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Everything posted by Patrol

  1. @master-chief Because he failed the tests
  2. Gentlemen, After a long discussion within DEHQ members, we would like to congratulate the following players who will be joining the Desert Eagles ranks (Recruit/MA). Some of you were petty close to join, but many of you still need more time to prove yourselves within the community and show true interest towards the group. Do not stop trying, and do your best ! Elegant Niceez Flex Dudi Dom Ted Element Quiz MrTheBank Ramos Players named above will recieve a PM discord/forums and must await for orders ingame ( You will not be added ASAP, might take some days) There are still some people in the list but DEHQ is still unsure about their possible membership, if you are one of them you might get pmed the following days. That is all for now, DEHQ Team : TopBrass Major General of the Army , SAES>Patrol General of the Army , SAES>Bunny Chief of Staff , SAES>Kain Unit Leaders Special Forces , Colonel Tayber Assault Unit , Major J!6 Airborne Unit , Marshall Deu Naval Unit , Admiral Crash Desert Eagles wishes you a great summer time ! SAESRPG 2018
  3. Definintely cool. !!
  5. "Don't you forget that you're a DE member ! Not all the cuban communists in Hell can overrun you!" -- Major General Bmaster, in reference to the Battle Of Las Venturas. After discussing it with the rest of the Desert Eagles command[DEHQ] , it has been decided that the Desert Eagles will be looking for new recruits in order to improve its size and help us in our constant/never ending and challenging battles against country enemies, including the Cuban Liberation Organization and other terrorist organizations. -=(red,orange)THE RECRUITMENT WILL TAKE PLACE THE FIRST SATURDAY OF JULY (SATURDAY 7TH JULY)=- -=(maroon,green)THE RECRUITMENT WILL HAPPEN AT 18:00 INGAME TIME=- Admin messages will be made during and a few minutes before the recruitments to give you further instructions. We suggest you come no more, but no less than 25 minutes in advance. Anyone arriving late will NOT be able to join the recruitment. The details of tests you will have to go through will not be disclosed until the recruitment. You may prepare for our traditional tests including parachute or Team Death Match. You should come to the recruitment spawned as a civilian with no weapons. Good luck to all candidates and see you there! The DEHQ team General of the Army, SAES>Patrol General of the Army, SAES>Bunny Colonel Tayber Air Marshal Deu lMajor J!6 Admiral.Crash
  6. Happy birthday to the maximum BONER! I want community to deathmatch him as much as possible if he gets ingame today !!
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