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Everything posted by Patrol

  1. As the title says, i am looking for someone with excellent video editing / maker abilities, If you think you are good enough, contact me on discord DE will pay 20 Million $ ingame - DEHQ
  2. Justsomeane wont be able to join DE until 2026
  3. Official announcement from the Desert Eagles HQ team , Morning to you all, DEHQ would like to inform the community about the following changes within DE and some of our methods that will be implemented in the upcoming years.** Some of you might noticed that DE have had some updates in the past weeks. I will shorty mention the physical changes in-game : Complete removal of the group Military Civilians Components (MCC) due to the abusive time that required to be managed, excessive bureaucracy, DEHQ decided to completely remove the group from the community / game. Removal of some useless DE spawns such as General of the Army, so maybe more useful things can be added for the group. Major Naval Update : Naval base has been updated after 7/8 years, along with new spawns , vehicles and re organization of the naval branch of DE which i will explain below Implementation of the new DE Academy. NAVAL BRANCH : After years of struggling to manage 3 sub units within the group, and having more or less the same results with no long quality results, DEHQ Top Brass decided that it was time for a big change regarding the Naval Unit. Therefore we decided to take the following steps and changes: The Naval Unit is no longer an Unit that can be put in the same line as the Assault Unit or Airborne Unit. It is a complete new Branch, unique and separated from the main DE group. The Naval Branch now has its own Units, specific tasks, weapons and vehicles as well as an updated forum. This new Branch is separated from the main DE, basically making a split between DE and Naval DE. Naval DE will have its own small HQ team to manage their Branch, while the main DE will keep the same roster and leading type as always. The Naval Branch will only respond to DEHQ Top Brass aka the leader of DE, Vice Leader of DE and Chief of Staff ( Patrol, Bunny and Dyam Douglas) A new public DE topic is under development as well as a Naval one. Naval Branch Defense Objectives : Defending the San Andreas from any CLO attack. Sustaining Joint Force military advantages, together with the main Desert Eagles. Deterring adversaries from aggression against our vital interests. Defending allied groups such as HLS from military aggression and bolstering partners against coercion. Dissuading, preventing, or deterring state adversaries. Preventing terrorists from directing or supporting external operations against the United States homeland and our citizens, allies. RECRUITMENT CHANGES : DESERT EAGLES OF SAN ANDREAS - DESERT EAGLES NAVAL BRANCH After months of debating within the DEHQ team, we have made the following changes regarding the process of recruitment of DE /Naval. The amount of recruitment's per year has been reduced to only 2 in total. One recruitment will be for the main DE (A51) and the other one will be the Naval branch one ( E.Basin- SF) So only 2 recruitment's per year. Those who join the Naval Branch will not be allowed to change from Naval to the main DE one and vice versa. The Naval Branch will have its unique recruitment process with its own tests making a huge difference from the main one. The level of difficulty to join any of the DEs will be increased by at-least 40 % , meaning it will be harder to join. Recruitment's will still be announced through the main forums and at-least 1 month prior to the recruitment. CHANGES WITHIN THE "ACCEPTANCE" OF CRIMINAL RELATED MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY Those DE/DEN wannabes who are part of any criminal organization or criminal gang will have a harder time to join DE/DEN in order to preserve the essential status between CLO (crime) and DE (Cop) The official list of criminal organizations and gangs will be posted in the same new DE public topics in some weeks. We expect to enjoy these changes together with the community in order to make it as fun as possible for the players to have different choices to take. As well as improving Desert Eagles together with our hated and loved CLO.. script wise/*group wise and communication wise bringing constant updates and improvements in-game. That is all for now, DEHQ Top Brass : General of the Army, SAES>Patrol L General of the Army, SAES>Bunny VL Chief of Staff, Dyam Douglass CoS DEHQ Team : Special Forces - Colonel Tayber Assault Unit - Brigadier IG882266 -BRANCH -> Naval - Admiral Strong Airborne Unit - Air Marshal Xtrade DEMA - Commander Crash
  4. You people amaze me, how can you possibly like having a sunny / day all the times , it's been like that for years and y'all still like it. It's about dam time they changed it, and now the weather / feeling of having something different than sunny 24/7 during the whole year is amazing. Plus it is very cool to see the server on its peak activity during night time , so quit complaining you godam scrubz
  5. yes i suggested something like this one year ago !, please make it !
  6. @Hesha said in Gang Races Event: @Element said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT). Your in-game nick: Element. Drivers nick: @Dudi Have you understood how the event works? Yes. We should let @Patrol drive, he is the best driver in saes (if we wanna finish last) yess let me drive !!!!
  7. "Our gang is composed by trusted players of this community" - New generation gangs 2018/2019
  8. merry xmas lads
  9. @Slaine @Kain @Sam-B
  10. congrats !
  11. Yea, 2012s CLO island was probably the best one they had, but if i am right they (noobs) lost the mapping of it .... right @Tombaa but yea more "rp" places like that should be added
  12. Well i do not really care bout the LWS thing but, i believe that one of the joys of the server for a new player is to be able to see them events being hosted in the first dim.. . it makes it more alive (server wise) lets just say
  13. ofc criminals gonna support the removal of it and cops to keep it, whats the point lol Criminals still manage to do long ass JBs with that little shit corridor
  14. DESERT EAGLES RECRUITMENT RESULTS (2018) Gentlemen, After a long discussion within DEHQ members, we would like to congratulate the following players who will be joining the Desert Eagles ranks (Recruit/MA). Some of you were petty close to join, but many of you still need more time to prove yourselves within the community and show true interest towards the group. Do not stop trying, and do your best ! Recruits ---> @JohnPrice / @Access / @Benny Cadet ---> @Lily / @Ramby / @DJ0 / @Filippo Players named above will recieve a PM discord/forums and must await for orders ingame ( You will not be added ASAP, might take some days) That is all for now, DEHQ Team : TopBrass General of the Army , SAES>Patrol General of the Army , SAES>Bunny Unit Leaders Special Forces , Colonel Tayber Assault Unit , Major IG2288 Airborne Unit , Marshall Xtrade Naval Unit , Admiral Strong MCC , Major Crash SAESRPG 2018
  15. thats amazing, bout time !
  16. This has been suggested loads of times, and i believe GM was working on it years ago but never got any official statement bout it, but yea, there should definitely be more levels for squads and gangs
  17. dam ! forgot bout those!
  18. Money given, heli still needs to be added
  19. why does it need to be little shops ? you could make idk, some specific area, urban area etc !" but yes pls, change them
  20. I did not know him that much unfortunately, had some fun moments with him in-game tho, much respect SF-RIP
  21. Xflow teached me the basics of the game that dude is long gone now (inactive)
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