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Everything posted by StarWars

  1. In reality, what you're trying to implement is an old suggestion that is on the archive with the handcuffs, essentially it was a command with a "Request". ( I don't take credit for it, and I am almost certain that @Berker was the original author I might be mistaken, but back on topic) You use a command named "/cuff" and the player that you want to handcuff gets a msg on the top bar saying "Officer X is trying to cuff you, "/accept" or "/deny"? " When you're cuffed you can't be arrested, you can't draw your weapons, and you can't resist, you can walk, and after a few meters the cuffs will be gone and you CAN be arrested by ANYONE. So rather then implementing this, I'd suggest bringing back that older idea as it was simply more realistic and more interesting.
  2. @skerdi said in Invisible road bump.: Its the first time that I heard of it, I tried it in gta and mta too, nothing happened. Probabbly it varies from gta versions I'm afraid that you're wrong. That is an actual thing that was there all the time, but we simply didn't notice, the older cars (Non modded ones) didn't get caught there, you simply could see the wheels freaking out a bit and that's all. It wasn't an issue, but since we have lower cars now, we can literally turn into some sort of bouncy balls and fly off in the distance before landing over the roof of some building. So we essentially didn't notice it due to a few reasons: 1- No one ever goes to RC. 2- When we do go there, we rarelly drive low modded cars so we don't notice the bump at all. 3- It is invisible, and you can sometimes blame lag for your crash so you won't even notice that it was due to that bump.
  3. @niceez said in MAKE SGT GREAT AGAIN: I'd like to suggest an improvement of Super GT. I think that the handling and the top-speed should be better on this car as it doesn't worth its own price for now. Now, here we go again. Everyone wants rockets. If you like rockets, this is your game, Space Engineers. If you like driving cars and enjoying it, stick to the speed that we have right now. In fact I even would suggest slowing down some of the newer cars. This topic literally pops up every 10 - 20 days, and literally gets the same response over and over. People, GTA:SA has a very tiny map, you do not need a rocket from Space Engineers to go from LS to SF. So please... No more. Also, there has been a topic already where I have already made a usefull improvement to SGT which was the damage taken from the impacts. It is now more resistant then it used to be, and even now I still consider it not a too much of a fair point, but this is a game after all, so it does make sense that the car shouldn't break THAT easily .
  4. First off, my excuses for the late response, I was away enjoying my vacation at the northern part of Spain with my girlfriend. Now, back on topic. @gengar said in [Suggestion]Groups: @starwars PC can do their role plays with police officer trainee spawn without any problems. Once again, I'm afraid I can not agree wth you. As I've already stated back in the older post, there are groups that are useless, but for an instance, PC has access to functions which are somewhat relevant to their role, and would be an authentic pain in the back if they would be allowed to general public. Medics do have access to "/r" even not being SAM, and that ALREADY causes some caos when a random player spawns and start breaking the role of the radio channel by spamming all kind of stuff in it. Imagine now that every russian and turkish trainee would have access to it. Spikes: PC can deploy spikes as well, also imagine three turkish or russian players deploying rows of spikes all around the map, like at LV X, the only ones who can remove them are themselves. Dog spawn: There are really few squads that have a dog with their spawn, I do regret not having TOO many handlers when I feel like roleplaying as a dog, but that's a unique thing that gives a nice add on to the game. (Imagine all the trainees spawned as dogs.) Detective spawn: Not to harming for the players, as you just spawn with a camera, and the trainees would essentially avoid it, but still it would be interesting to see trainees spawned as detectives, running around with their cameras without understanding that there's even a script for it. Difference between PC and Trainee: This in my opinion is the most important thing of them all. When you see a Pro Cop, generally speaking, (There are exceptions, some unfortunatelly still do behave as trainees) but you can trust him to offer you a good roleplay, or just to keep a nice and fair level of playing, they are stilll players, they obviously can break rules, but you're quite safer with a PC who will try at least to accomplish a roleplay and just keep things pretty much "Normal" rather then having to see a trainee or a "State Trooper" rolling up to you with a "PC" in their name (Many trainees back in the day used to do it) and just walking up to you and arresting you for 2 stars. When you see an actual ProCop, in MOST cases, he will try to keep it realistic, and GENERALLY won't act as an asshole. There you go, if you still consider PC a spawn that can be easily changed, sure... P.S : I consider that SAM should be the group that has access to "/r" and not just the general medic spawn as the general medics due MISSUSE it A LOT. (That's my opinion at least, if I see some "good" feedback on this last point, I'll create a suggestion and a poll to see if we can change that.)
  5. @gengar said in [Suggestion]Groups: I don't see a single reason why do we need ProCops group, with so many squads which recruit anyone that enjoys working as police officer and who does that job very good. I'm sure even starting squads would appreciate removal of PC, since they wouldn't have to meet requirement of certain number of PC officers in squad to level up. I cannot really agree with you, specially within the part that I quoted. You can't compare a squad to PC. PC has quite a few "unique" options for players that are in squads that they wouldn't have in their squad. Also you forget that PC is not just a way to spawn as a cop. It's intended to be a ROLEPLAYING group. Unlike swat for example that never roleplays, PC is supposed to be the complete OPPOSITE. You're not supposed to be the best cop by being in PC, you're supposed to roleplay within that group, and the group offers that pretty well to its members. Now on my full opinion about this topic, instead of removing groups, set a limit, it doesn't even need to be too strict, but in order to avoid people joining groups just to look cooler with a longer list of "I am so awesome I've been everywhere" set a limit. You can only be part of "X" groups. There you go, problem solved. When it comes to leadership of a group, I guess its pretty much the same as a G/S/C so you could probably implement some system in order to keep a group somewhat under control, I don't really think that you need to remove the spawns as some of the groups do accomplish an important role besides the few you named which I think then should be NO different at all to the rest of the groups. Why can CLO be considered more important than PC, or why should DE be considered more important than SAM? Both have quite a role, at least, that's what I see. I do agree that there are a few groups that are quite pointless, but from the ones you stated, I can't really agree with those. Back on topic now In my opinion what should be done is just making the official status of a group something more restrictive and more to the Useful category, rather than just having a few requisites that would make you official. Ill explain this: If for example a group is created with an interesting and influencing role, it can get official, as an example Ill assume we dont have DE, so a group pops up being the army, focused on roleplay, then yeah, sounds reasonable to have something like this as an official group. Then theres a group of BMX riders for example, they dont really accomplish a specific or determined role on the server, so they cannot get official. At least thats how I see this as a chance for it to work out. Now about the HQ teams in groups, yeah, forcing the HQ members to somehow take care of the group, filter the quality of the applicants, and keeping a reasonably clean group should be done, with inactive members out and so on. When it comes to players, on the other hand, Ive already stated a solution, set a limit, think about a reasonable limit for groups that youd enjoy to be in, and thats it, something like housing, you can only be in X groups, if youre in more than X groups youll be kicked from all and so on, that would quickly deal with the group collectors.
  6. The bump is still there... Bump to remove the bump?
  7. You really seem at this point to be ignoring straight ahead any of the arguments I've made, so I won't bother going any further then just a simple addition. This will make life harder for new g/s/c's and won't even be noticed by current level 5 orgs.
  8. Sorry.. I'll have to break my promess. WHY?, couldn't hold back.. I know, I know. I'm a terrible guy. Now once again... How will it improve teamwork if you're literally making them pass through over an over a thing which they've already accomplished. As I said, the squads that are level 5 now will mainly keep their levels even with such a thing implemented, it won't be easy for them but they will accomplish it without any issue at all. This would make any sort of new g/s/c nearly impossible. It's tough enough already, and there's no need to make it harder for them. I don't even see that this would rise in any way the activity, as the worst that could happen is that the players would simply get back with their squad once in a while, get to level 5 and forget about it.. So.. No. PS: I managed to avoid another "why", yey!
  9. Question. Why? Literally... Why? And again... Why? Now if getting serious on this matter. Going back to level 0 would be straight ahead stupid. Unless you can somehow implement things which can't be accomplished by any other way it's very pointless... If a g/s/c is level 5 they will almost instantly get re-ranked, and if they are inactive they won't even bother doing such a thing... When it comes to "respect" 0 points will help you. The only way to earn respect is by earning it between the players, not with some miserable points who will probably no one even care about. So, Last time I say this in this post, I promess... WHY?!
  10. First of... With this you literally allow trainees to do whatever they wish, and that's a no. Also when it comes to unwanted criminals, you can be disturbed by one if he literally just steps infront of you while you shoot. No. That's an absolute no. Also, if a criminal is driving and it's unwanted, another crim gets in with 42 stars and see you. Trainees ruinning roleplay, and another countless situations where killing someone is needed. Also teamfire is a positive thing, you need to be careful.
  11. No to all of those. SA map is essentially USA. There are some different counties, but you do not need a passport of each county to travel to any other. So no. There are already enough changes when it comes to guns, but, a weapons permit was a thing that got suggested quite a while ago by one of the scripters dev team (On the old forums, so can't quote) that he would create a police DB. (Database) which we could check and verify in order to see all the permits and so on. If I'm not wrong, he started working on it but never uploaded any progress updates, so it was either abandoned, or it's still in development. So, once again. No.
  12. If you try to play your own music, and not use a radiostation, do you know how to properly do it? Are you aware that just setting the youtube link won't work? If not, you have to convert the url in order for it to work. There are plenty of websites that work perfectly for that. If you are aware, I myself used to sometimes get some issues with the custom URLs, and the easiest way to fix it was trying with another url.
  13. A bump as this is still an issue, and there even wasn't a proper response regarding this.
  14. It sounds interesting at the same time as a bit weird. If this gets implemented it should be limited in some way, as an example. You should be able to do it only when a certain amount of the group/squad/company members are online. As an example. A GBR is only possible if there are more then 3 S/C members on. Also there should be an "important" cooldown to it, just for the case if a gang gets bored during the morning and starts raiding the same squad/company/group over and over just because they are easy. Adding rules to it and restricting it in controlled ways. I imagine, as soon as a GBR would start you would see 10 crims on drugs camping right at the spawn of the squad/group/company. Vaults should have different designs, and even have a chance to be added as a reward for level, if you get level 5 you can customize your vault. (It would not only make it harder for the criminals, but also add variety to it.) Limit of the people that are raiding. I imagine a mix of all sort of criminals (15 +) from different orgs raiding 3 players. If this ever gets implemented, it will have to be REALLY thinked through in order to avoid all kind of different possible abuses. It's a good idea though, but will have to be properly thought through.
  15. Granted, but your salary won't even be enough to buy food. I want to get a supercar.
  16. Granted, but it will constantly crash. I want to find a way to print real money from normal paper.
  17. Too young to even be here, I'll have to remind you, GTA SA is for +18.
  18. @rabygon said in Things I don't like (hate) about SAES: I am here to play and not do long applications for "immersion and realism". I'll start here and then go on about what I think. This shocked me as soon as I've seen it. Okay, you join a roleplay server which isn't even close to being serious and then start complaining how the people try to roleplay, by recreating proper recruitment just like it would be done in the real life, WHICH WE INTEND TO MIMIC. (That's what roleplay is, in case you didn't know <3) And now I'll start off like I didn't even mention the previous paragraph. Well, first of. You're crying about this being an RPG server, as soon as you HAVE to roleplay on an RPG server it instantly starts bothering you. A roleplay server is meant to be there for roleplay, if you get online, you're supposed to be UP for it. If you're not, that's not your place. When it comes to roleplay, everyone cries about how shitty it became and how bad everyone does. Have YOU ever stopped for a proper pull over, or tried to somehow interact with a player? We are most likelly forced to change our roleplays for people like you. "I don't want forced roleplays, It takes too long, it's boring, it's not fun" and so on. How can I roleplay with someone in a long term rp if as soon as I begin to actually start doing something I instantly get a "pls skip i gtg" or shit like that. You all prefer complaining before acting, if you want to improve the roleplays quality, start by yourself, instead of "avoiding" roleplay, look for it, try to extend it and not to shorten it. Then, you might get somewhere. Now when it comes to the leveling system. There are many ways to actually level on this server, many scripts are well developed and well done, the ones that lack something are actually for mostly due to either it's scripting (Too complicated or even in some cases impossible) or it's abusing. There were quite many scripts that had to be changed tue to abuses. When it comes to your complain about the "/sell" scripting. Why can't you just roleplay it yourself? You have all the tools for it. Use either a bind, or if you REALLY want to get into your character, use the "/me" and "/do" but as you stated at the beginning. HOW CAN YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT THE LACK OF ROLEPLAY, IF YOU START WITH WHAT I QUOTED? (In case if someone didn't notice at this point, I am really pissed off by this post, yeah.)
  19. @Filex It was never changed, just the new jails were implemented, and this one got reimplemented without that feature, due to someone simply forgetting it. cough, cough And about the cameras, you really think that you can walk into a prison yard without getting spotted..? Also, you will not be allowed inside of a jail no matter how much you want to talk with the trainees or the wardens. Not even if you USED to work in there, you're a civilian without authorization, which instantly turns you into a target.
  20. The movies Star Wars. Started as StarWarsFan, but then found that there was already one in SAES back in the day (around 2011), changed it to hal2 for that reason, then after a while decided to change it back to StarWars, instead of Starwarsfan.
  21. @Reacher Just so people could identify me easily, without having to make sure that I'm the right one. That's the only point in such a thing.
  22. @Reacher , @Reggi The point is not about how cool you might look with it, the point of the denial from my side was it is simply pointless. What's the point in using a signature? For what? What will it improve? How will it be better if a post can have 2 words but the signature would take half of the screen? Just think practically.
  23. There's no point in such a thing. For what? If you want to know more about a member just use his profile. Do you want having a 30 paragraph text of how cool he is in each post he makes? Just pointless.
  24. Not only that but also I'd like to remind you all that this USED to be a thing back when the jail was implemented and not moved at all. It was already a feature which no one used to complain about back in the day, it worked well and was good to have around. You can't just walk in a jail like nothing.
  25. So, this. I'm pretty sure I've already created a topic about this back in the days when we were on the old forums. But I guess it either got ignored and forgotten about, or it didn't even get to be seen by anyone. Anyway, back in the days of the old jail, you already got stars as soon as you got to this point here you already had the stars given. Now, it just doesn't happen...
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