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Everything posted by Patrol

  1. Hello everyone Today i come here with a question for everyone in the community. After a long and hatred debate within the SAES Clan chats, many Clan members do disagree .. others do it ... some think it is retarded.... so we decided to take this discussion one step futher and take it to the community ! @SAES-Member
  2. @Bartman missclick for sure ! i will never achieve your amazing abilities to "bEcOkMe tHe cAr "
  3. Hello everyone, As you all probably know, today Desert Eagles Recruitment took place, but due to some problems with the script we have decided to halt todays recruitment. Many people got bugged ( targets not appearing, not warping to the tests etc) We understand that it is unfair for those who did pass the driving part or the parachuting part, but we cannot be making exceptions for each and one of you, else it will be a mess for us. Therefore, due to the unforseen problems with the script, we have decided SPLIT the recruitment in 2 small recruitments , with 2 different dates for those who cant come to the first one since we do understand that some people postponed irl matters for this recruitment and wont be able to attend it next week. : same timing. DE NEW POSTPONED RECRUITMENT DATES : ~[SUNDAY 5TH OF JULY - 18:00 INGAME TIME]~(blue) ~[WEDNESDAY 8TH OF JULY - 19:00 INGAME TIME]~(green) ~[THOSE WHO CAME TO THE FIRST RECRUITMENT (5th) WILL BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE SECOND RECRUITMENT IF THEY FAILED]~(red) Recruitments will go through the same way. The recruitment is directly connected to both units Assault and Airborne unit. Admin messages will be made during and a few minutes before the recruitments to give you further instructions. We expect everyone to come to the gates of DE base before the recruitment starts You should come to the recruitment spawned as a civilian with no weapons. Good luck to all candidates and see you there , and again sorry for the inconvenience DEHQ Top Brass Team: General Of the Army Patrol General Dyam Douglass DEHQ Team Colonel Absent Air Marshal Hassoni Admiral Scorpyo Brigadier IG29989/Payne Brigadier Crash Major Terry
  4. happy bday you little cunt !
  5. happy birthday to the best !1!!!!!
  6. If a GM bases his opinion on friendships (teddys statement) and basically if he likes u or not, he should not even be GM. Thats a first but yes i agree with the teddybear
  7. sad to see you go mate, make sure to pop online from time to time just to say hellu ;DD
  8. happy birthday to the best ! have a nice one
  9. @pinkyyytinkyyy said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT - 2020: PINKYYYTITS 4 DE, BUT YEAH, THE THING IS I DONT LIKE PIGGYS, I JUST REALLY WANNA FLY SEXY PLANES AND CLO WONT HAVE ME! XD DE does not want you either @Teddy said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT - 2020: @Yoko_Kurama said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT - 2020: @Teddy don't you want to go back? Good luck Only if DE introduces a dog spawn so @Groove can continue to stick around me oh yes @Bodo420 said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT - 2020: btw DE , can you replace this monkey in your rec @alex0107 , thanks Impossible, he is a very useful member
  10. @Cappo said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT - 2020: @Patrol said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT - 2020: After seeing the recent rise on criminal, terrorist and the continuous attacks of land pirates within the territory of San Andreas nice, 3 more recruitments to go (till 5)
  11. After seeing the recent rise on criminal, terrorist and the continuous attacks of land pirates within the territory of San Andreas, DEHQ Central Command has decided it is time to recruit new meat onto our lines. It will be a big recruitment, to help us combat the up coming challenges against organized crime, CLO and SAP. ~[The recruitment is directly connected to both units Assault and Airborne unit.]~(red) THE RECRUITMENT WILL TAKE PLACE THE SUNDAY 28TH OF JUNE THE RECRUITMENT WILL HAPPEN AT 18:00 PM INGAME TIME Admin messages will be made during and a few minutes before the recruitments to give you further instructions. We expect everyone to come to the gates of DE base before the recruitment starts The details of tests you will have to go through will not be disclosed until the recruitment. You may prepare for our traditional tests including parachute or Team Death Match. You should come to the recruitment spawned as a civilian with no weapons. Good luck to all candidates and see you there! DEHQ Top Brass Team: General Of the Army Patrol General Dyam Douglass DEHQ Team Colonel Absent Air Marshal Hassoni Admiral Scorpyo Brigadier IG29989/Payne Brigadier Crash Major Terry
  12. Happy birthday tutifruti powertuti! have a nice one !
  13. Best: @Patrol, @Donna, @Patrol Worst: @Brophy, @Tombaa, @Ronseal
  14. @MarksMan i suggest you go online and check tab, im sure you can see the crim / cop side ratio, and i am sure there is a reason that all cops are "crying " as you call it
  15. I cannot really tell if you are just blind or just joking around. Your post is so wrong in so many ways i cant comprehend how can someone think those are real key factors lol Teamwork : You would be surprised how much "teamwork" there is between cops, we talk a lot in the squad chat, specially during BRs and JBs where we fail most of the times. BR Rambo : Oh yes thats why the cop side has succesfully stop every single BR for the last 4 months (sarcasm) -Taser : Taser is not OP at all, and no distance is not that op. -Nighstick : Does not work like that but ok -Tankspray : Oh excuse me poor criminal, your side has around 200 members on peak times and cop side when they barely hit 30 and use a "retard" vehicle that has all rights to be used it is considered retarded plus OP. Hitting guy with car : most criminals will either start complaining on the chat or report the cop. All the things mentioned above have literally no effect or are key factors on the cop side. Cop side is +++++++ not because some silly things such as the ones mentioned above, but more due to the gameplay aspect of the cop side, as teddy well said on another post, its all about gameplay , we cops rely on everthing that a criminal does ingame, we have no new "jobs" apart from the usual BR, JB , arrest and VIP . So it all about gameplay aspects and nothing todo with the team work etc. I could quote Teddys post here , because he is dam right about everything. And considering that post was made by our autistic kid Teddy, it is hard to believe but he is right Now regarding this topic : Increasing jail time will not help the cop side, since it has no effect on us whatsoever Increasing the time between SRs will have no effect on us cops, since the more SRs the more "things we can do as cops", we need the opposite, more constant jobs on the map. Only thing where i see some sense is the Jail Break system, where things could be changed to be more "equal", such as the new jail that some people were working on
  16. @Teddy regarding the spawn without permission and the afk rules , as soon as i came back from my 3 month inactivity i removed those rules - just to clarify
  17. mmmmm i am not really in favour of kill arrest on the whole map, but may be in some specific areas such as turfs could be nice, but the arresting with the nightstick / taser is what makes the cop side kinda special compared to many other ser+++
  18. noob
  19. Added Dodo at C Base, locked to 'halloween741'
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