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Everything posted by Kain

  1. User inactive. Please re-request when back active, thanks. Apologies for this not being completed sooner.
  2. @SK-N Please create a donation tracking thread when possible please. Instructions on how to do this can be found here Thanks
  3. Thanks for donating! 10 points confirmed. Money given :white_heavy_check_mark: You can find instructions on how to request your wrap here. Please leave a link to the github thread below so we can monitor the progress before adding it to your vehicle. Thanks.
  4. 95 points confirmed
  5. Thanks for donating! Before the vehicles are placed, can you please complete a donation tracking topic so we can keep on top of how much you've donated if possible please! Instructions on how to do this can be found here
  6. Please use a donation change request to request your remaining 10 points when you've decided. Thanks for donating. Closing this out to avoid clutter.
  7. Confirmed 35 points
  8. Confirmed 80 points. Apologies for delay.
  9. @Swindler these vehicles don't appear to be added, apologies for that. (20 points) As so much time has passed, can you please re-request the vehicles in the change forum and we'll get them sorted for you as soon as possible. Apologies again.
  10. Last Login 24/12/21 Please re-request when you're back active. 20 points as was done during Xmas bonus event Apologies for not sorting this whilst you were active.
  11. Custom wrap added to infernus (wrap name: mag1ks_1)
  12. Agree with @Bisollini. You're all entitled to your own opinions and feel free to discuss them in private with each other however we don't endorse political controversy such as this thread. As far as SAES is concerned, we will continue to support those adversely impacted by these events as shown in https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31273/ukraine-residents-housing-requirements however we are not looking to prompt any further discussion on the matter hence why that thread was also locked. Thanks for understanding.
  13. Hi All! First off, we want to wish you all a wonderful new year from all of us at SAES:RPG and hope that 2022 is one of the best for you all! We also want to thank each and every one of you that has stuck with us throughout 2021 with a major shout out to everyone in @Donator that has helped us keep the lights on. And a final thanks from the HQ team to all of our staff and developers that have helped maintain the day to day running of our services through the year. We hope 2022 will be another great year for us and we hope to have a few more great things coming your way soon with the first being from @Scorpyo and the @SAES-Creative team within the next couple weeks so stay tuned for that! Thanks again, SAES HQ Team
  14. DROT's way of trying to provide a morale boost for SWAT before they lose #1
  15. @moley give me a time and date
  16. The last and final application. Sadly there's no more room in the CS team. Hopefully SAHA will suffice to show us you're worth it.
  17. Pretty good app. However unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  18. After a small discussion amongst the HQ team, we've decided to revert this decision due to your performance. It's very difficult to observe all applicants to a high degree and at times high performing individuals do sometimes slip under the radar as was the case here. As a result, we're going to give you a chance. Apologies for the emotional rollercoaster.
  19. Pretty good app. However unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  20. Decent application. However unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  21. I would recommend using shorter sentences for paragraphs. Your qualities is literally one long sentence. Otherwise, average application. Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  22. Decent application, however unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  23. Clearly the community's favourite. Lets hope that lasts.
  24. Decent application and we're always happy to hear your projects/ideas which can help benefit the server. However unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
  25. Decent application. Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interests and capabilities for next time. Best of luck!
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