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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Pretty low effort application. Unfortunately your application has not been successful this time around. Please try and help out more ingame and on discord to increase your chances in the future. Best of luck next time!
  2. Disregard last edit, panel bugged and I'm sleep deprived. Still,
  3. Pretty poor application. I would heavily recommend improving your English skills prior to the next recruitment as we do require staff that are highly proficient in English. Best of luck for next time.
  4. Application is very poor. Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Best of luck next time and try and get your name out there a bit more.
  5. Activity was a tad on the lower side prior to applying but a decent application overall. Many individuals have raised your attitude sometimes as a cause of concern. Lets try and fix that by next recruitment please. Best of luck next time
  6. Feel free to use the suggestion forum for your improvements and best of luck with uni. Unfortunately your activity has been deemed insufficient prior to applying. Please ensure that you have a good amount of activity before the next recruitment. Best of luck next time.
  7. Unfortunately your activity has been deemed insufficient prior to applying. Please ensure that you have a good amount of activity before the next recruitment. Best of luck next time.
  8. Unfortunately your activity has been deemed insufficient prior to applying. Please ensure that you have a good amount of activity before the next recruitment. Best of luck next time.
  9. Unfortunately your activity has been deemed insufficient prior to applying. Please ensure that you have a good amount of activity before the next recruitment. Best of luck next time.
  10. Unfortunately your activity has been deemed insufficient prior to applying. Please ensure that you have a good amount of activity before the next recruitment. Best of luck next time.
  11. Polat4SAHA Unfortunately your activity has been deemed insufficient prior to applying. Please ensure that you have a good amount of activity before the next recruitment. Best of luck next time.
  12. Whilst we are aware of the unfortunate situation in Ukraine, we do require staff to be very active. I understand that this may not be possible for you at this moment in time, however I do hope that your circumstances have improved by the time the next recruitment comes around. We wish you the best.
  13. Literally no playtime prior to the recruitment opening. Better luck next time (or just try booting the game :winking_face: )
  14. Apologies for the delay. SGT has been added at UE base locked to "lion4ik98" but appears to be an issue with the wrap. @SAES-Creative will follow up.
  15. 20 confirmed as of 13/05/22
  16. Wraps already appear added. Archiving.
  17. Hi, Apologies in the delay getting back to you here. Donations must be placed under your own username which I can see is not "kafon". Please re-request the reward under your own username. Thanks.
  18. Hi, Apologies in the delay sorting this request. Can you please complete a donation tracking thread here please. If you require any assistance with making this thread, please follow the instructions here. Once this is complete, we will happily sort this change for you ASAP. Thanks.
  19. Apologies in the massive delay here. As you're no longer in SSB, I'm going to assume this change is no longer required and will close it out. If you still require this change, feel free to repost and tag me and we'll get it sorted for you ASAP. Thanks.
  20. Weapon storing has also been patched for none Trainees. Stinger fix also pushed. Thanks for spotting.
  21. @General said in Police Team Balance Changes!: @Kain What about PC members getting stars? can we make them not get stars while spawned as a non-PC cop? Or should Sheriff be kept for PC, deputy sheriff for public spawn, and sergeant for SAPD? I think it's a simpler, and good idea if we, PC members don't get stars in these spawns. Police Detective has been added to all counties and I would recommend choosing that for now. If this is something, more people want then feel free to suggest it
  22. @Marko said in Police Team Balance Changes!: [s=]@nulgath said in Police Team Balance Changes!: :crank:[/s] Was about to suggest it, radio must be locked to PC/Squads only or it's gonna be a mess. Weapons aswell can be stored in disks so it might be abused. And setting speedtraps, barriers and stingers should be either locked to specific spawn or just PC .. prefer if just PC imo. and ye PC can get wanted if spawned as non-PC spawn. Thank you. Thanks for the feedback. I would like to try and keep the radio as is, any abuse of the radio will lead to mutes. More communication is always better. Speedtrap we would like to keep public as this is under utilised currently. Barriers/Stingers will remain locked to PC. (A fix will be be pushed to stingers). Getting wanted on a non-PC spawn is also an intended feature.
  23. Good Evening! It's no secret that the police team has been made largely redundant for quite a while now with very little people spawned aside from the odd new player and eager squad recruit. We have deduced that one of the primary reasons for this is the lack in variety due to a large quantity of the spawns being "locked" behind the ProCops qualification. Consequently, the SAPD team have put together a number of changes in an attempt to both increase the variety and motivation in playing as a police team member which is more appealing to both new players and non-squad players alike. These changes primarily feature increasing the availability of the previously locked ProCops spawns while also trying to maintain the value that holding a ProCops qualification once held. The changes can be found below: Public Spawns: [s=] Name: Police Officer Trainee Arrest Requirement: 0 Spawn Locations: LS, LV, SF Description: Entry spawn Gain: None Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Prison Warden Trainee Arrest Requirement: 250 Spawn Locations: LS Prison Description: Jail trainee spawn Gain: Dedicated jail spawn Images: [s=] [/s] Name: State Trooper Arrest Requirement: 750 Spawn Locations: LS, LV, SF Description: Highway troopers Gain: Faster vehicles/shotgun Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Traffic Officer Arrest Requirement: 1000 Spawn Locations: LS, LV, SF Description: Traffic officers enforcing speed limits Gain: Access to /speedtrap Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Police Officer Arrest Requirement: 2000 Spawn Locations: LS, LV, SF Description: Qualified police officer Gain: M4/Variety of skins Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Police Marine Arrest Requirement: 3000 Spawn Locations: South LV Description: Officers dedicated to protecting the seas Gain: Sea Predators Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Sherriff Arrest Requirement: 4000 Spawn Locations: RC, BC, TR, Whetstone Description: Sherriff's dedicated to protecting all counties Gain: Remote spawn locations Images: [s=] [/s] [/s] ProCops Spawns: [s=] Name: Police Detective Arrest Requirement: 0 / PC Qualification Required Spawn Locations: All cities/counties Description: The primary spawn for all PC qualified officers Gain: M4/Sniper/Unique skins Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Prison Warden Arrest Requirement: 0 / PC Qualification Required Spawn Locations: LS Prison Description: Specialised riot control for LS Prison Gain: M4/Sniper/Unique skin Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Police Dog Arrest Requirement: 0 / PC Qualification Required Spawn Locations: LS, LV, SF Description: Dog unit for chasing and slowly fleeing suspects Gain: Enhanced speed/biting capabaility Images: [s=] [/s] Name: Dispatcher Arrest Requirement: 0 / PC Qualification Required Spawn Locations: SF Description: Dispatch unit for all SAPD units Gain: Access to /coord Images: [s=] [/s] [/s] Arrest Reward Changes: [s=] The reward for arrests has been slightly changed such that: Non ProCops officers receive 10% less reward than current Official Squads receive the current reward when spawned ProCops qualified receive 10% more reward when spawned as any policing class [/s] Credits: [s=] Special thanks to @Steven for making the new unique PC skins Special thanks to the SAPD team for helping put these changes together [/s] Feel free to leave any feedback below! Thanks, SAES Team
  24. Hello! As some of you perceptive people have probably seen, we've been cleaning up shop a lot recently to ensure that positions aren't occupied by lesser active individuals. Therefore, it's time to fill some of these positions with active and enthusiastic applicants. We will be opening both our CS and SAHA recruitment however as usual, we may offer applicants different positions based on availability at the time. Applications are to be posted here whilst ensuring that all guidelines stated here are followed. Closing date for applications will be 11th May 2022. May we take this opportunity to wish all of you interested the very best of luck and we look forward to reading some of your apps! Thanks, SAES HQ
  25. Overview: [s=] Minimum criminal count: 30 Minimum cop count: 15 Able to crack: Official gang members Crackers lose collisions after 60 seconds in the marker [/s] Location: [s=][/s] Gate #1: [s=] Image: [s=][/s] Max-Code: 10,000,000 Time Remaining (once cracked): 20 minutes Crackable By: Any official gang member Leads to payable area: No [/s] Gate #2: [s=] Image: [s=][/s] Max-Code: 20,000,000 Time Remaining (once cracked): 15 minutes Crackable By: Any official gang member Leads to payable area: Yes (Door to reward area) [/s] Gate #3: [s=] Image: [s=][/s] Max-Code: 30,000,000 Time Remaining (once cracked): 10 minutes Crackable By: Any official gang member Payable area: Yes [/s] Gate #4: [s=] Image: [s=][/s] Max-Code: 40,000,000 Time Remaining (once cracked): 8 minutes Crackable By: Any official gang member Payable area: Yes [/s] Safes: [s=] Image: [s=][/s] Crackable By: 1 member from each gang and only 3 safes can be cracked concurrently Codes: Safe 1: 10,000,000 Safe 2: 20,000,000 Safe 3: 30,000,000 Safe 4: 40,000,000 Safe 5: 50,000,000 Safe 6: 60,000,000 Safe 7: 70,000,000 Safe 8: 80,000,000 [/s] Escape Vent: [s=] Image: [s=][/s] Red Circle: This indicates the location of the minigame to open the vent Blue Circle: This indicates the location of the vent itself. This vent leads to the escape tunnel Vent closes after 25 seconds once cracked (must be re-cracked once exceeded) [/s] Escape Tunnel: [s=] Image: [s=][/s] You must escape this tunnel as quickly as possible due to health decay If you die due to health decay, you will be instantly jailed Exit location: [s=][/s] [/s]
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