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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Decent application and good work keeping people entertained with Radio SA. Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  2. Average application. Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interest and capabilities in preparation for next time. Best of luck for next time.
  3. Decent application, I think you need to work on your English skills a bit more though. Hang out more on discord and communicate more ingame to help develop them more. Best of luck for next time.
  4. Average application. Unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interest and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  5. Pretty minimal effort application and you drive an Audi at 21 years old, disgraceful. Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  6. Good application and clearly another one of the community favourites. Unfortunately however you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out ingame and on discord more to further express your interest and capabilities in preparation for next time. Best of luck!
  7. A very good application however unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interest and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  8. Decent app however unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out ingame and on discord to further express your interest in preparation for next time. Best of luck for then!
  9. Very good application. We'll try you out with SAHA for now and go from there. You'll be contacted on discord in due course.
  10. Decent application however unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to express your interest further. Best of luck for next time.
  11. Decent application however unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Help out more ingame and on discord to express your interest for future recruitments. Best of luck for next time.
  12. Low effort application. "My weakness is failing in what I do, so I do my best in what I do." Sounds like a tongue twister. Best of luck for next time!
  13. Failed at the first step and removed the formatting from the application. My eyes can't handle this.
  14. NanoBob said no again
  15. Decent app and I'm jealous of how many languages you can speak. Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Help out more ingame and on discord to express your interest in the future. Best of luck next time!
  16. Bit of a low effort application, Improve it for next time and try and help out more ingame and on discord consistently before a recruitment.
  17. Very good application. However unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to greater express your interest for the next recruitment. Best of luck for next time.
  18. You've had more punishments than Teddy's said useful things in his life. Lets try and keep that punishment record clean until the next recruitment as the first stepping stone.
  19. Bit of a low effort application. Improve your application and try and help out a bit more on our services to improve your chances for next time. Best of luck!
  20. Decent application. However, unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out ingame and on discord a bit more to get your name out there. Best of luck next time.
  21. Pretty good application. Many positive comments from clan members towards you so we've decided to give you a shot as a SAHA member to see if you're a good fit for a future CS member. You'll be contacted on discord in due course.
  22. Pretty good application but unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. I recommend helping out in the discord support channels and ingame to get your name out there a bit more for next time. Best of luck for next time.
  23. Average application. Unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Get involved a bit more ingame and on discord to help improve your English skills. Best of luck for next time.
  24. Decent application however unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out ingame and on discord more often to get your name out there a bit more. Best of luck for next time.
  25. Average application however I do agree that your biggest weakness is definitely your English skills. Get involved in #general on discord and communicate more with people around the server to try your best at improving your language skills for both next time and in general. Best of luck!
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