, we as a whole, should focus on increasing the activity on the Policing side of the server. Some are already working on this by creating thier own squad. Some people are capable of being a police officer, but are not included in a "Official Squad" & hence do not count towards this (Public) BR number. Perhaps we could get some groups involved like SAi, PC, etc. ( Quick idea ) Not all of the members there may be part of a official Squad, but it could help towards the activities around a BankRob/Public BR or U name it. To further raise the Police activity, some further actions should be considered. Open for discussion.
  11. Good luck gents!
  12. Happy B-Day Johnny
  13. Happy B-Day Brophy. When 2.0 confirmed?
  14. Happy Birthday Ronald!
  15. I like the idea. I believe helicopters are mostly used to extinguish larger fires like Forest fires or open field fires. If the option would be introduced for those kind of fires, then I'd vote Yes. In terms of visual, I am not sure what will look the best, as objects attached to vehicles are static. ( Correct me if I am wrong ) A swinging "basket" would in that cause look like what u have drawn, but the cable would be a steel pole. But thats something that should be looked at if the suggestion/ general idea itself gets approved.
  16. The one & only Enternia Henry. Happy Birthday Mate!
  17. RIP Boys. Who knows what the future may bring for GSF..
  18. Gei Zaza, Happy B-Day!
  19. Display Name: Nico Username: diefish Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9266/donation-notnico-amount-60-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13117/donation-nico-amount-60-00-gbp (Christmas Sale) Total number of Donation Points: 180
  20. Should indeed be changed. Spoilers have always been an issue. Might be some work if the things @Tut-Greco suggested in terms of converting the old spoilers doesn't work, but in the end it may result in a ( finally ) great working system.
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