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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Hbd men
  2. Maybe something like once a gang starts a GR, for as long as you're standing inside the col then the timer starts ticking down from 15 minutes or whatever, unless the defending gang has more members in the col then the timer starts ticking back up. If it goes back to 15 minutes then the defenders win or if it reaches 0 then attackers win?
  3. @jonathan959 said in [Competition] Guess January BR success rate %: 71.34% This is extraordinarily close and wins. Congratulations, find me ingame for the dollah). Expect a detailed topic with actual figures for January soon(tm).
  4. Small hour long competition cus I'm bored. Guess the Bank Rob success rate (number of 8/8s) for January to the nearest 2nd decimal place (a percentage of 100 obviously) and win $6,000,000. One entry per person, closes in an hour.
  5. Money isn't a motivator these days, no point really.
  6. @Rzz0 said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: remove speed drug from the game, nerf tazer from 12m to 8-9m(it used to be 6 before and almost no criminal bought speed because it wasnt fkin needed before doubling the tazer range) im tired of those new updates, might aswell have given us an inventory in which we have speed and can use it at any time because every single person in the game can buy it now at hospital after he respawns Afaik taser range has never been changed lol
  7. All reported bugs have been fixed, thanks for reporting. If anymore are found, please use bugs.saesrpg.uk.
  8. @Lightning said in Trucker Spawn: Also @Crash Its pain in the ass once you hit the invinsible barrier at full speed and suddenly you load is lost and you have to do it once again. Downgrade your gta sa
  9. The suggestion was already declined. This is merely a discussion thread from the community.
  10. Bribing outside the main interior has been disallowed.
  11. This forum is for contracts between players regarding the usage of properties for stuff like official gang bases to avoid conflicts. You cannot edit your posts in this forum - once a contract is posted it is final. Note: If duration is permanent then it is up to the rentee when to void the contract. Create a topic with the following title: <Your Name> and <Rentee Name>: <Property Name> **Date**: **Property Name**: **Your Username**: **Rentee Username**: **Duration**: **Fee**: **Screenshot**: ![alt text](<link>) Once the topic is posted, the rentee must post below confirming it. When choosing the fee, please specify the frequency of payment. Eg: yearly, monthly, weekly or upfront. Exchanges are classed as upfront payments. Alternatively free is an option. Voiding a contract: Money exchanges: Failure to pay the expected fee for a contract in time will result in a punishment fee of 2x the total contract fee. Eg: 2 mil per month for 3 months > (2 * 3) = 6. > (6 * 2) = 12m. Property exchanges: If you sell or fail to return a contracted property, the contract will be repossessed by SAHA and changed to a permanent duration. Once the rentee is done with the property, the property will be put up for SAHA auction. Example Post: Title: Kain and Brophy: 21 BrophysAbitch Close Contents: Date: 15/01/20 Property Name: 21 BrophysAbitch Close Your Username: potato11 Rentee Username: brophy Duration: 3 months Fee: 2 mil per month Screenshot:
  12. I really don't think HS kill arrest is a good idea lmao
  13. @Deu said in [POLL] Remove Speed: @Kybali0n said in [POLL] Remove Speed: For years it's always been usual and normal, since you started with your tricks, this shit is going to the dogs! Cops still endured criminals when tazer had short range and there was no such thing called kill-arrest at JBs and BRs. Two SAES members, one of them is SAESHQ switch to squad side and changes everything to the way they want it. bans a gang member for switching fast with sniper buys properties near the banks, would probably reject all suggestions regarding spawning at houses continously changes HLS rules, uses it as if it's their personal spawn with their friends, blipless counts dies continously at jail and brs, makes a topic to remove the speed function let's just hope Kain switches to gang side soon or we'll all be doomed everytime he gets killed by a criminal in game A majority clan decision - how dare the clan that runs the server make decisions. "Would probably". We could go all day on this that might probably happen but never have. For example you might probably stop crying but you never have. Revive a group to meet the standards of the server today with rules signed off by Group Management/SAES HQ (not me) where blipless is used for nothing more than RP. Makes a poll to collect a majority opinion based on a small discussion that took place in channel where people with more IQ than you are. Get over yourself for once. Regardless, the majority opinion is very clear so no point keeping this open. I will attract your attention to this poll made by Adistar instead: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14186/the-compromise
  14. Hi guys, So I decided to make this official thread for it after reading this discussion thread here seeing as the people that were pushing for the wanted level have since changed their mind. (I know there was a thread surrounding this in the past however I feel there's been a large change in some opinions since then and I just want to check again). As everyone is entitled to, I will post my opinion below which will ultimately be very similar to my response in the linked thread. I had a written an essay but I've decided to keep it short instead. After discussing my response to the linked topic above in the discussion channel on discord with some high ranked criminal organisation members, it became slightly more apparent that there is now mixed opinions on the criminal side regarding speed as a feature therefore I felt this needed readdressing. Granted the last few weeks we have seen cops getting their own speed dealer to spawn and as a result we have seen criminals complaining about this due to cops being harder to kill. So quite simply why not just remove it out of the equation so there's no team differences when it comes to game speed.
  15. I didn't see the bitchy comments until now. In what ideal world do you think giving one team (of whom is wanted 90% the time anyway cus they're criminals) specifically access to a game mechanic that makes your game speed 1.5x faster? I'm not saying this is a bad suggestion at all because logically I agree it does make sense but what I do disagree with is the design of speed and how it's heavily flawed in terms of game design. Just sit back for a minute and get out of the delusion that you're living which is "I'm a criminal, give me OP things, cops bad grr". In what world do you think in a team based server like this one that it's fair to give one side such an OP game mechanic that increases overall game speed, rate of fire and vehicle acceleration. I was in TT for a short period last year as some of you know and it was pretty common to see people selling speed to eachother regularly because of how easy it makes it to evade and kill cops. The only reason a poll like this gets so heavily skewed to 1 side is because it's no secret that we have more official gangmembers than squad members on the server (I can get you an actual stat if you want) so a poll like these is heavily unrepresentative. If I had it my way and I did what I want, I'd completely remove speed altogether or atleast add a side effect that deterrents people from using it or make it as easily accessible for cops as it is for criminals then I'd consider adding your above suggestion. Until then, I'm not going to be making an unbalanced game mechanic even more unbalanced. The only reason you've made such a thread is because you dislike how OP speed is for cops without actually thinking how OP it is for criminals as well. Surely that in itself is enough to identify that the issue itself is speed and not the accessibility of it?
  16. Sorted.
  17. 4 million rewarded. Infernus and buffalom, both with sticker1 wrap added to Las Colinas 41 locked to fener1907 Medium interior 9 added to Las Colinas 41 Thanks for donating, Happy New Year! (A freeway and cheetah removed due to having 2 (7 instead of 5) extra donation vehicles despite only donating 55).
  18. Hey guys, It's that time of the year again where we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us here at SAES. We want to thank you all for being with us through 2019 and we hope to keep you here as we go into the new decade. We have an exciting year planned ahead of us so remember to keep an eye out for things hidden in plain sight. But quickly, an even bigger thanks to the donators this year that are keeping the server alive. Remember you have just under 24 hours left if you want to claim on the limited time offer. We really wouldn't be here without you guys. Once again, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  19. @KARIM said in [SUGGESTION] Rules Returns balance in br: @DROT said in [SUGGESTION] Rules Returns balance in br: while you've 75% chance of successfully robbing it, you STILL complain about cops? with the "shity" updates that made by "husband and wife" the chance to succesull bank became 25% ( as you can see gangs failed many brs this week or the past 2 weeks because of the updates :) " Last time I checked, you didn't have access to the database statistics :slightly_smiling_face:
  20. Hurry up, Brophy needs to buy his kids presents for Christmas.
  21. Let's be honest, speed in itself is just a fundamentally unbalanced broken game mechanic. Remove it all together :yespepe: Or add a shit side effect
  22. $1,600,000 rewarded. Thanks for donating.
  23. Rewards fixed - 2 more custom shaders added due to the reduced price of 5.] Thanks for donating and apologies for the inconvenience caused.
  24. @JojoDb said in Donation Rewards: If we have donated within the additional reward period, but we request our rewards after 25 December, do these bonuses still apply? Yes
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