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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. @Ghost722nd said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: The real problem is that players don't have enough ways to spend their money for. We need more "money drains" which make sense. For instance furniture/stuff for owned interiors just to throw an idea into. Excatly, imo planes and helis should be also buyable but for "ridiculous" prices like maverick 150m etc. that would decrease money from the richest people but they also get something for it. Also server's super cars etc prices should be increased. Then it still would be pretty same for new players to get their first cars etc so newbies wont suffer from this.
  2. @SideSwipe Yeah if we talking that MI6 where Ranger was leader and El_kebeer was vL.
  3. These comments tells excatly why there should be button for it, those who hates it can disable it but they also can toggle it back if fog is needed in roleplays etc. And those who like it can turn it off for roleplays and during bankrobs for example. (Its annoying af when you are inside building and there is fog)
  4. And btw , why "disable clouds" is named like that since it removes other "sky effects" too like visible moon and stars. shouldnt it be named something like "disable sky effects" xd
  5. So as @Tut-Greco said in fog removal: got tired of fog? i made a mod that removes the effect, enjoy installation navigate to model folder in game dir, commonly found in Local disk (C:) > Programs (x86) > Steam > Steamapps > common > Grand theft auto san andreas > models drop the file in there and replace the original file. please back up the old one before proceeding to do so. NOTE: this only removes the clouds, not the distant fog. the distant fog is caused by the draw distance, which you can increase by using this mod. if your file is already modded, send it over to me on Discord Corder RS #3423 and i'll add it for you :) I was thinking that this would be nice to have in "m">"Options", like there is "Disable clouds" (Maybe named Disable fog) If its just possible to program there. I dont personally know anything about programming games. --link removed Tut
  6. Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: Paina F1 ja lue snnt kohdan #Server Rules# alla. Do not avoid arrest: l vlt pidtetyksi tulemista epreiluilla keinoilla. Do not Deathmatch: l vahingoita muita pelaajia tai heidn omaisuutta ilman syyt. No not Deathmatch Emergency: l vahingoita palokunta- tai ensiaputiimi. Do not kill cop who is not chasing: l tapa poliisia, joka ei jahtaa sinua. Do not dm unwanted criminals: l vahingoita rikollisia, joilla ei ole wanted-leveli. Do not attack cops in hospital: l hykkk poliisin kimppuun sairaalalla. Do not attack criminals in hospital: l hykk rikollisten kimppuun sairaalalla. Do not marker kill in bankrob: l tapa ovien suuaukoilla pankkirystss. Speak english in the mainchat: Puhu Englantia mainchatiss. FINNISH
  7. Any other bids ? this is gonna end today 21.00 or 5minutes after last bid.
  8. @Radrick i think this is illegal bid, Joe already said in this same auction to Radrick that min bid is 10% or 1m :P
  9. Starting at 5m again, everyone failed to redeem this. its not named " lv customs car shop" but its only icon in that building so lets see new bids
  10. tetrachlorethylene
  11. 17,5 are you in your profile pic? if yes, are you that chicken ?
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