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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. @Cruz find me in game
  2. Closing 6.4. 16.00 server time
  3. @Mor thats cool man, maybe ask fbi guys about that instead of me ? or am i wrong if i can make this call then you are accepted
  4. BUMP , Go and see this house ingame, it really has one of the best locations in vinewood. ps. Trades may be possible.
  5. Maybe some oldschool 911 etc but not this shit, ugliest porsche evermade after 90's boxster. And it should replace comet, not banshee. Comet is orginally more like porsche and i think banshee is meant to look like viper etc ? And imo Comet is already cool. So i vote no this time.
  6. and icon is business icon, not house one. if someones asking. Income not big.
  7. So whole building has only 1 housing icon and its for sale now. Starting at 5m. SS: ::: :::
  8. I remove starting bid so i can see what people are ready to pay for this.
  9. Richman house with one of the best views in Vinewood. -Gas station and atm 100meters away. -big balcon -carspawn Start at 10m. Screenshots : ::: :::
  10. yea i understand that, but i think that u should think my 5m offer if you dont get any bigger ones :)
  11. I see your point, but only way to fix that is we all need to invite our friends to server to play with us (EDIT: i forgot that i dont have friends)
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