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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. -Ranger -EL_kebeer
  2. Involved SAI members: Trooper Jari Aarnio Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: Criminals and Citizens in San Andreas Date, time and duration of activity: 5.9.2019, Couple hours in the evening. Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: Trooper Jari Aarnio had very action-packed evening. I succesfully pulled over five different criminals while i was patrolling in Las Venturas. I heard most unique explanations from criminals breaking the law, One drove over a dog and got 40 star-wanted level for that, one civilian had escaped from mental hospital etc... Also i set up my speedtrap in Las Venturas and caught many people for driving over the speedlimit, there were still too many to catch all of them by myself. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/jIuCSVP :::
  3. Involved SAI members: Trooper Jari Aarnio Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: San Andreas cititzens Date, time and duration of activity: 4.9.2019, 1 hour at the evening Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: Trooper Jari Aarnio set up some speedtraps at the evening and pulled over people who were driving dangerously or over the speed limit. Some of the situations ended up to gunfire but i succesfully managed to deal with most of the cases. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/BOVYUGV :::
  4. 6m
  5. Involved SAI members: Trooper Jari Aarnio and Commissioner Ardron Dawson. Responsible SAI Teams involved: - Other involved people: Henry Date, time and duration of activity: 1.9.2019 approx. 12.00-13.00 Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: Trooper Jari Aarnio was on his morning shift and kept the San Andreas as safe place by patrolling at the highways. Later at the noon also Comissioner Ardron Dawson joined to patrol and we managed to make much effort together, for example we pulled over Henry because he was speeding with hes truck and we did check hes driving license and vehicle registration. Everything was okay so this time we only gave him warning and let him go to do hes work. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/027eBGw :::
  6. I would not touch the arms prices since "old" players a.k.a those who already has money enough to buy almost anything does not even need ammo's, because those people are mainly in squads / gangs. So only new players would have even harder to start the game.
  7. How about worth of drugs/arms sold in $ ? same for civilian side, pizzaboy's and Cluckin bell ?
  8. Torille !
  9. Address:apartment 17 lv complexsouth Account name: 0hamouda Last seen: 19th july 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7Exj5B1
  10. Address:apartment 31 lv complexsouth Account name: star2000 Last seen: 19th july 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TIUqYHx
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